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1 hour ago, The King Of Swing said:

Was hoping for an Omega victory, but it was Naito's year. What a match.

The though of Omega becoming just another 50/50 Superstar terrifies me.

Anyone else see Kevin giving Rocky directions during the main event? After the middle rope kneck breaker, you could clearly see him signal "three" to Rocky who immediately starts talking about it being the third kneck breaker. Funny little distraction.

Killer Elite Squad returning was also a good moment. Suzuki-gun is actually a pretty stacked faction.

Thinking back to yesterday's show is Taichi the only heel in the promotion that actually gets crowd heat?

The Suzuki and Big Mike showdown was pretty great.

I've always been a peripheral watcher of New Japan up until this year (barring the Big Events) but it absolutely appeals to my current sensibilities as a wrestling fan of nearly 30 years and I'm hooked.

Even the weakest of the G1 shows were above much of everything else in wrestling at present. 

The various threads and issues developing throughout the 19 shows were a joy. Even the 'inconsequential' strands like Suzuki abusing the Young Lions/Boys. Even though we all knew the Young Lions were on a hiding to nothing when it eventually happened, I appreciated that they were largely kept out of the same ring/match as Minoru Suzuki until Night 17. 

And the journey of Yuji Nagata in his final G1, causing even the 'baddest' of the Bullet Club to respect him at the end.

And the number of stars created and elevated, namely EVIL and Juice Robinson. And what a brilliant personal story we are seeing for the latter, badly developed by the system and possibly a poor attitude by him, destroyed by the entitled numb-nuts at Full Sail, and requesting his release, disillusioned with the art form he loves. Goes to Japan, presents himself to the Dojo, shaves his head and starts again as a young boy. And the rest is history. I suspect WWE will want him back at some point, but the question is if he'll want to go back. 

Not forgetting Zack Sabre Jr who looks like he may be in for more than just a short-term push, having tapped Tanahashi twice over this series and tying Ishii in knots on Night 18. 

And what I like also is there is a fairly clear direction coming out of it in terms of shows later this year, potential challengers both this year and at WK12 as well as the fact that Suzuki-Gun are going to cause no end of trouble going forward. 

And I shouldn't be entertained by Yano, but I can't help it. I do have a feeling he will be made to pay for what he did to Suzuki on Night 18.

And I did notice Kevin Kelly feeding Romero that line after the neckbreaker spot. Real professional. Unlike many, I actually rate him. 

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I'd like to take a second to mention the commentary, Kevin Kelly and Don Callis have tremendous chemistry, Callis has been one of my stand outs of the year within Wrestling for his work on New Japan. His unwavering support of Omega is just brilliant, so reminiscent of Heenan and Flair in the WWF, you can tell it comes from a very genuine place. Even Romero gatecrashing the final few nights worked out ok, didn't hear as much of Callis but certainly Romero did his bit.

Now it's all said and done, I think my top 3 matches in no order are Okada/Suzuki, Okada/Omega and Naito/Ibushi. Evil was my standout performer outside the main few guys, boy did he grasp the opportunity, his STO finisher is fucking brilliant.

Edited by Ambulance Chaser
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Ditto on the commentary, this is the first time in forever that I've actually enjoyed the English commentary more than the Japanese stuff. Hopefully the Callis and Kelly pairing will be a mainstay for the foreseeable future. Omega/Okada 3 was the standout match for me this tournament but there were plenty of other amazing performances throughout. Pretty much everything Omega and Okada were in was gold, ZSJ vs Tanahashi and Ishii, EVIL and SANADA stepping up and Nagata's final G1 match just for the crowd reaction alone.

I might be jumping the gun a bit because I'm still on a high after this weekend but this might have been the best G, at least in terms of match quality, ever ?

Edited by Love-Wilcox
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16 hours ago, uklaw said:

I've always been a peripheral watcher of New Japan up until this year (barring the Big Events) but it absolutely appeals to my current sensibilities as a wrestling fan of nearly 30 years and I'm hooked.

Even the weakest of the G1 shows were above much of everything else in wrestling at present. 

The various threads and issues developing throughout the 19 shows were a joy. Even the 'inconsequential' strands like Suzuki abusing the Young Lions/Boys. Even though we all knew the Young Lions were on a hiding to nothing when it eventually happened, I appreciated that they were largely kept out of the same ring/match as Minoru Suzuki until Night 17. 

And the journey of Yuji Nagata in his final G1, causing even the 'baddest' of the Bullet Club to respect him at the end.

