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Daniel Bryan *Smackdown spoilers*


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Out of curiosity, what would you lot have wanted for Bryan at this year's WM? Not sure a main event is the answer, because you'd then have to put him in the main event every single year.

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Why wouldnt he be in the main event? People like him, the show is certainly not going to do any better without him in the main event and you had a far more compelling match that the one they are promoting as the main event now. Brock vs Bryan was the biggest and most interesting match they had on the table. The man who was never beaten for the title against the man who cant be beaten for the title is the story they should have told. Instead he was beaten by Bray Wyatt as soon as he returned, got eliminated from the Royal Rumble, lost to Reigns at the last event and now he's being called a turd by the babyfaces. At least Bundy got to look strong against Hillbilly Jim and the dwarfs the year after his main event.

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I honestly think they could have pleased the fans they're trying to turn off Bryan by giving them the Bryan/Ziggler match that was touted. It's not something I'd get excited about personally but plenty Bryan fans would have been.

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Out of curiosity, what would you lot have wanted for Bryan at this year's WM? Not sure a main event is the answer, because you'd then have to put him in the main event every single year.


On the biggest show of the year, I'd like the guy who is arguably the most popular in the company and arguably the best worker in the company to be in something bigger than sharing the sixth match from top with six other guys.

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Out of curiosity, what would you lot have wanted for Bryan at this year's WM? Not sure a main event is the answer, because you'd then have to put him in the main event every single year.


Probably a match with Rollins would have been his best bet, but his injury and the WWE film schedule meant that Orton vs Rollins was the ready-made story. The streak was always going to be used to make Roman Reigns rather than give Bryan another main event. His only realistic opponents for singles were Ziggler, Ambrose or Sheamus (or another midcard no-mark). None of those matches would have had a better build than the ladder match. Fuck, none of the main events have had a better build than the ladder match.

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Why wouldnt he be in the main event? People like him

People might like him next year, the year after that and after that. You can't have him in the main event every single year just because he's the most over. It'll get boring as fuck.


Having said that I definitely do think he should be in something bigger than he's in (even though there isn't much left for him). Like Pitcos said though, the ladder match has actually been the best built match since Fast Lane!

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People want him in the main event because the Lesnar vs Bryan match is more appealing and he's been out of action for the best part of a year. If he'd been around all year as champion and lost the title to Lesnar at SummerSlam, people wouldnt be crying blue murder as much because people would have gotten used to the idea of him not being in the main event at Mania. But by putting him in the Rumble (when nobody expected him to be even in it), they pretty much put him in the shop window. It was WWE that made the mistake putting him in it in the first place. They didnt have to have him in it.


Maybe they should start trying to get people more over than Bryan if they want to avoid this again next year. Which I doubt there is going to be any backlash next year. He's going to be so far down the card, nobody will believe he's going to win the Rumble. His days as a headliner are long gone.

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So much for grabbing the brass ring. What kind of message does that send to other talent, "don't get too over, especially at the expense of guys we're trying to push", you're not going to inspire a new generation of proper superstars with that kind of philosophy. Wouldn't be surprised if there was some resentment towards Reigns brewing in the locker room, despite it obviously being completely out of his hands.

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I don't get the issue here. It's not like he's been future endeavoured. He was in the main event if Fast Lane, is playing a smaller role at WM (like Cena). I'm sure he'll be fighting for the title soon enough. Unless the issue is that he's not main eventing every single PPV.

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I don't get the issue here.


It's a mix of things:


-Not liking Roman Reigns.

-Being underwhelmed by the build-up of the match and/or Reigns as a contender.

-Wanting Bryan to main-event everything and win the title every night.

-Not needing Bryan to main-event everything, but definitely wanting him to main-event all the WrestleManias.

-Wanting to go against what WWE books because I'M FIFTEEN, DAD, YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO ANYMORE!


It can be any combination of them. The second one's the deadliest, because that's the one that's caught people outside the usual whiney idiot bracket.

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Why wouldnt he be in the main event? People like him

People might like him next year, the year after that and after that. You can't have him in the main event every single year just because he's the most over. It'll get boring as fuck.



He had one year of Wrestlemania main event treatment. One single year. Is that the way it's supposed to be then, just one and done? Did they give Hogan one Wrestlemania then Savage the next, Warrior after that, Bret for a Year, Nash gets a try, one for Shawn etc... ?


If he's the hottest act going into two Wrestlemania's then logic dictates you feature him in the top matches both years. If when year three comes around someone is hotter, maybe you go with them. No-one was hotter this year - not even close.

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You dont have to main event every single pay-per-view. He was main eventing every single PPV when he won the title. Only he was main eventing against Kane and running away from him in rental cars and shit. You need to protect your stars. This is why they had a backlash to begin with. The issue isnt that his stock is less than last year. Its the fact that there is nobody else ever who was as over as he was in 2014 who has been willingly devalued like he has. Especially in this era, where they are hard to come by. Nobody had a fall that big.


The sad thing is, I dont even care anymore because this Daniel Bryan is so fucking unbearable, I dont give a fuck about him being in the main event of Mania if this is what we are going to get from him. He reminds me 2009 era AJ Styles when he'd be all up in Kevin Nash's face with his obnoxious babyface character and Nash woud pull smarmy grin and totally do him in with it. People have a go at Reigns (and Reigns has dropped a load of clangers), but I find Bryan just as eyerolling. He's quite smug and that hair is shocking. Its probably partly his own fault I suppose. I once heard a story Steve Austin watched an episode of Raw where Marc Mero was advertised to work him on a house show. It was the same show Mero got power bombed by Sable. Austin rang Vince from home and said "so who is going to be my opponent this weekend on the house show?" Vince told him "Marc Mero", to which Austin said "I'm not selling for someone who gets beat up by a woman". Rightly or wrongly the likes of Austin, Hogan, Savage, Punk, even Cena who took a dislike to Alex Riley after that fuck up at Royal Rumble 2011, all these people stick up for themselves. Even Orton and Batista disagreed with the booking last year. From his beard, his paleness, his build, his height, his daft face, his lack of backbone, everything about him is exactly what you imagine Vince to hate in a person. He's even shagging the Bella with no tits. That's got to drive Vince mad.


Look at the faces of the Main Event Mafia behind Steiner as he buries the young guys. That's the faces I imagine Vince and Kevin Dunn to have when Bryan is dying on his arse.

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Bryan's always been smug, it's not always been an issue though. He never really takes any of it seriously and he usually delivers promos like wrestling is a big joke. You can see him reaching about 2% on the AJ Lee scale in his demeanor at all times, which is pretty smug. He'd be absolutely fucking brilliant playing CJ Parker.


Surely they weren't booking Mero to be challenging Austin in main events at the same time he was getting powerbombed by Sable on TV?

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