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Daniel Bryan *Smackdown spoilers*


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Must be another cost cutting measure. His contract must be coming up for renewal and destroying his star power will give Vince more leverage.


We're entering the WWE Austerity era.


Only if Vince sits on a gold throne telling Daniel Bryan, “Sorry, son. But we’re having to tighten the purse strings.”

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Nothing's been confirmed anywhere. Meltzer reckons they are giving decent payouts to the top guys and everyone else is just getting the (heavily depleted) PPV based payoffs. I've also seen an unconfirmed story they are just paying people whatever somebody in their respective slot on the same show earned from PPV royalties last year, though obviously that strategy would be out the window now we've hit a year into it.

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Over the past year at various points Bryan, Ziggler and Ambrose have been 3 of the hottest babyfaces in WWE. Now they're just calling each other turds in the buildup for the leftover dickheads match at Wrestlemania for the sad wanker championship belt.

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Over the past year at various points Bryan, Ziggler and Ambrose have been 3 of the hottest babyfaces in WWE. Now they're just calling each other turds in the buildup for the leftover dickheads match at Wrestlemania for the sad wanker championship belt.


A perfectly eloquent description. Pretty depressing, though.

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They're doing a great job of killing the enthusiasm and passion that the fans had for Bryan. It's like he's getting punished for getting over, getting hurt and then taking too long to come back. 


It's completely crazy to have two babyfaces (though I'd say they're awful babyfaces) say this to him completely out of the blue and without a comeback from DB. The fact that he didn't get a unanimous "NO!" reaction from the crowd after the show is embarrassing after how hot he was a year ago. 

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Bryan was actually a good promo earlier in the show as well, which is fairly rare for him. It still had the "REMEMBER MR PERFECT, EVERYONE? AND RICKY THE DRAGON, AND MACHO MAN? ALL THE OLD WRESTLERS WERE GREAT, WEREN'T THEY?" shit that every Intercontinental title feud is legally bound to include, but it did a good job of setting out his motivation for going after the Intercontinental.

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Seeing just how much the crowd shit on the show is basically my only real reason for watching Wrestlemania this year.


What a fucking sad state of affairs. Say what you want about Dem Wans but Bryan has done nothing to deserve this shit.


It's the very definition of cutting your nose off to spite your face.

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