And the number of stars created and elevated, namely EVIL and Juice Robinson. And what a brilliant personal story we are seeing for the latter, badly developed by the system and possibly a poor attitude by him, destroyed by the entitled numb-nuts at Full Sail, and requesting his release, disillusioned with the art form he loves. Goes to Japan, presents himself to the Dojo, shaves his head and starts again as a young boy. And the rest is history. I suspect WWE will want him back at some point, but the question is if he'll want to go back. 

Not forgetting Zack Sabre Jr who looks like he may be in for more than just a short-term push, having tapped Tanahashi twice over this series and tying Ishii in knots on Night 18. 

And what I like also is there is a fairly clear direction coming out of it in terms of shows later this year, potential challengers both this year and at WK12 as well as the fact that Suzuki-Gun are going to cause no end of trouble going forward. 

And I shouldn't be entertained by Yano, but I can't help it. I do have a feeling he will be made to pay for what he did to Suzuki on Night 18.

And I did notice Kevin Kelly feeding Romero that line after the neckbreaker spot. Real professional. Unlike many, I actually rate him. 

Sums up my thoughts on New Japan. Without question this promotion ticks every single box I want from Pro Wrestling and this is how it should be done in my view. 


So many quality matches from this G1 which I think overall was the best one ever. Elgin/Omega, ZSJ/Ishii, Ishii/Ibushi, Tanahashi/Ibushi, Naito/Ibushi, EVIL/Okada, Suzuki/Okada, Okada/Omega and Naito/Omega. Guilty pleasure goes to Omega/Yano in Japanese, can't fault the comedic value in this context. 

Tried the English commentary for most of the undercards NJ provides with Kelly and Callis. Heard Rocky before, love the guy for what he does, but broadcasting I'm not so sure. Mostly now listen to Japanese for the energy and emotion conveyed. Shibata's surprise appearance a great example of the raw emotion on hearing his entrance music when it first came on. Superb placement immediately right after the Wrestle Kingdom promoted shown. The visual of the JPN commentary team, especially the lead play semi scrambling his initial thoughts made this incredibly special. Point being, this company easily makes me fall in love with everything they deliver consistently, Number One.



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I tend to prefer listening to the Japanese commentary - it just feels right, and the emotion is more apparent, but I'll stick the English commentary on if I'm watching with friends, or if I've got the show on in the background while doing something else, so it's easier to keep track of what's going on.

I was a huge fan of Cyrus in ECW back in the day, so was pretty happy when I heard Callis had joined the announce team, but I can't say I'm enjoying his work as much as others. Kevin Kelly's decent, though a little lacking in colour, so has never felt like he quite fits - he only seems to have one "gear", so the whole show ends up sounding a little flat - and Don Callis is a little too "sports entertainment" for my liking. The English announcers sucking up to Bullet Club has always felt really try-hard and desperate to me in the first place, and Callis taking that to the next level with his constant pandering over Omega just feels way too much like he's trying to get himself over as part of the show, more than doing anything to actually get Omega over to a new audience.

The way he talks about women makes my skin crawl too, though I suppose it's in keeping with how NJPW presents women in the first place.

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On that subject, I was watching the last few days of the G1 this week, and I thought Rocky Romero was a pleasant surprise on commentary in the three-man team. Not too overbearing, calls the moves, operates somewhere between Kelly and Callis - not quite play-by-play, not quite colour/heel commentary. Most importantly, it didn't feel forced or produced, he seemed really natural on commentary.  

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Is there a storyline reason for Naito having it in for Callis? Was pretty funny when Naito chased him off, on I think it was day 1.

Yujiro's Tokyo Pimp gimmick is hilariously dated. Sticks out like a sore thumb and probably more suited to a promotion like DDT.

I'm fine with the English commentary. It's flawed but pretty essential if New Japan wants to continue bringing in non Japanese fans.

Callis can be a bit much at times with the insider terminology but he's been that way since ECW.

Wouldn't be surprised if Rocky is being trained up for a permanent position at the desk. Doesn't seem to be much left for him as a wrestler there.

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Yeah Omega played a part in Callis landing the job, also they have some kind of history family wise, maybe Callis knew Omega's old man or uncle or something from back in the Canadian Territories, sorry I can't remember specifics but I read that somewhere. This is what I was saying about Callis calling Omega matches, you can tell they are friends and it's coming from a real place. I think Callis is terrific in New Japan, another bit I particularly enjoy is him selling the danger of Suzuki, like he literally shits himself every time he walks around the ringside area and his yell of "JESUS CHRIST" when a big forearm goes in tickles me.

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Omegas uncle is gamma Singh I believe , who worked with Callis in the Canadian indies in the 90s. They got talking before Christmas as did a dual interview on two is Jericho and the friendship went from there 

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