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Minor PPVs that don't deserve a thread *Spoilers*


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I guess the shock of hearing the music drawing attention away, turning back then having to restart the count is the logical explanation they'd go for. 

Like when you're counting something and someone slams a door behind you, jolts you, automatically turn to check then realise you've lost count (or in their case, did Priest put his arm up in the mean time). 

Its a flawed trope but done well it isn't the worst thing, difference is its hardly ever done well. 

A heel ringing the bell early to distract however usually goes quite well so maybe there's hope. 

Still can't believe there isn't a single injury coming out of the women's Money in the Bank match, some of the spots were insane and it seemed like everyone was trying to one up themselves on who could brain themselves on a ladder edge throughout. 

Stratton backstage with Trish was interesting too. Potential SummerSlam match to put more shine on Tiffy Time and get some added media out of a Trish apperance? 

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I guess they went for the triple threat as they didn't want Seth losing clean, and as Priest was trying to prove himself they didn't want a DQ finish, but needed him to keep the belt postf cash in...booked themselves into that corner they love so much. 

If Drews music hit straight after the falcon arrow then Seth could have jumped up ready to fight, but as it was it just made everyone look a bit daft. 

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7 minutes ago, The King of Old School said:

Priest vs Gunther, what a Summerslam match that is ?

Yeah it's a really odd one to book. Priest needs to be built up and look strong. Gunther has had a hell of a run and is mostly unstoppable. Do they feed Priest to him and give up on that experiment? Or do they have Gunther lose to make Priest look good? It's not two guys I would've put together.

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1 minute ago, DavidB6937 said:

Yeah it's a really odd one to book. Priest needs to be built up and look strong. Gunther has had a hell of a run and is mostly unstoppable. Do they feed Priest to him and give up on that experiment? Or do they have Gunther lose to make Priest look good? It's not two guys I would've put together.

Gunther has to win for me.

I thought Seth pinning Drew after all the chaos at MITB was the way to go, furthers Rollins/Punk as well as Drew/Punk as Punk can claim Seth is only champion because of him, and also gives us a cracker of a Summerslam match.

Priest/Balor at SS was also the natural direction after this too.

A Rollins, Punk, Drew triple threat at Summerslam seems messy to be and unnecessary.  

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I'm surprised this hasn't got more buzz because this could have ended up show of the year

Despite having the results spoiled the two MITB matches were phenomenal. Cracking stuff. The mens match was great with everyone putting a shift in. Loads of great stuff in this one - Carmelo and Andrade bumping everywhere, Chad Gable suplexes, Yeet vs Yahhh and Gable falling flat on his face after hanging on to the briefcase. I also absolutely loved the finish, with Drew just throwing the ladder like a dart at Jey (IIRC?!) to knock him off and grab the briefcase himself. 

The womens match was amazing too. I know the commentators at the end were like Randy Marsh at his computer but it was a bit sloppy in places for me to go full crazy about this match. There's no denying everybody worked really hard and that Chelsea Green bump really was a heart in mouth kind of moment. Some bumps in this one looked really painful (Naomi suplexed on to a ladder and Zoey Stark taking that Michinoku driver from the top) which really added to the drama. I imagine there were a lot of ice packs out backstage after these matches

Sami and Bron's match was great if a little formulaic, but still very enjoyable. I haven't seen Bron wrestle much but he is fantastic, more of him please

Then we get the Toronto screwjob which just puts a real big dampner on the event for me. It doesn't make any sense, the plan was unnecessarily complicated and everybody involved comes across looking like a chump. It was so simple to get this right, Priest wins, Drew comes straight out, kills Priest, Punk comes out, destroys Drew, drags Preist's carcass over Drew's body and runs away. Ok they have sewn the seeds for Punk vs Seth but they didn't need to do that here. Just a complete own goal

The main event was really good fun though. WWE have got these big main events down to a tee now. Really well planned match with the usual shenanigans. Every time I see Tonga Loa he botches something but nevermind. I loved the relentless beatdown of KO during this, just really good layering to the match. And Jacob Fatu looked great! I watched him in MLW back in January, its mad to think that six months later he's mixing it up with Randy Orton in a WWE PLE main event. Good for him. Thumbs up all round

