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Alien: Colonial Marines has got to be one of the biggest missed opportunities ever. While I don't think it's as bad as people are making out, it is at best an average to decent PS2 game. Such a shame.


Wasn't it delayed a load of time? that's a bad sign right from the get go.

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Alien: Colonial Marines has got to be one of the biggest missed opportunities ever. While I don't think it's as bad as people are making out, it is at best an average to decent PS2 game. Such a shame.


Wasn't it delayed a load of time? that's a bad sign right from the get go.


Yeah it was delayed for years on end. Tbh it would of been better of cancelled than released in its current form. And for anyone to consider it cannon is insulting

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I'm not much of a gamer and only recently got a 360 my first console since a PS2 but iv'e been playing TES:Oblivion and am finding it really fun, seems to be an absolute heap of stuff to do and explore around the place, might shell out for Skyrim if I ever get it finished.

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Alien: Colonial Marines has got to be one of the biggest missed opportunities ever. While I don't think it's as bad as people are making out, it is at best an average to decent PS2 game. Such a shame.


Wasn't it delayed a load of time? that's a bad sign right from the get go.


The main accusation is that Gearbox took all the money they were getting from Sega for this project and used it to ship Borderlands 2 and 3, and then just threw whatever they had done for this game through certification and into the box.


These guys have done a comparison between a "gameplay demo" and the final game.



The developers have clearly had to pull significant systems from the game right near the end of the dev cycle, like dynamic lighting, some custom animation systems, vfx...


Even with all those things, it still wouldn't have been great, but at least it would have looked nice.

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It almost looks like they had to remove a lot to achieve closer parity between PC and console versions. Maybe they were holding out for a next-gen release, but when that wasn't going to happen had to scale back. Shame, but as you say it wasn't going to affect the gameplay and terrible AI so maybe it's for the best.


Anyone playing the new Devil May Cry game at all? I've been plugging through it this past week or so, just loving the new look and tone of it. The music is great, the voice acting is decent and it's got a really interesting and fluid combo fight mechanic which might actually be better than the original series.


I'm so glad that Ninja Theory have really delivered a quality title, Enslaved is one of my favourites of the last few years and it's nice to see what they can do with a good budget behind them.


Now all I need is the new Tomb Raider to be equally good for all my nostalgia vibes to be complete. Well, at least complete enough to make up for the lack of a decent Final Fantasy title since X.

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It almost looks like they had to remove a lot to achieve closer parity between PC and console versions. Maybe they were holding out for a next-gen release, but when that wasn't going to happen had to scale back. Shame, but as you say it wasn't going to affect the gameplay and terrible AI so maybe it's for the best.


Anyone playing the new Devil May Cry game at all? I've been plugging through it this past week or so, just loving the new look and tone of it. The music is great, the voice acting is decent and it's got a really interesting and fluid combo fight mechanic which might actually be better than the original series.


I'm so glad that Ninja Theory have really delivered a quality title, Enslaved is one of my favourites of the last few years and it's nice to see what they can do with a good budget behind them.


Now all I need is the new Tomb Raider to be equally good for all my nostalgia vibes to be complete. Well, at least complete enough to make up for the lack of a decent Final Fantasy title since X.


I haven't got around to buying it yet but i have to say that it looks a million times better than the cliche Japanese style of the older games, i think i'll be getting through Metal Gear Rising beforehand, though.


Also, good news for old System Shock 2 fans, GoG have managed to get the rights to rerelease it and it's been modded to work on modern PC's.

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It almost looks like they had to remove a lot to achieve closer parity between PC and console versions. Maybe they were holding out for a next-gen release, but when that wasn't going to happen had to scale back. Shame, but as you say it wasn't going to affect the gameplay and terrible AI so maybe it's for the best.


Anyone playing the new Devil May Cry game at all? I've been plugging through it this past week or so, just loving the new look and tone of it. The music is great, the voice acting is decent and it's got a really interesting and fluid combo fight mechanic which might actually be better than the original series.


I'm so glad that Ninja Theory have really delivered a quality title, Enslaved is one of my favourites of the last few years and it's nice to see what they can do with a good budget behind them.


Now all I need is the new Tomb Raider to be equally good for all my nostalgia vibes to be complete. Well, at least complete enough to make up for the lack of a decent Final Fantasy title since X.


I haven't got around to buying it yet but i have to say that it looks a million times better than the cliche Japanese style of the older games, i think i'll be getting through Metal Gear Rising beforehand, though.


Also, good news for old System Shock 2 fans, GoG have managed to get the rights to rerelease it and it's been modded to work on modern PC's.


Who'd have thought that a Japanese action game, remade by a British studio, for an American audience would turn out so good?


Metal Gear is an odd one, I like the developer, like the series, but I'm worried that the 2 don't mesh and we get a bad spin-off game. The previews I've seen seem similar of the ones that were out for Aliens. They're mostly positive but there just seems to be something that they aren't willing to tell us. Time will tell on that one I guess.


System Shock has aged badly, I had a try last night and it's going to be a slog to get through it.

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