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It's today then ... (Trump thread)


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50 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

I guess the logic is just following the tried and tested method of picking something Obama did and undoing it, right?

Pretty much.

He has an irrational hatred of Obama. It also plays well to his more rabid supporters.

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Honourable discharge seems to be what one representative from Missouri is pushing for, whereas John McCain is saying that anybody who is transgender and already serving will be unaffected, so seems to be a case of one hand not knowing what the other is doing which is hardly a suprise

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From what I've seen today, his supporters are now falling over themselves to label it a mental illness, which is exactly how it's categorised in Russia (where transgendered people are barred from driving as a result).

I'd love to take a random Trumpster, sit them in a room away from TV and the Internet, and ask them what their position is on a list of issues. Because most of them only seem to start believing in anything once their orange messiah has set the tone.

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4 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

 seems to be a case of one hand not knowing what the other is doing which is hardly a suprise

Maybe one hand grabbed a pussy, the other a cock and it was all too much.

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11 minutes ago, chokeout said:

Conservative estimates seem to be a lot lower than that, around 3-4000. What would actually happen to them? Would they be honourably discharged? It's a shit storm waiting to happen because there's no way the lawsuits won't start piling up for discrimination. 

He's not that bothered about human rights in fairness, he'll just call them fake news with his hands.

I really don't know how the legal system works in the US, when it comes to actually changing laws. If the lawsuits do indeed start piling up, what will it realistically take for him to quash them with one foul fart?

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Transgendered people have a mental illness was a view I'd never really heard expressed until I heard Milo Yianopolous going on about it on Joe Rogan's podcast. I'm sure he wasn't the first person to ever express that view but it's part of that whole alt-right, meninist, anti-Muslim, anti-social justice stuff. 

I'm ashamed that I was actually swayed but some of the alt-right talking points around the "regressive left" and "social justice warriors" and how leftists are trying to suppress freedom of speech with all their political correctness for a hot minute a while back. 

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4 minutes ago, SpursRiot2012 said:


I'm ashamed that I was actually swayed but some of the alt-right talking points around the "regressive left" and "social justice warriors" and how leftists are trying to suppress freedom of speech with all their political correctness for a hot minute a while back. 

I remember it well, having "Libertarian" on your Twitter bio made me sad.

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1 minute ago, Keith Houchen said:

I remember it well, having "Libertarian" on your Twitter bio made me sad.

Indeed. The perils of the echo chamber. I hear one or two people on a podcast who, on the surface, I find myself agreeing with. Then I follow them on Twitter. The retweet some stuff, you follow the people who've been retweeted and before I knew it I'm following a hundred alt-right twats. I've gone probably too far the other way now. My timeline is pure Corbynistas and hardcore Remainers half the time, which is even worse now that a lot of Remainers have turned on Corbyn. 

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Yeah, it's really interesting how you don't realise you're being sucked into it!  I follow a few people who consider TERF to be a slur and unfollowed some people who turned out to be massive transphobes.  That's the beauty of left Twitter, there is always groups beefing.  Sure right Twitter is the same.

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4 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

Yeah, it's really interesting how you don't realise you're being sucked into it!  I follow a few people who consider TERF to be a slur and unfollowed some people who turned out to be massive transphobes.  That's the beauty of left Twitter, there is always groups beefing.  Sure right Twitter is the same.

Apparently so. There are, I have read, a lot of libertarian types who sort of identified with the alt-right types and they all got on just fine pre-election but some of the libertarian types are now pissed because they see a lot of people in their "movement" who are actually basically white supremacists and they don't like it. 

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7 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

Yeah, it's really interesting how you don't realise you're being sucked into it!  I follow a few people who consider TERF to be a slur and unfollowed some people who turned out to be massive transphobes.  That's the beauty of left Twitter, there is always groups beefing.  Sure right Twitter is the same.

Pah, "right" twitter. "Light" twitter is more like it. I hear Gab is the place to be now if you're a real piece of shit.

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I actually went and had a look at Gab a few weeks back when Twitter introduced their 12 hour suspensions for "potentially abusive behaviour." I kept getting caught by their algorithm but it would often be when I used swear words in a tweet directed at somebody, but not nessercarily swearing at that person. 

Gab is a real cesspool though. I stayed about five minutes. I actually got an email from the site this week asking for a donation. 

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4 minutes ago, Sergio Mendacious said:

I got my one suspension for the same reason, although it was for swearing at a right wing pundit. Was odd, I've said worse things to rw checkmark accounts just today.

I think they've loosened the algorithm up a bit in recent weeks. I was getting caught up in it every couple of days for a few weeks there. 

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