So yeah, from a match quality perspective this show will be near the top for me this year

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23 minutes ago, waters44 said:

Then we get the Toronto screwjob which just puts a real big dampner on the event for me. It doesn't make any sense, the plan was unnecessarily complicated and everybody involved comes across looking like a chump. It was so simple to get this right, Priest wins, Drew comes straight out, kills Priest, Punk comes out, destroys Drew, drags Preist's carcass over Drew's body and runs away. Ok they have sewn the seeds for Punk vs Seth but they didn't need to do that here. Just a complete own goal

It felt like they were trying to do something a bit different and unexpected because everyone had already made their assumptions (AJ Lee in the ladder match, or Drew winning and then cashing in and then Punk ruining it). The latter was inevitable so they seemed to try and do it in an unusual way but really it made no sense whatsoever and definitely ended up being far more complicated than it needed to be. Didn't help that the non kick out happened which already started the confusion.

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Seth Rollins doing Yo Yo tricks during his entrance into the arena on this show was the most Seth Rollins thing of all time. I swear he’s just trolling me at this point. He’s every worst work colleague everyone has ever had. Zero personality. Zero charm. All gimmicks. He’s mad, ya know?

He’ll be playing the spoons, next.

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On 7/8/2024 at 9:52 AM, waters44 said:

Ok they have sewn the seeds for Punk vs Seth but they didn't need to do that here.

They really didn’t. They have an issue already, no need to reheat until Punks cleared. Trying to ride two bikes with one arse.

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2 hours ago, Supremo said:

Seth Rollins doing Yo Yo tricks during his entrance into the arena on this show was the most Seth Rollins thing of all time. I swear he’s just trolling me at this point. He’s every worst work colleague everyone has ever had. Zero personality. Zero charm. All gimmicks. He’s mad, ya know?

He’ll be playing the spoons, next.

That good faith he built up around Wrestlemania and the work he did there, gone in one entrance. Entirely predictable, what a berk.

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3 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

That good faith he built up around Wrestlemania and the work he did there, gone in one entrance. Entirely predictable, what a berk.

The only wrestler who looked cool with a yo-yo was evil Doink and nobody is ever going to reach that level again. 

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  • 1 month later...

Anyone bother with Bash in Berlin?

Cody/KO was about as good as it was going to be. A little melodrama but KO was never going to win so that took me out of it a bit.

Can probably say the same about Orton/Gunther really. Solid match but with the result never being in doubt it was hard to get into.

Plus I dunno what the Germans were chanting or singing half the time. Mexican waves and stuff like that are a big no no for me. Don't get yourselves over. Be into the matches.

Everything else was there. Can't say I'll remember any of it tomorrow.

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I've been warned about my weird metaphors before so I won't bother, but what a disappointment that WWE's feud of the Year (or certainly top three) has resulted in two lads wrestling with very little chemistry together, weighed down by a stupid flashing lights gimmick match.

I have zero desire to see Punk v McIntyre ever again.

Also, fairly sure Punk hurt himself going through the table.

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8 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

I've been warned about my weird metaphors before so I won't bother,

It was the closest a WWE event has come to shrugging its shoulders at its audience for some time.

It’s a shame, because there was an audience there that deserved better. You can get away with a few b-level PPVs over the space of a year, but it’s fair to say that WWE has hit the limit.

The mad thing is that they had matches on television that could have lifted the show - add Howdy versus Gable to this show instead of Raw, and it suddenly feels more interesting. Same goes for LA Knight vs Ludwig Kaiser.

57 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

I have zero desire to see Punk v McIntyre ever again.

The matches haven’t really lived up to the build. I’m fine with them having a third match, but I don’t particularly care if it doesn’t happen. There might be value in sending one of them over to Smackdown, to give Cody something to do. The problem is, until we have Cody/Rock or Cody/Reigns, no one is going to believe the guy is going to drop the title.

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