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Brock Lesnar Makes Announcement- Spoiler?


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So Brock's just been live on ESPN. He's announced that he's officially not going back to MMA and he has signed a new deal with WWE. Interesting news.

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As ever with this carny business, could be a work to try and mitigate the crowd turn.


Sensible decision by Brock and great business for WWE.


Makes this Sunday interesting. I hope Reigns wins though, give him his moment and try to make a star out of him. Still want to see Brock battle the likes of Sheamus and Orton.


Been gradually thinking with the recent build that Lesnar is taking home the gold on Sunday. I don't think it's going to be the right stage for Reigns, I totally think he's ready but he'll get shit on to a point there's no coming back.

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As ever with this carny business, could be a work to try and mitigate the crowd turn.

There's always one.


Anyway, here's the full thing. Surreal him getting interviewed by Coachman of all people - although Coach doesn't seem to understand Brock's schedule. Is he fuck working 4 times a week.




The finish of the Wrestlemania main event is now much more interesting.

  • Awards Moderator


As ever with this carny business, could be a work to try and mitigate the crowd turn.

There's always one.

Had to be said. But yes, makes the outcome so much foggier now.

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Unsurprising turn of events, really. If WWE were willing to make him a good enough offer then I always expected him to continue with his brilliant gig as a pro wrestler rather than ever consider going back to doing full-time training camps and getting punched in the face for real.


Daniel Bryan vs. Brock Lesnar at Summerslam is going to be quite the match, I imagine.

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Daniel Bryan vs. Brock Lesnar at Summerslam is going to be quite the match, I imagine.


OUCH for Daniel Bryan! The vegan with the bad neck would, ironically, be left with a spinal column the consistency of foie gras.


Massive news that, I think they may go with Brock retaining now but maybe has Reigns snapping at blowing his big chance, taking Brock out and allowing Rollins to cash in, providing Orton hasn't kicked his head off first. That way you've got Rollins as champ with Authority backing and 3 title contenders in Lesnar, Orton and Reigns to start with and Cena, Bryan, Ziggler and Wyatt as other possibilities


Has to end in Brock getting screwed out of the title and coming back for revenge at SummerSlam, surely? Whether you have Reigns or Rollins as the Authority's champion is the question. I don't think you can have Reigns and Rollins as heels without effectively stalling one of them. And it'd be a shame to see Rollins turn face before he gets his big heel run, but I could see it happening. The Authority could help Reigns beat Lesnar on Sunday after a massive war, then Rollins strolls out like it was done to lay the table for him, but they turn on him and give Reigns that win too.

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I'm really pleased by this, it's the exact opposite of the horrible feeling knowing Brock was leaving after Wrestlemania XX.

His comeback is going amazingly but I wouldn't have been surprised if he'd fucked off, you never know with Brock. I can't wait to see him get a big face run.


Despite Heyman doing the talking on his behalf its occured to me that Lesnar has evolved into a must-see superstar, if he's on the show you know you'll want to watch it and he will inevitably turn in a world-class performance. Just look at the Summerslam and Royal Rumble title matches for proof (I'll also maintain that the Extreme Rules match with Cena in 2012 is my favorite match of the millenium). WWE have taken a lot of flack for how they've failed to build characters and feuds recently (much of it deserved) but the way Lesnar has been handled since last years Mania has been top notch.


They should be very fucking happy he's signed this new deal.

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[Fantasy mode] Lesnar beats Reigns, Rollins cashes in and smashes Lesnar's head in with the briefcase and pins him. Rollins vs Lesnar at Summerslam. Lesnar vs Bryan at the Rumble. Lesnar vs Rock at WM32.


My only problem with that scenario is that if Lesnar was cashed-in-on, I'd consider it out of character for the angry beast Lesnar from the storyline to wait that long to try and get it back. Even though due to the actual Lesnar's limited dates deal, that's exactly what would happen.


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