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I shit my pants when I saw a crocodile just floating in a river that I was about to swim into, let alone being attacked. I also shit myself when I saw two Komodo Dragons charging towards me and did what any brave soldier would do- quickly open up the map and fast travel the fuck away from there.

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Picked up Battlefield 3, really liking it but my old Xbox keeps giving me the "Disc unreadable" gubbins. The multiplayer is cool, although I am mainly running around like a headless chicken.


We'll be unstoppable as a team, you can take point ;)


One really interesting thing about popping in Battlefield 3 after playing Far Cry 3 for ages - Battlefield's visual fidelity and sound quality are leagues ahead. It's like a different console.

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Metal Gear Solid Rising.. one to buy or one to rent?


Rent. My mate is a die-hard Metal Gear fan and he said it's one of the shittest games he's played. He said it's about two hours long if you take all the cutscenes out.

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Picked up Battlefield 3, really liking it but my old Xbox keeps giving me the "Disc unreadable" gubbins. The multiplayer is cool, although I am mainly running around like a headless chicken.


We'll be unstoppable as a team, you can take point ;)


One really interesting thing about popping in Battlefield 3 after playing Far Cry 3 for ages - Battlefield's visual fidelity and sound quality are leagues ahead. It's like a different console.


An open world game is always going to sacrifice visuals and sound to other games though. But Far Cry 3 is a million times more fun than Battlefield 3 (which while good, is just another war game).

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Metal Gear Solid 3 is my fav game ever but i loved MGSR, i'd still say rent it unless you're one of those that plays for high scores like in the old days as that's how Platinum make their games. Remember when competitive single player games were a thing?

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Picked up Battlefield 3, really liking it but my old Xbox keeps giving me the "Disc unreadable" gubbins. The multiplayer is cool, although I am mainly running around like a headless chicken.


We'll be unstoppable as a team, you can take point ;)


One really interesting thing about popping in Battlefield 3 after playing Far Cry 3 for ages - Battlefield's visual fidelity and sound quality are leagues ahead. It's like a different console.

Yeah, watched a tutorial and love the emphasis on teamwork. As a shite player, that really appeals to me.

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I think that getting the title wrong is kind of making the point with regards to Rising. It's not Metal Gear Solid Rising, it's Metal Gear Rising. It's not a MGS game, it's a Platinum developed title set in the Metal Gear world. If you go in expecting a MGS style game then it's obviously not going to be what you wanted.


If you played and enjoyed the earlier Devil May Cry games, or Bayonetta then you'll get some enjoyment out of the game. Unless you're a die-hard fan of Bayonetta AND the MGS series it's probably best to rent it first regardless (as you should with any title you aren't sure about).


As for TripleA's MGS fan mate moaning that the game's only 2 hours long if you take the cutscenes out; that's the most faithful tie to the MGS series that the game has got.

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I'm still poncing about in skyrim. Given the vast number of hours I'm pushing on it, and oblivion got an hour tops before I fucked it off, is a pleasant surprise.


I also downloaded a couple of things from the PSN. Tony Hawk and Tokyo Jungle.


Tokyo Jungle is underwhelming and not as much fun as I was hoping it would be. I regret buying it.


Hawk is great. It's just a mash together of 1 and 2 but, with the exception of underground 1, they were the best of the series by a good stretch. It's amazing to play now, just great fun to pick up and play for a couple of hours and try and get an achievement or two, and I actually want to try and do them all which is something I normally never bother with.

Would a game which limits you to 2 minutes of play time getting much look in for a big mainstream release?


I do have some game based questions in search of an informed opinion.


Some one mentioned Civ 5. Is there a way to get Civ 2 to work on windows 7. I've tried others but Civ 2 is my favourite of them all.

The same thing applies to Theme Hospital.


I've never really played any of the MGS games, is the 3 game HD set worth picking up? Would I enjoy them given I'm very fickle and a story needs to really grab me and I have little finesse. Is MGS 1 best to try or has it aged badly.


I never played tomb raider, how has that aged to pick the first up off PSN?

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I think you'd be lost trying to jump on MGS with the HD collection, Tommy. The original game looks terrible now, but is still a must-play, not just because it's a classic (the story will definitely grab you), but also it's pretty essential if you want to understand what's going on in the sequels/prequels. It's cheap enough now that it'd definitely be worth trying out first, then see if you want to go on from there.

Edited by CleetusVanDamme
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I think you'd be lost trying to jump on MGS with the HD collection, Tommy. The original game looks terrible now, but is still a must-play, not just because it's a classic (the story will definitely grab you), but also it's pretty essential if you want to understand what's going on in the sequels/prequels. It's cheap enough now that it'd definitely be worth trying out first, then see if you want to go on from there.


The first one is going to be really hard to play now though if you're used to modern games. Better to watch the major plotpoints on youtube.

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