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The Relationship Thread


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Congrats Duke! Got a good story to go with it? (I don't, mine proposal was very simple)

Not really sadly. I actually had an extensive plan, and then last night she suggested shed much rather something simple than elaborate so I took her for a walk in Richmond park and did it in a picturesque area. Hadn't prepared to do it then, didn't have a ring or anything, but she loved the spontaneity of it all.

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I wish it was still acceptable as an adult to pass a note to someone saying "Do you fancy me? Tick 'Yes' or 'No'". I think there's something wrong with me when it comes to talking to men I like. I've finally gathered that the guy I like is single. That's as far as I've got. In a month.

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He wasn't in the pub for long tonight but his mate stayed behind so I was able to do the whole "I fancy your friend..." thing so hopefully he might go back and tell him instead of leaving it up to me. I may still be in the same state in 6 months otherwise!

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I am bisexual and dated guys for TEN YEARS... then got with a girl that I knew since we were in our teens. How weird is that!?

I'm similar to be fair. 4 long term relationships with girls. Followed by one with a guy.


Now I'm alone . . .

If you don't mind me asking, did you always consider yourself bisexual or did it come as a surprise?

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Currently going through a dilemma  regarding relationships. The T thing is totally messing up my interest radar and as a result i'm massively backing off people that are expressing interest. as i'm  unsure what the lay of the land is as i'm relearning everything from scratch.


I'm really really close to a lass at work, she's one of those that's totally disarming and so easy to talk to about everything it's unreal. Not experienced anything ike it for some time.  indeed out of the 4-5 people who i have met in my life like that I've ended getting Engaged to two of them and we all know how that went, lol


However she is not long split from her ex and has a suitor at work,  She keeps mentioning' dates', in a jokey manor and says really wants to get to know me more, and says I say the nicest things about her etc. she also knows that im a bit freaked and still wants to find out more, has mentioned really close friends and  more contact. If I was a bloke, Id make a move, however as a lass, it's like errr. what confused. She's happy with T and is Bi... and I should be like well in there??


Im different now, so instead of diving right in and getting the awkward rejection over i'm taking stop. However she notices when im backing off or a bit distant, and I sure as heck dont want to crowd her either.


So what do I do. Obs with her ex so fresh in her mind, and with others about it could be a case of lapping up the interest, however on the flipside she seems genuinely nice without all of the powerplaying egoism.  Stepping away to see what a break would do is going to be hard as we are both on the same shift and  it's completely buggering with my head. Er Help?

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