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Anyone played elder scrolls online? Interested in some opinions.. Not expecting it to be like skyrim, but the reason I never got into WOW is because of monthly fees that this doesn't have.

Just read this. I played it crazy style for 3 months when I got my PS4. Really enjoyed it. It's got enough Skyrim style to keep it interesting, but plenty of multi player scope to help with the missions. I can't get to grips with the multi-player campaign to be honest, but the general world stuff will be plenty to keep you happy for a long time. I think it's fifteen quid at Tesco so at the moment, so a real bargain.


There's plenty of extras to buy spending "real money", but I never found the need, enough going on without it.


Quick edit, it's £12 at game at the moment.

Edited by Thunderplex
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Good to know. I don't download many games so 500gb is fine for me, but I'm seriously thinking about putting a SSD in mine.

Tbh i only have Rory McIlroy PGA Tour and The Last Of Us as full downloads but even looking at the games i have on disc by the time you factor in mandatory install files and all the updates it has pulled down you were looking at 35gb and upwards per game.


SSD really are impressive but it will be 12-18 months IMO before there is a cost effective option for the size in terms of a 2tb or bigger to maje it worthwhile.


Im same as johnnyboy, run a 120gb SSD on my PC purely for windows to boot from and the loading times are frightening. From pressing the power button you are on your desktop fully booted up within 20 seconds or so.

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I bought Fallout 4 for PS4 because it was cheap on Amazon (about £22 including the soundtrack and history of Fallout book), so that gets added to my pile of games I own but probably won't ever get round to playing. Of the following PS4 games though, which would y'all recommend tackling first:


Fallout 4

The Last of Us


GTA 5 (I did about 2/3 of the PS3 version)

Walking Dead (did most of season one on PS3, is have to redo that on ps4 and I've got 400 days and season 2 as well)

Game of Thrones

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Well GTA can wait if you've already played it on previous gen. I don't own a PS but I get the impression from everyone that Last of Us is a milestone game so that should probably be next on your list. Fallout 4 is terrific.


Don't like the Telltale games (Walking Dead & Game of Thrones), thought they were glorified updated versions of a couple of shit Mega CD games I played back in the day when the entire game is just hitting a button at the right moment.


Never heard of Tearaway.

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I bloody loved Walking Dead, my favourite game of that year. Actually that, Last Of Us and Fallout all have the thing I love most in games: a cracking atmosphere /russabbott


I'd go Last of Us first. If only because it's finite and you can see your way to the end. At least that'll be something off the list (not that you should just play games to tick them off, but you know what I mean). I've played nothing but Fallout 4 since early December and I feel about a third done.

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Completely separate.


The telltale games are exactly an update of that style of game, PunkStep. But I don't think they pretend to be anything else. The writing on the walking dead one was just fantastic though - loads better than the shitty tv show. The decision were really hard and painful to make, and the Gabe was just really good at making that emotional connection with you.


I didn't like the wolf among us at all, because I thought it got the tone all wrong for Fables, but the game of thrones one is fun (but not a patch on the walking dead one).

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Does Walking Dead follow the tv show script? Or is it completely separate?

Completely separate following different characters



It's based in the same world as the comics, not the tv show, and doesn't involve many of the main characters so apart from a few references its quite self contained.

As an interactive story, they are fantastic, as games I'm not a fan. I actually managed to complete an entire chapter with my foot while i was eating pizza. At points it wasn't far off playing Dragons Lair.

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It's actually not her back story, it's a side story from the period she was missing during the comic book series. Looks great though, and I'd definitely add my vote to tackling the series first out of what you've got.

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I've yet to start the second Walking Dead Game. I'll need to get on that soon if there's a new one away to come out!


I spent the weekend playing Peggle 2. \o/ Found myself absolutely addicted to it. /o\

Edited by Bettencourt
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Completely separate.


The telltale games are exactly an update of that style of game, PunkStep. But I don't think they pretend to be anything else. The writing on the walking dead one was just fantastic though - loads better than the shitty tv show. The decision were really hard and painful to make, and the Gabe was just really good at making that emotional connection with you.


I didn't like the wolf among us at all, because I thought it got the tone all wrong for Fables, but the game of thrones one is fun (but not a patch on the walking dead one).

Have you tried Tales From The Borderlands? I slept on it for ages as I had no interest in the normal Borderlands games. Got it really cheap recently on a PSN sale and loved it. I'd put it up there with the first season of Walking Dead as the best Telltale game.

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