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Foley is Crud


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I watched the first five episodes when they were first added.

Noelle seems to have nothing going on in her brain, seems to be monumentally thick. Frank The Clown needs glassing, and you get the impression that he's managed to fool her into going out with him just so he can be around with Mick Foley. The two youngest kids seem to wear WWE merchandise at all times, all the while Dewy seems to be the only one with any redeeming qualities.

Mick's 'Christmas Room' and general obsession with it is downright odd (I read earlier today that he's got a book out of the year all about his Christmas obsession). Him being odd would partly explain Colette also being so, but I'd imagine that as with all reality shows, everything is meticulously scripted so you can't really believe anything that you see, including Noelle bring a thicko and Foley wishing he could bum Santa.

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Yeah the Foley show is crap. Just finished watching it all. I don't think it will be back seeing as Noelle didn't get the NXT contract.


It's not a patch on Total Divas or Bellas which I absolutely love for all the behind the scenes DB and Cena stuff.

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