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I seem to remember a storyline from when I was young of one of the characters falling off a ladder or something and becoming a religious nutcase after he woke up. Did that actually happen or did I invent it in my head?

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Neighbours, whether it was Debbie Killing Julie on a Murder Mystery Weekend. The Irish Guy in the House of Trouser and Carmella's Italian connection. Kerrie getting shot by Poachers. Cody getting killed by a random shot Dee getting killed on her wedding night Angie, Toadie, Stone Fish, Dr Karl and his infidelities and Magic Carpet fascination. Paul Robinson's class return after the burning down of Lou's Place. Neighbours actually does fucking rock and then some!

Edited by patdfb
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The last time I watched Neighbours was a reunion episode, where someone was making a documentary about the street, and they got LOADS of old faces back, it was class.


It's definitely jumped the shark though, the storylines have got increasingly desperate, compared to the old days where Bouncer going missing was a month's worth of episode.


It's not a drama series though, it's an episodical television series, a soap. As was Corrie. Grumble, grumble.

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See I was waiting for ages for SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Agent Staahl to get killed, and the payoff was worth it. I was chuffed to bits. But apart from that, the whole Deus Ex Machina neat tie up was a bit ludicrous, I thought



<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Aside from the ends of Stahl and Jimmy I didn't think it was all tied up so neatly. They're still going to prison, just for a lot less time than it would have been without Jax making the deal with Stahl. I thought they hit the right balance between ending a season and setting shit up for the next one.


That moment in the police van when Jax's face turns in to a smile, and you realise it was a plan all along was amazing.



[close spoiler]



Anyway, you should give it another go, if you liked the first couple of seasons you should like the last couple. The new one's starting sometime in September as well.

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It took me 4 seasons to realise I don't actually like Sons Of Anarchy, so I stopped watching. If the 5th season appears on Nexflix, I might give it a go. Passes the time but my jogging bottoms are more convincing an actor than Charlie Hunnan, he is the absolute pits.

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It took me 4 seasons to realise I don't actually like Sons Of Anarchy, so I stopped watching. If the 5th season appears on Nexflix, I might give it a go. Passes the time but my jogging bottoms are more convincing an actor than Charlie Hunnan, he is the absolute pits.


You're as bad as Chest with Community.

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It took me 4 seasons to realise I don't actually like Sons Of Anarchy, so I stopped watching.


I was the same with NYPD Blue. Watched it for years and then realised, "You know, I don't like this. The lead characters are cunts, the shaky-cam is getting on my tits and David Caruso cannot fucking act."

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Neighbours is the first one that I have thought "You are fucking kidding arn't you"


Awful TV, worse than Hollyoaks and that is saying something. A procession of flange so poor they can't get a gig in porn and actors who make this man





look like Sir Ian McKellan


Neighbours can fuck off back to Bouncers dream

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Poorly written, poor actors, cheap looking set. When you think of great drama non of these things spring to mind. One episode featured a dog having a dream. On the whole it takes every formulaic trick in the episodic TV genre and uses them. It is not great drama, it is the televisual equivalent of a pot noodle, and you don't get Michelin stars for that.

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"You wouldn't be trying to blackmail old J.R., would you?"






Voted number 1? No.


What's it about?


The fourth longest ever running primetime US drama, Dallas is based on the feuds and relationships of the Ewing family. The 'Who shot JR?' cliffhanger is still to this day probably the most famous cliffhanger ever and the episode revealing the shooter is the second highest rated thing to ever air on primetime US television which is quite incredible. And in an insanely ballsy/retarded move retconned it's entire ninth season as a dream sequence. There's a new version which I am assuming is shite.


What do you say?


"Possibly the greatest TV villain of all time in JR Ewing. The late Larry Hagman was a revelation as the morally bankrupt oil tycoon. The new series on channel 5 can fuck off though."


"It's great."



"Good morning"

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