Liam O'Rourke Posted February 9, 2016 Posted February 9, 2016 So, for this week's podcast, at the suggestion of our own PowerfulFox, we're going to evaluate different gimmick match concepts throughout history in search of the one that, whether it be through its convoluted nature, a propensity for generating absolutely awful matches, or being a concept that is utterly horrid on paper and in practice, is the absolute worst ever devised, and as always, we're looking for your opinions on the subject. Â Which match concept did you dread the most or feel was utterly useless, and why do you feel it's the worst one ever put on a wrestling show? You can be as broad or obscure as you like in your nomination, and as always, the best contributions will be read on the show and you'll be credited accordingly. Â So what's your pick? Â EDIT - The podcast discussing The Worst Gimmick Match Concepts Ever, featuring a great many of your contributions is now online and available to listen to at the following link:Â
Paid Members Your Fight Site Posted February 9, 2016 Paid Members Posted February 9, 2016 The TNA reverse Battle Royal immediately springs to mind. What an absolute farce.
Paid Members Lenin Posted February 9, 2016 Paid Members Posted February 9, 2016 Punjabi Prison. The fact there were two makes it worse. It just made no sense and was visually off putting.
Slapnut Posted February 9, 2016 Posted February 9, 2016 You may as well merge this with the TNA thread. Â Surely Feast or Fired and Elevation X are the absolute worst of all time? Â Feast or Fired in particular is ridiculous. Â If you win, there's a one in four chance you'll get fired. Â No thanks. Â And I've just remembered the reverse battle royal wasn't even a part of Feast or Fired! Â Marvellous. Â Why doesn't everybody just run into the ring at once? Â EDIT: Â Oh, and the fucking Turkey Bowl.
Paid Members Carbomb Posted February 9, 2016 Paid Members Posted February 9, 2016 Feast Or Fired is the absolute worst of the worst. I might barely understand if it was to get one of three shots at the World title, but to have shots at the lesser titles, it just seems like the stupidest match to ever get involved in.
Wrasslin Posted February 9, 2016 Posted February 9, 2016 It has to be Kennel from hell doesn't it? The angle itself was actually good lower mid card fodder. With Bossman making Al Snow eat his own dog. Nice Attitude era stupidity.  But fuck me, to think they actually had to take the time to assemble the Hell in a Cell, Assemble a Cage and hire dog handlers . . . the crew must have been livid.Â
MungoChutney Posted February 9, 2016 Posted February 9, 2016 Hog Pen match with Triple H and Henry Godwinn was horrific. Why even fight in the ring if the aim is to tip the other guy in to the pen.
Freebird Posted February 9, 2016 Posted February 9, 2016 First Blood Reverse Battle Royal than Tri-State did.Â
Undefeated Steak Posted February 9, 2016 Posted February 9, 2016 Bending the rules a bit here but opening the cage door to let a wrestler out is one of the biggest crimes against logic. Why bother closing the door in the first place?
Otto Dem Wanz Posted February 9, 2016 Posted February 9, 2016 Inferno matches deserves a mention here.  Despite the relatively logical way the first one came about with the "when we were kids you burned down our gaff leading to our parents dying and my horrific psychological trauma" thing, the whole concept is dangerous, stupid, and limits what the guys in them can achieve.  Wrestling is a hazardous thing to do at the best of times before adding REAL FUCKING FIRE into the equation. Maybe there was an element of intrigue before the first one in '98, but setting someone on fire, albeit in a relatively controlled way, is outright stupidity and negates a fundamental principle of wrestling (and life) - under promise and over deliver.  There have only been four in history but they end in such a naff way each time, the 'act' of being set on fire never fails to look contrived and makes the guy 'receiving' the flames look stupid as anything. See Kane leaving his arm in the fire and waiting ages while looking at his arm at Unforgiven, or his boot getting 'stuck' in the fire on that one they did on Smackdown the next year. These rubbish finishes come after action so plodding it makes Big Daddy look rapid, due to the fire ensuring movement is limited and having guys sweat loads with difficulties breathing. There has never been a good one, ever. The best thing that has ever happened in one of these things was Paul Bearer getting busted open by a drum kit - and they didn't need to have a ring surrounded by flames to do that.  Who thought of this shite? I'm sensing Russo had a big part to play although have never it confirmed anywhere. Either way, this nonsense reeks of him.
The British Bushwacker Posted February 9, 2016 Posted February 9, 2016 The Punjabi Prison was utter dross, weeks of build of Taker telling Khali he would see him in his Punjab Prison only for the big bandy legged shit to suddenly find himself with the dreaded elevated Liver enzymes ~ , we then get a equally awful replacement in Crybaby big show, it absolutely bombed and you would think a lesson to WWE , but no they bring back the goddamned thing a second time. Â Also the concept of things being on things, Flag matches, crap, Tank Abbot taking on Big Al in a 'skins' match as the first wrestlers since Bret Hart and Jean Pierre the Pirate to fight over a leather jacket only this time one of them pulls a knife on the other!, oh and lets not forget Judy Bagwell on a forklift,, they should've taken the forklift up to the venue of the monster truck match and along with the monster truck, Paul wight and all the woeful 'things on a pole' gimmick matches and driven them off the building, actually stick Kane up there too just because it's kane.Â
Glenryck Pilchards Posted February 9, 2016 Posted February 9, 2016 It has to be Judy Bagwell on a Pole match. What in the right royal fuck was that all about. 'On a Pole' matches are ridiculous anyway but why would you hoist a woman in mid-air? And she wasn't even on a pole she was on a bloody forklift! Â I thought the whole point of Pole matches was to retrieve a weapon and incapacitate your opponent. What would Kanyon done if he retrieved Judy? Fold her up and twat Bagwell in the head with her arse? Not only that you have the shitarsery of Davd Arquette storming the ring and attacking Bagwell with the most dangerous of weapons a yellow hardhat which Bagwell sold like he had been stabbed by a pickaxe. What a bag of wank.
Snitsky's back acne Posted February 9, 2016 Posted February 9, 2016  Inferno matches deserves a mention here.  As a concept though, a ring surrounded by fire is pretty cool/logical.  Having to set your opponent on fire though - yes, silly.
westlondonmist Posted February 9, 2016 Posted February 9, 2016 Viagra on a pole (would of been good if they had got 2 old wrestlers in it), leather jacket on a pole, brawl for all, prinaha tank match, However some of them had humour in them except for Brawl for All which was just fucking boring.
TildeGuy~! Posted February 9, 2016 Posted February 9, 2016 The Hardcore evening gown match springs to mind
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