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Minor PPVs that don't deserve a thread *Spoilers*


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I can't believe people are still pretending Roman is only booed because the crowd are dickheads. There's obviously an element of that involved, and some people have probably forgotten why they're booing him in the first place, but let's not pretend a lot of it isn't to do with the fact WWE have absolutely no idea how to book heels and faces anymore, and he seems to have been dealt a massively shit hand by creative.


Anybody chanting "you can't wrestle" at him is a massive knob though.

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I would say its more the "Cena-Effect" now, where as people boo him because its seemingly cool to do that.


People started booing Cena because he wasn't booked correctly, and was being put over people that fans couldn't see happening in a kayfabe sense. Years later, Cena has improved 10-fold and has been one of the better guys on the roster for years, but people still boo the shit out of him.


Same thing with Roman, because he is good in the ring, and has had a fair few decent matches in his time so far, but its a cross between people feeling insulted with WWE saying "this is the guy you like, because we're having him win EVERYTHING now", when it didn't seem natural AND that now it's just "cool" to boo him.


I would only say to turn Roman heel to get a better babyface run out of him in the long term.

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I think the main problem is that Roman doesnt feel natural, and a lot of that can come down to the writing but he has to shoulder a lot of it too. Atleast with Cena, as plastic as he comes across some of the time, had a natural charismatic style of delivery his lines and could think on his feet. Roman feels very manufactured, whether he is or not.

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With Cena, he did have that build up of the various feuds/mid card run then eventual win of the contenders stuff for WM. I think people only started to boo him because: A) his only real test [and title win] was JBL, B) because one of his first fueds was with a hugely popular Christian [at the time anyway] which Cena won, and then him being put over guys like Angle/Triple H and so on, that you couldn't image him beating, at that particular time. BUT Cena eventually improved and won most people over.


On Roman, he just got super-pushed into our faces, skipping the mid card run, and we were pretty much expected to believe he could beat the [kayfabe] most unstopable wrestler of all time, Brock Lesner. Roman does have something about him, but I feel WWE, and him to be fair, are yet to fully realise and use whatever that is.

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The nadir was "tater tots".



But Rumbles 2014 and 2015 were the big mistakes. 2014 was the time to capitalise on him, and by 2015 he was "not Daniel Bryan". He hasn't been able to recover from that.


Triple H has said "there's no such thing as heels and faces" and there certainly isn't when you can't book a story properly (e.g. Bayley, Ziggler, Randy).

Edited by Onyx2
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Their just booing him now because it's what happens when he comes out. Simply to how Cena still gets booed. It's not because anyone dislikes him, it's now just part of the character. Funking annoying though

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I think the main problem is that Roman doesnt feel natural, and a lot of that can come down to the writing but he has to shoulder a lot of it too. Atleast with Cena, as plastic as he comes across some of the time, had a natural charismatic style of delivery his lines and could think on his feet. Roman feels very manufactured, whether he is or not.

This for me. I definitely don' think the booing is only because it's the thing to do, I think he comes across as pretty disingenuous and unlikeable. I have listened to quite a few different voices on podcasts and they have referred to him as coming across as a "bit of a douche". His bottom lip has gone a few times when addressing criticism and he also does himself no favours in the fact that he really can't cut a passionate and genuine promo to save his fucking life, they don't trust him to talk, or at least to come up with some of his own stuff, you look at him and think "yep, he has read that script word for word". He isn't a top guy in the sense that he should be going to creative or to Vince and saying "No. This is no good, we should do it this way", but he doesn't, he is happy to just go along because as he said in his interview he is "here to do his job and get rich".

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Their just booing him now because it's what happens when he comes out. Simply to how Cena still gets booed. It's not because anyone dislikes him, it's now just part of the character. Funking annoying though


Not true.


A lot of people don't like him. This week alone here on the UKFF people have talked about not liking his finishing move and his numerous dodgy promos.

The promos are the writers fault, not the man himself, but that is an example of things people do not like about Roman Reigns and one reason he gets booed.


I'm sure a lot of people do boo him (and Cena) to fit in with those around them doing it, but to say that is the ONLY reason is false.

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With Cena, he did have that build up of the various feuds/mid card run then eventual win of the contenders stuff for WM. I think people only started to boo him because: A) his only real test [and title win] was JBL, B) because one of his first fueds was with a hugely popular Christian [at the time anyway] which Cena won, and then him being put over guys like Angle/Triple H and so on, that you couldn't image him beating, at that particular time. BUT Cena eventually improved and won most people over.


On Roman, he just got super-pushed into our faces, skipping the mid card run, and we were pretty much expected to believe he could beat the [kayfabe] most unstopable wrestler of all time, Brock Lesner. Roman does have something about him, but I feel WWE, and him to be fair, are yet to fully realise and use whatever that is.


John Cena did win his first world title much quicker than Roman Reigns, the only real difference is Roman was challenging for it quicker.  He was tag champs, it's not he went straight to the main event as a singles star.

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"You deserve it" at Bray Wyatt. Absolutely abhorrent behaviour and guilty of what, 3 kidnappings in the last 4 years. I blame full sail.


The Bray Wyatt one isn't as bad though, as the commentators can explain it away with the t'old "he's brainwashed the crowd into following him" like they do with the mobile phone lights during his entrances and the phase of singing "He's Got The Whole World" at him, which would make sense to the casual/young fans...

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I can't believe people are still pretending Roman is only booed because the crowd are dickheads. There's obviously an element of that involved, and some people have probably forgotten why they're booing him in the first place, but let's not pretend a lot of it isn't to do with the fact WWE have absolutely no idea how to book heels and faces anymore, and he seems to have been dealt a massively shit hand by creative.


Anybody chanting "you can't wrestle" at him is a massive knob though.

At first it was down to that, Roman then put in about four MOTY contenders at PPV's in a row and it still carried on. It's now just fans being dick heads and booing cause they think it's fun.

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At first it was down to that

When? Before his singles run, he was in MOTY candidates all over the place as part of Shield tags and six-man tags. Good way to bed him into things seeing as he was relatively inexperienced then, but being part of multi-man matches hid his lack of experience, so I don't recall him ever looking shit.


Then as soon as his singles run began (let's say from January 2015, as he was only on his own for a short while between the Shield breakup and his injury), he was hitting brilliant matches out of the park off the bat. Daniel Bryan at Fast Lane, Brock at WrestleMania, Big Show at whichever PPV followed not long after- he was probably the best guy that year when it came to good value for matches.


As far as I'm concerned, Reigns has always had good matches, so the chant is bollocks and should probably actually be 'you never worked the indies'. That's what those fans really mean.

Edited by PunkStep
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