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Why would you just get annoyed at Goldberg texting the sound guys? By your logic, all wrestlers should be shown walking out of the sound truck before they make their surprise entrance.

Because it's stupid. He's sat in his locker room watching and gets them to play his music before exiting his room? 



In kayfabe logic its not hard to imagine all the guys having the sound team on a Whatsapp group should they want their music cued up ahead of time whether its to surprise a rival (like HHH to Rollins last week) or to signify to the crowd they're on their way out.


hehe fair point, just takes away from his badass aura if you imagine him doing that ;) 

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Really excited to see Joe in WWE.


The Rollins beat down was great, the promo was great, and the Reigns match (although WAY too early/too soon) was great. And more importantly he looked a boss in that suit.


The '18 years' gimmick can go a long way. The fued with Cena writes itself. The fued with any internet darling when he was an original net darling yet left behind writes itself. The fued with Reigns as two Samoans, one with a talent the other with a family writes itself. AJ not enduring the indignity of NXT writes itself.


I'm excited for Joe, the whole history of being left behind and now finally HHH has allowed him in he's going to barge through the door and own the place 'should' be fantastic. Throw a few jobbers at him get that finisher over, which I like, get the choke over a bit too with the newer audience and WWE could be onto a winner.

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Yeah I like his new finish. It's just modified from the STOs he's done over the years (I like the STO generally as a move a lot, but have never liked Joe's lazy version from the corner where he is still standing). His new one is a bit like a uranage Bossman slam, which gets two thumbs up from me.

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When I was a kid, I always used to imagine that there was someone behind the curtain (in Gorilla position) and interfering wrestlers would just tell them to hit their music when they went down to the ring. I had no concept of production trucks or sound techs or anything like that so it made perfect sense to me. If they had Goldberg interfering and did his entrance from the dressing room as per usual though, I'd certainly start questioning logistics.

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No problem with them facing the hard camera to make the pin, that's fine and makes sense as it's a TV show. Nia Jax needs to make it look a bit more natural though, rather than hitting her finisher, getting up and having a little jog around the ring to get into position. She could just lie with her back on top of the opponent, leaning on them almost. She'd be facing the camera and it'd make her look even more "physically dominant" that she doesn't even need to pin her opponents properly to beat them.

I feel worse for all those poor fans facing the hard camera that get a view of her arse while it happens.


It did look a bit contrived, but Joe didn't do that when he pinned Reigns in the main. He just hit the Uranage and covered him. If she's that arsed about having to face the hard camera so we can see her 4th wall breaking "Look at me, I'm on the telly" grin whenever she's making a pin attempt learn to hit that samoan drop in such a fashion that you're more naturally in that position to make the cover afterwards. A little airplane spin or something of that ilk to help get into position would surely emphasise her power as well?.She was called up way too early, but there's only really Asuka back in NXT that she'd possibly benefit from sharing a ring with?

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Not a good pinning position, though. The leg isn't hooked, there's no pressure on the mid/lower body. Hogan never just sat there on his opponents face after his finish.


Nia Jax is supposed to be a monster though and has a huge size advantage over her opponents.

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On a related note, even though it's a weaker pinning position as per PunkStep's point, I've always hated Titus O'Neil shuffling around on his arse to get into pinning position after the Clash of the Titus, rather than just holding them down for the pin a la D'lo after the Sky High.


It does make some logical sense, but it just looks crappy to me - particularly as Titus is a big rangy dude with long limbs who could easily do a convincing pin holding the arms/shoulders down with his legs.


On the subject of Joe's finish this week - might just be that they didn't want Reigns choked out (100% sure they didn't want him tapping out) and given that it was supposed to be a quick pin off a distraction, the Muscle Buster (which is a lengthy set-up at the best of times) didn't cut the mustard?

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Did it irritate anyone else the way Goldberg interrupted the KO and Jericho segment? Just from a logic stand point...they're in the ring....he's in his locker room....and now his music is playing?


Did he text the sound guys from his locker room to say he's on his way so start up the music?

The worst for this is indy shows, where you can literally see the sound guy waiting for the right moment and pressing play. At Progress Jon Briley couldn't be more obvious on his big podium. Kind of kills the illusion of the surprise run in.


They need to have a member of security run up with a piece of paper or something.

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On the subject of Joe's finish this week - might just be that they didn't want Reigns choked out (100% sure they didn't want him tapping out) and given that it was supposed to be a quick pin off a distraction, the Muscle Buster (which is a lengthy set-up at the best of times) didn't cut the mustard?

He doesn't have to tap, they could do the thing where the ref waves for the bell then we've got that whole "I didn't tap out, so you didn't beat me" angle to build off the back of it. It's good to see Reigns doesn't seem too bothered about dropping his shoulders for people though.

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Not a good pinning position, though. The leg isn't hooked, there's no pressure on the mid/lower body. Hogan never just sat there on his opponents face after his finish.

Yokozuna never bothered moving after the Banzai Drop.


I know it's slightly different, but Jax is fucking monstrous compared to most lasses on the roster.


Landing it and hooking a leg from the sell of the impact would be a fair finish.


I honestly believe she moves because she doesn't want to be seen as a fat cunt.

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Yes but Yoko sat right in the middle of his opponents chest and his are covered their entire upper body. No fucker is kicking out of that. As big as Nia is compared to her opponents, it's still essentially a leg (albeit a large one) across a chest.


That said, her whole gimmick is weird. She should be a monster, and most of her gimmick is along these lines, yet parts of it are conflicted. Like her awful pop music theme.

Edited by PunkStep
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It should definitely be something a little heavier rather than that pop thing she has. She also needs to stop smiling because it doesn't look like a menacing smile.

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