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Doomed anecdotal megathread #2

Sergio Mendacious

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Thats made me chuckle! I always thought the TV phone in's were broadcast of a 10 second delay or something to give them chance to mute the swearing...

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Hardly an anecdote but everyone in Hawaii was sent a message saying a ballistic missile was heading towards them. Basically the end of the world. 


Turns out it was a mistake. Christ, how frightening. The accompanying reddit thread features comments from Hawaiians panicking:


Edited by Onyx2
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15 hours ago, Onyx2 said:

Hardly an anecdote but everyone in Hawaii was sent a message saying a ballistic missile was heading towards them. Basically the end of the world. 


Turns out it was a mistake. Christ, how frightening. The accompanying reddit thread features comments from Hawaiians panicking:


That’s absolutely insane. Does make you slightly wonder if this alert went out as s drill though.

I mean ‘pressed the wrong button’ is bit like Homer sat in front of his desk at the plant. I’d have thought something of that magnitude would be a password protected, lock and key job... not ‘oops, fat fingers, I meant to send out a weather report’.

Either way, I don’t think I can comprehend the sheer fear that would kick in.

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As someone (can't remember who) has pointed out on social media - if the American defence systems are capable of fucking up like that, then we can pretty much guarantee the North Korean ones will be equally prone to human error, and who's to say they wouldn't respond with an immediate retaliation? It's genuinely terrifying that we live in such a tense political environment - and with a President more inclined to up that tension than to let calmer heads prevail.

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Currently holed up in a mental health hospital having had somewhat of a bad evening Sunday where some stupid stuff went down. 

In all honesty if anyone has anything even remotely interesting I can read online to take some days away I'd be grateful. No idea how long I'm here but the whole not liking talking to new people thing without having an anxiety attack means I've been locked in my room nearly all of the last 36 hours now. 

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30 minutes ago, Shy Dad said:

If anyone has anything even remotely interesting I can read online 

If you need to waste some time, get yourself on somewhere like Cracked and just bounce along the suggested articles.

If you find anything fortean related (forteanic?) that's decent, pop a note in the thread on here and we'll have a chat about it later today.

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Does anyone else find that mess and clutter fucks them up mentally when trying to work? Since I've been unable to do much with my leg, the flat has become a complete pig sty. My girlfriend is probably the most untidy person - and least skilled at cleaning up - that I've ever met. So I normally do most of the cleaning. We got a second bedroom that we use as a study, got my desktop and everything in there. Right now, it's filled with boxes and clutter and mess and I have a shit ton of work to do but can't sit in there for more than five minutes before getting frustrated and angry. 

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Just now, SpursRiot2012 said:

Does anyone else find that mess and clutter fucks them up mentally when trying to work?

Massively. They say 'a tidy desk is a tidy mind' and whilst that sounds like old wives tale bollocks, I've found it to be so true. Having a messy desk or house can instantly put me in a bad mood or give me a defeatist attitude. It can make such a difference mentally. Bit like having an overflowing e-mail inbox at work. If something looks out of control, for me it makes me think my workload is out of control (even when it isn't).

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In other news, my mate has informed me that Noel Edmunds has set up a radio station purely to besmirch Lloyd’s bank, due to him being fiddled out of some coin in the past. Listeners who’ve dealt with their poor customer relations and have been jipped out of coin, can tune in and listen to Noel talking about Lloyd’s being a set of nasty robbing bastards, including use of the term ‘financial rape’ in between classic hits such as Smooth Criminal and Policy of Truth. He also plays sad piano music over the top of call ins from disgruntled Lloyd’s customers.

He has lost the plot, he’s interviewed himself pretending to be someone else in order to tell a rip off story, but it was obviously him. He failed miserably. All it needs now is someone pranking him, pretending to be from Lloyd’s and have an on air argument. He can subsequently accuse them of feeding burgers to swans.


Seriously, tune in, its absolute gold.

Edited by Kaz Hayashi
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