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Best things to watch on the network?

Jimmy Boy

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I will start a post about Silver Vision over the weekend, but as a related PS to that: if you ever admired US UFC shirts with skulls or grunge stains on, you could forget getting one from FightDVD as the same obstructive person as above found such motifs personally distasteful. Hence no skull-adorned UK UFC shirts.

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That Legends DVD had a run of just 2,000 which all sold out and made a profit way before the sell off point. It took so long to get it released that almost everyone who wanted to see it had at that point.


The discussions we used to have with our own powers that be make WWE necrophilia angles seem like the result of logical and well advised booking meetings. Gary was far more restrained but I'd suffered years more of this idiocy and would often be taken to breaking point, and beyond.

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  • Awards Moderator

Of *course* it was 2,000. 15,000 was a standard B-level PPV run, right? I suspect a Silver Vision thread would consist of 50% Steve correcting my rotting memory.


Why was Heatseekers the chosen title Steve?


Anyway, yeah so that Network huh?

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Heatseekers was chosen because it was the one I liked the look of the most, and it had Luger on the cover, who I always liked. Commercially it was the most appealing to the masses too, and my thinking was that if we go out with the one most likely to sell to the most people then we stand a chance of the rest of them being green lit. Of course the time between the initial pitch and putting the DVD to market meant the boat had been missed and probably sunk. 


Apologies for the derailing, and feel free to bung all this in its own self indulgent Gary and Steve chat old work shit thread.


Network! I am considering it, and based a lot on becoming interested in the current product from hearing people chat on the Jericho and Austin podcasts. The one thing holding me back is the Raw and Smackdown airings. I'm not about to get Sky and now can I stay up in the early hours to watch them live, so if I get the Network I can see PPVs, but not the build up for them. Of course there's all the archive footage which is more than enough justification for me anyway, and NXT too, but the weekly TV problem irks me.

Edited by Midnight Zeus
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Decided to watch 1995 Raw from beginning to end. I might not make it. The first episode is filmed in a high school or college gym. You can make out the wood floor beneath some of the mats. If the hard camera zooms out the width of the ring, you can see the wall behind the back row of bleachers. Hence while the match is going on, they zoom in really close.


It has Monsoon and HBK on commentary and they are woeful. There's a JJ angle where hes supposed to sing but doesn't. Monsoon is running ahead of the angle. He's telling you what will happen.


Love the Royal Rumble Report with Todd Pettingill though. I'm a sucker for those things. He runs through the entrance to the Rumble and they are proper shite as we all know but I still want to watch it. Madness.


Duke Droese has a squash match. He gets thrown into the ropes, stops 6 inches short, has a look and then bounces into the ropes. Not sure I've seen another pro do that.


Luger/Bulldog vs. Tatanka/Bigelow ends in a double count out and then restarts to a finish. Clearly when they tapes it, they restarted right away but on the show, they come back to it for the main event slot and pretend it just got started again.

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Decided to watch 1995 Raw from beginning to end. I might not make it. The first episode is filmed in a high school or college gym. You can make out the wood floor beneath some of the mats. If the hard camera zooms out the width of the ring, you can see the wall behind the back row of bleachers. Hence while the match is going on, they zoom in really close.It has Monsoon and HBK on commentary and they are woeful. There's a JJ angle where hes supposed to sing but doesn't. Monsoon is running ahead of the angle. He's telling you what will happen.Love the Royal Rumble Report with Todd Pettingill though. I'm a sucker for those things. He runs through the entrance to the Rumble and they are proper shite as we all know but I still want to watch it. Madness.Duke Droese has a squash match. He gets thrown into the ropes, stops 6 inches short, has a look and then bounces into the ropes. Not sure I've seen another pro do that.Luger/Bulldog vs. Tatanka/Bigelow ends in a double count out and then restarts to a finish. Clearly when they tapes it, they restarted right away but on the show, they come back to it for the main event slot and pretend it just got started again.

This is exactly why the WWF needed the kick up the backside that was WCW Nitro. Mid 90s WWF was on the whole (with obvious exceptions), piss poor.

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I'm still sure Marc Mero was only a 'star' in total for 5 or 6 years, so how is it I am still finding nearly every show I go to watch has him in the first match!  Stuck on a Raw from 1996 yesterday.  First match is Marc Mero vs. The Goon!  I'm sure even if i watch an episode of Prime Time Wrestling, or an episode of NXT he's going to be on it somehow.

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quick Network question.


I signed up through my Xbox One for the free February, i'v watched a few bits and pieces but in my 'Continue Watching' section, there's a bunch of stuff i haven't watched, with the status bar showing that the episodes/shows have been watched like half way through. Seems like someone else is using my account.


Anyone else noticed this? is it just a glitch?

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