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Minor PPVs that don't deserve a thread *Spoilers*


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I think the reason everybody turned on Cena was because he'd managed to get over with that Doctor Of Thugonomics stuff, where he did those battle raps that were cutting, but really clever with it. Then one week he comes out and does that horribly saccharine one about how beautiful Stephanie McMahon is and it destroyed everything he'd been working towards. When he was out cutting the rap promo on the Rock right before Mania the whole crowd popped for him again, and he delivered one of those scorching rap promos. Nowadays I think as mentioned before it's part of the whole shtick for Cena, like chanting You Suck along with Angle's music became the done thing, but when he won that 16th world title at the rumble everybody cheered for him.


If Reigns had won that rumble where he eliminated all those guys instead of Batista, or done more than trot out at number 20-whatever it was and win in such a stupid fashion the year he did win the Rumble it may have gone better. I always felt like he was coasting early in his proper singles run because he knew he was the guy Vince had picked, but I also get the feeling somebody's had words, whether that be Vince, Hunter, Rock, Cena or anybody and told him he has to up his workrate. I enjoy him now. It annoys me when they have to cut the crowd noise to try and hide all the heat he gets when he comes out because he's improved massively over the past year or so. It's all falling into place for him now. I think new music and maybe slightly different attire might help as well, as some people might feel like he's still trying to cash in on the Shield's success.

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Reigns is an odd for me, his in ring is cracking and he gets 'it'. However his character is so conflicted, I don't get him.


And that's not his fault, he has been booked awfully, like some low grade Rock.


I do believe he would make a cool as fuck heel, and looking back to Rollins' turn, it could have been a completely different story if it were Reigns.


I don't believe people are booing Reigns himself, they're booing the booking. I mean having him come at 30 this years Rumble, Jesus, way to pile, knowingly, a load of shit on the guy!

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I though that "I'm not a good guy, I'm not a bad guy, I'm the guy" shit was awful. Felt really contrived. Especially when Cole was parroting it as well on commentary.

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The very first time he said that (the Raw after WrestleMania?), it was brilliant. His delivery was spot on and he came across extremely cocky. He was acting very heelish, especially the way he was being dismissive of Sami Zayn. Then as you say, they started hammering the 'THE guy' thing too much and he was still booked as a typical blue eye.

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Reigns is disliked because nobody can buy into whatever character he is trying to portray himself as, has he even got a proper character? He is using the Shields music still, hasn't changed his look or attire, comes across like he reads off a script and despite having great matches and some good finishers he is far from a face when you put a microphone to his mouth.


Problem is if they turned him heel he would have to change the way he wrestles and even his finishers to an extent. Reigns is a guy who has the face move set which I think the fans can buy into and should do, but isn't good enough on the mic so the fans take a dislike.


One thing I will say about Reigns though is that he does have that aura and charm of a superstar when you actually meet him, its just a shame that he cannot be his natural self on the mic and that he reads from a script. 

Edited by Briefcase
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The very first time he said that (the Raw after WrestleMania?), it was brilliant. His delivery was spot on and he came across extremely cocky. He was acting very heelish, especially the way he was being dismissive of Sami Zayn. Then as you say, they started hammering the 'THE guy' thing too much and he was still booked as a typical blue eye.


This is probably my favourite Reigns moment ever. The face he pulled when Zayn said he wanted a title shot was tremendous heel work. He's gonna be an incredible heel someday if they ever decide to turn him.

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After that promo on Raw, surely Goldberg is winning the belt? Him promising his wife and kids that he's winning it, then not winning it, just wouldn't fit right tbh.


Even with Joe for instance interfering, Goldberg would look daft after his promise, plus he'll more than likely not be able able to get revenge either as he's already locked into face Lesnar next. Unless Brock interferes, but surely that wouldn't work either as he wants the belt.


I still see quite a few people who think Owens is retaining.

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The very first time he said that (the Raw after WrestleMania?), it was brilliant. His delivery was spot on and he came across extremely cocky. He was acting very heelish, especially the way he was being dismissive of Sami Zayn. Then as you say, they started hammering the 'THE guy' thing too much and he was still booked as a typical blue eye.


This is probably my favourite Reigns moment ever. The face he pulled when Zayn said he wanted a title shot was tremendous heel work. He's gonna be an incredible heel someday if they ever decide to turn him.


The trouble is, he'll be far less effective as a heel if he is actually a heel. The whole "don't tell me what to do, Vince, you're not my real dad" element disappears once Vince wants them to cheer Seth Rollins or Big Cass or whoever against Roman. 

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It presents an interesting dynamic going into the match. Lesnar could get involved, but if he does so would he want to screw Goldberg out of the title, or help Goldberg win it so he can finagle his way into a title shot at Mania?


Likewise if Jericho is going to intervene would he want to cost Owens the title, or help him retain so he can hopefully challenge at Mania?


Throw in the potential involvement by HHH and we've got a lot of possibilities for tomorrow's main event.

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Jericho has to be involved in screwing Owens out of the title, but then if Goldy ploughed through Brock easily enough then it should be piss easy for him to beat a twat like Owens fairly handily without any assistance. They've sort of booked themselves into a corner in a way. 

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HHH was seen having a natter with Owens on the episode he turned on Jericho and there does seem to be an unspoken connection between Owens and HHH/Joe.

It'd be an improvement on the previous Authority faction for sure, but I'd rather something more imaginative for tomorrow night.

Have no idea what to expect really just hope it's good, Goldberg matches are fairly wildcard territory, especially now. Could be fucking amazing, a total farce or anything in between. Either way I think the smoke n mirrors have to be on point.

Edited by sj5522
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