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Smackdown Discussion Thread

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I perked up at Elias doing old school a few weeks ago, Googled it, and one of the top results was Lance Storm mentioning it over a year ago, so I suppose he’s always done it.

The concert is a perfect setup for him to get chokeslammed at Mania and then do a Saudi squash match in May though.

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19 hours ago, Supremo said:

This is the greatest thing I've ever seen.


See; regardless of what the general consensus is of the story - I know it's been mixed on here... I love it. This is what I love about wrestling - anything can happen out of nowhere. This package, this story, I want Kofi to win.

This is unlike Rollins/Lesnar where I want a Rollins victory just to get the title on the show full time and anyone would do at this point; this is a sheer emotional investment - and I'm a Bryan fan! 

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It's annoying how great their online content is and how little of it makes it to TV. This stuff goes a long way to building character and support. I care far more for a lot of the wrestlers off the back of the insight I've gained through the videos on YouTube rather than endless meaningless TV matches.

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Has anyone else's Sky not recorded Smack down for the last 2 weeks? And I've just looked forward to next week, and can't see it anywhere on the Sky Sports channels?


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22 minutes ago, Cod Eye said:

Has anyone else's Sky not recorded Smack down for the last 2 weeks? And I've just looked forward to next week, and can't see it anywhere on the Sky Sports channels?


Mine has been fine but last night it only taped the first 1 hour 7 minutes, and then it cut out. 

When does the replay normally air ?

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I really hope the finish of the Styles/Orton match is Styles feinting a springboard, Orton hitting an RKO on no-one and Styles hittin him with the forearm on his way back up. Surely we're overdue that one.

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2 hours ago, Cod Eye said:

Has anyone else's Sky not recorded Smack down for the last 2 weeks? And I've just looked forward to next week, and can't see it anywhere on the Sky Sports channels?


Mine didn't record last week and neither did my brothers or mates so must of been one of those issues where it changes channels for 1 week and doesn't record.

Luckily enough I checked yesterday and had to reset the recording 

Smackdown next week is on Sky Sports Mix instead of sky sports 

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14 hours ago, Cod Eye said:

Has anyone else's Sky not recorded Smack down for the last 2 weeks? And I've just looked forward to next week, and can't see it anywhere on the Sky Sports channels?


I have 2 series links for Raw & 2 for Smackdown - 1 each on Arena, 1 each on Action. That seems to pick it up every time except the very occasional times it’s on Mix, like next week.

Edit: while we’re here, how about that dreadful low budget horror movie creaky drawbridge sound they’ve added to Black’s entrance? It debuted on Raw, I know, but...

It’s doubly bad because, altough we can all see the apparatus, surely the point of it is that Black is supposed to be doing some spooky inhuman rise to his feet like Dracula coming out of his coffin? Instead they’ve really hammered home the point he’s being cranked up.

Ricochet had some weird sonic boom thing during his on Raw, IIRC.

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