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It's today then ... (Trump thread)


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15 hours ago, Sergio Mendacious said:

Yes, you're right, people ARE terrible.

Is it that simple? Are people that easily lead?

He's just ramped up US sanctions against North Korea. How does that play across the rest of the world? Will other nations follow suit? Is he just posturing?

Its bizarrely fascinating. In some ways you can't take him seriously. Yet, surely the play he's making at this level. Has to be watched with a keen and worried eye. This isn't a despot leader of a small nation. He's president of the US.


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It's funny how the only people who "say it like it is" and "talk to people's hearts, not their heads" are mad bigots and racists, though. You never hear that sort of wording used to describe anyone else.

It's easy to forget just how divided America is. There are people who get their news solely from sources that are pro-Trump, who only speak to other Trump supporters, who have a social media network full of nothing but pro-Trump stuff. There are white people in America that genuinely believe that black people are just given free college tuition, that they're given hand-outs and preferential treatment just for being black - none of this happens. But so many believe it happens that, yeah, someone like Donald Trump can come along and play those people like fiddles. It's got nothing to do with him being anti-intellectual, and only a little bit to do with "political correctness", it has everything to do with America having an awful lot of white people with an ignorance of their own history, and who are used to decades of everything going their way, who are now confronted with the prospect of having to share their toys, and that scares people. When you start life from a relatively privileged position, anyone else getting a foot on the ladder can feel like they're trying to pull you down - when you've always had all the marbles, having to share them feels like an affront.

That's not to say that everybody voting for Trump did so from a position of privilege, or that all white people in America are privileged, a sizeable chunk of Trump's supporters are poor white folk with few prospects (though not as many as stereotypes would have you believe; it's just easier for the media to paint all his supporters as ignorant rednecks than to confront why intelligent, moneyed people would vote for Donald Trump). They're in the same position as the white working class in Britain after New Labour, or the working class and poor under MacDonald's government in the '30s - they feel that they've been let down, and that the people they're supposed to be able to rely upon to help them have abandoned them; so they turn to the next alternative. Some of them might explicitly blame immigration or other races or whatever else for their lot in life, and vote for the person who promotes that view, some might have just thought, "Well, fuck it, he's something different, and things can't get any worse for me, so I'll vote for a change" - a change is pretty much the easiest thing to convince people to vote for, if they feel they're already in a shitty situation. Something that the political establishment massively missed the mark on with Trump's election, and in the Brexit campaign, is figuring that people would vote to continue the status quo - but when the status quo has left you with a heightening cost of living and no appreciable increase in wages, why on Earth would you do that?


tl;dr - people vote for the likes of Trump because they feel scared, they feel abandoned, or they feel like they have nothing left to lose. Or because they agree with everything he says. But I prefer not to think about the latter too much.

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How can people be so ill informed? It doesn't take two minutes to find evidence that he tells a pack of lies. Why would anyone want to accept the nonsense that comes out of his mouth as the truth. Is it really better to swallow the cool aid than live the reality? 

Is this what being drunk or on drugs is like? Listening to and believing in this lunatic. I can't even figure out what could possibly be appealing about any of the ridiculous points he raises. Or empty promises he makes. 

He forgets that his wife is standing next him!

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I’ll give you a breakdown when I’m back at a computer. Didn't realize it was that opaque.


He's sick with the diabetes, and his leg is scheduled to come off, and his treatment means that he hasn't had time to do any 'fact checking'. This last bit is bollocks, as he states that he's swallowed the 'fake news' narrative whole, and he'll only listen to media that hasn't be slated as 'fake news', so that's most of the mainstream media out of the window. The only reason he's listening to Daniel Dale is because he doesn't know anything about The Toronto Star, a pretty liberal publication.

Hannity and Tucker are shitty Fox News journalists, and Levin, Beck, Savage and Rush (Limbaugh) are shitty talk radio hosts.

Basically, this bloke is in a total conservative media bubble, and Daniel Dale temporarily popped it, and gave him a chance to see that the right-wing narrative isn't the one and only truth. Seems like it was a shock.

Edited by Sergio Mendacious
Transatlantic gap
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Thanks for the clarification. I was finding it difficult to understand. I guess that says it all about Trump voters.

I am shocked that people like that actually feel and believe that a narrow band information stream is an appropriate method of gaining a viewpoint on what is happening in the world. 

Why and how has this phenomenon manifested into a vote bank that Trump was able to ride into the Whitehouse?

Are people truly happy to be fed and believe what amounts to nothing more than hot air? I can't understand why anyone would see Trump as a leader who is worthy of their vote and support. By even deftly scratching beneath the surface. It's clear to see the monstrous and destructive nature of the prat. How, in any way, is that fool worthy of his position?

Edited by BigJag
Damn autocorrect
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Most people who have voted for Trump have voted for him because he is basically them at their worst, doing and saying all the things they themselves wanted to do and say.

As Terry Pratchett said: "People don't want news, they want olds." They don't want to learn anything new, they simply want their uninformed opinions and gut-feelings confirmed by someone official. This can be true of the left as well as the right. The American far-right are currently like pigs in shit, because Trump and his gang have, with the "fake news" epithet that they throw around with abandon, given them an excuse to keep sticking to their ignorant opinions and their "reckons" without ever having to question them. They want the narrow-band information stream.

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That is so true!

 Makes me so angry. Can we slap some sense into these people?

Sports champions are now turning down the customary visit to the Whitehouse. Another success for Donnie.

Edited by BigJag
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The Trump thing is interesting though, because on one hand his bullish ways could be seen as being arrogant and he has made some blunders in some of the things he has said, but then you do wonder whether he will go through with some of the things he is saying, North Korea being an example of the whole 'We will destroy them'

I think we are in an age where people have had enough of politicians spinning and blaming everything on each other so people opt for the likes of Trump because he says it how it is and people see that as its better the devil you know kind of thing.

The whole North Korea thing is interesting though....what would have Obama done? And if he did nothing would North Korea be acting this way? 

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1 hour ago, BigJag said:

He pretty much said that he was prepared too murder the North Korean People. His attempts at diplomacy are ludicrous. There is absolutely nothing to admire about the idiot. How have we gotten to this?

That's where he instantly becomes undone. He's never going to "destroy" North Korea or whatever other ludicrous term he wants to throw around. NK has a population of about 25million, there's no way he is nuking them in some sort of dick swinging genocide, he'll have China to deal with if he even contemplates it

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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30 minutes ago, BigJag said:

Exactly. If we plebs can see that. Why is he in the position he is in? This has yo be some sort of sick dumb joke that is being played on us. It has to be.

It’s democracy. Unfortunately, democracy doesn’t always yield the result everyone wants. 

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