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The Relationship Thread


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That can be quite common. No, my situation is wierder than that, he's the 'right' religion and cast, but he's one of my cousins best friends who has a VERY big problem with us seeing each other and has shit stirred massively - he's gotten most of my relatives and parents involved - so until we decide if we want to get married or not it's easier to keep it a secret.

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You'd have to ask him to be honest Chest. I think it's a combination of things - he's an spoilt egomaniac who is used to being listened to, and he's told me no and I should listen, he and my partner are the only 2 single ones left in their friendship group, my partner thinks it's because his family is not very well off, and when I asked my cousin why not he said that my partner is not good enough for me and is just like him and he doesn't want one of his relatives with a guy like that. On the flip side when my partner asked him he told him I was no good, I would keep him under the thumb, treat his family like crap and argue with hid mum all the time and that I'm not good enough for him.


I'm not sure what the truth is to be honest, but in March me and my partner got seen together and after threatening my partner with a 'its her or your friends', my cousin hasn't spoken to me since, he does still hang out with my partner though so I guess he must believe some of the stuff he says about me.

Edited by deathrey
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Blimey, that just sounds like hard work to be honest. Despite him being family, i'd be glad to never see him again. Do what you want to do, who cares what others think.


When it comes to relationships, like its cool that some people give approval and stuff, but at the end of the day it's your choice to see whomever you want so go for it!

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Yep, it can be hard work and my cousin has dragged a lot of people in to it so a lot of my relatives aren't speaking to me now. My attitude is very much they can go f*** themselves then. I'm a grown 33 year old woman, he's a grown 32 year old man. We are both single, neither of us is involved in any illegal or shady shit or drug addicts or anything of that ilk. We aren't doing anything wrong.

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Hope it works out for you deathrey. Sounds like a headache but you have to put yourself first in a situation like that I think. Your relatives should just be happy for you that you're happy. It's hard enough to find someone who's right for you without people interfering and throwing spanners in the works all the time. Good luck with it.

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Well, make that twice then. Hope it works out for you. As said above, do what's right for you - they're your family, they'd have to come around sooner or later (and I hope it's sooner).

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I saw the guy I like in the pub for the first time since my last post. I bottled it. I don't even know if he's single, it wasn't the right environment (football was on, it was too loud and I was working) so I didn't get to speak to him much. I think I might have to scope out his situation before I do anything. Still don't think I have the guts.

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Do it in the early hours of the morning after you've been drinking. Always worked for me.



[EDIT] No, no, no. DON'T do it in the early hours of the morning after drinking. It leads to months and months of crippling awkwardness. Or so I've heard.

Edited by Nostalgia Nonce
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Just say it to him, Monkee! Seriously, you're so lovely that the chap will be only delighted.

But to address the 'is he single or in a relationship' sitch, just do the sly "Does your missus not get pissed off at you going out for the footy?" line. And if he says "Me? Nah, single, me!" then let him know what's, what.

You get one crack at this life, and you seem to be the spontaneous sort.

Deathrey is doing her bit and taking the bull by the horn and fucking everyone off for what she wants and what she believes in, and she's fucking wonderful for doing that, so my advice - for all that it's worth - would be to say it to him.

If - and if he's single, I don't think he will - he rejects the advances, then if you ever see me in person you can knee me in the ballbag.

But if you don't do it, you won't know and it really is that simple.


I asked a girl out who I used to see around the shops every lunch time back about 2003. Used to make the eyes at each other, but there's always the "am I imagining it?".

My pots were absolutely gone...rinsed...doing it, but I asked her out at O'Briens Sammidge Bar in the queue. She said yes. She was an absolute psychopath. Now she's an actress on Fair City and them eyes frighten me.
So there's always that side of it...

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I've been single just over a year since my ex upped and left. cos shes nice like that.


I seem to have developed a less than ideal habit of developing feelings for girls that are already with someone else. its a real sickener.

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I agree with Branco Buster - go for it, Monkee. You've easily got a chance; you just have to grab it with both hands. I don't know any single straight man that doesn't want to be grabbed by a great woman with both hands.

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The EU Referendum may have just killed my new relationship. She moved here to work at Nuffield Theatre a short while ago, and now their biggest contributor has imposed a moratorium on funding. If the Theatre have to make cuts, as the most junior member of staff, she'll be the first one to go.

Trying to convince her to come out and have an angry drink with me, instead of becoming a hermit.

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Any good links/advice for someone who's coming out of a marriage with kids and has to start everything from scratch? Basically need a house, stuff to put in it and a means to do so as I have no savings and most wages go on food, car, kids and debt. My credit rating stands at "yeah have credit but pay back twice what you borrow yeah?" As well.


Just to clarify, she'll have the kids but i'll be looking to split it as evenly as possible and she's fine with that.

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