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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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So long as the important people aren't annoyed with him, this is the best thing for Joe. Sidelining Rollins on his first night on the proper show only adds to "The Destroyer" aura.


Bad for Rollins, of course, but at least this means Triple H can move on to something better, for now. The Rollins/Triple H feud has been a bit rubbish, in truth. They had one good segment on NXT, but that was quickly erased by the shocking work on Monday. Triple H v Shane or Joe or Nakamura; all good.

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Fucking hell, they've had some bad luck with injuries the past few years haven't they? I was actually looking forwards to Rollins vs HHH (as an unashamed HHH fanboy, I'd be looking forwards to him vs a broom). If they could somehow turn this into HHH vs Joe though, that would interest me a lot more. 


I thought barring the injury, it was a great way to bring Joe in. A fine Triple H promo, all fire and passion then hiding behind his hired muscle. 


Other than Heyman's promo (probably his best in ages actually), I found the rest of Raw quite flat. Pretty bad crowd too.

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After ending Tyson Kidd's career in a freak accident doing one of his finishing moves, I'm not sure how popular Joe will be with management if he's put Rollins on the shelf for a while doing his other finishing move.


Personally, if HHH needs an opponent for WM33, I'd have him chastise and humiliate Joe next week with a public bollocking along the lines of "You were only supposed to soften him up for me to easily beat at WM you idiot".

Have him continue to do that and punish Joe in a number of ways over the next few weeks until he finally snaps and turns on Hunter.

"You wanted a WM match so badly? Well Foley's finally stood up to your missus and booked you in one... (pause...) AGAINST ME!".

Edited by dopper
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After ending Tyson Kidd's career in a freak accident doing one of his finishing moves, I'm not sure how popular Joe will be with management if he's put Rollins on the shelf for a while doing his other finishing move.


Hopefully they'll realise that it was a simple takedown and its more a case of Seth, who is in a good position despite injuring others with careless strikes and silly bollocks powerbombs, being made of glass.

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It sucks for Seth, but let's not pretend he was on anything but the worst run of his career. Botched from start to finish, his run since coming back from injury has been some of the worst booking of a top guy I can ever recall. I'm still convinced someone was trying to sabotage his career. Fucking off for a while might be the best thing that could happen to him.


The only problem, of course, is that's exactly what I said when he hurt his knee last time. If that doesn't speak volumes for how shit his character had been for so long then I don't know what does!

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Personally, if HHH needs an opponent for WM33, I'd have him chastise and humiliate Joe next week with a public bollocking along the lines of "You were only supposed to soften him up for me to easily beat at WM you idiot".

Nah I don't like this idea, Joe V H sounds fine but Trips should be smug as fuck in job done mode. For him to come out and be like no Joe you were too reckless out there, would be ludicrous
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Joe being a heel on Twitter. Love it.


The Destroyer @SamoaJoe Feb 1

The Destroyer Retweeted WWE

.@TripleH I believe I have delivered as requested.

The Destroyer added,

BREAKING: @WWERollins' right knee was re-injured at the hands of @SamoaJoe this past Monday night on #RAW! More: http://wwe.me/8ddGgU 
372 replies 2,614 retweets 5,333 likes
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They are the video game generation. They grew up playing video games and wanting to emulate the moves they saw on their computer games when they were kids and that's why they work the way they do. That's why they get hurt. That's why they can't protect each other.



That's also why the biggest stars in the business, the multi millionaires, the ones that live in mansions and never have to work for the rest of their lives never went to the top rope, never dove through the middle rope and worked with both feet on the ground. They weren't marks for the business but they treated the business like a business like any smart wrestler would do.




And that's why Seth is hurt, that's why more people will continue to get hurt and the only thing that will change it is someone breaking their neck. When someone breaks their neck the WWE will say ok, we have to protect the wrestlers from themselves now and draw back on all the high spots. It doesn't even look like wrestling. Wrestlers talking to each other in the corners for the irish whips, referees holding their fingers every time they hit the mat, constantly talk to each other as they move around the ring stumbling around trying to figure out what to do. It's meant to be wrestling not Cirque Du Soleil. Just kills any atmosphere. The kind of thing where if a regular TV viewer was flicking through the channels they would shake their head and keep on pressing the button. The small fat guy that can hardly move beating up the tall skinny guy who's trying his best to act hurt while the middle aged guy outside stands and tries to do his angry face. Right up there with the Big Show falling around the ring while Zack Gowen beat him up or Rey Mysterio trying his best to hold the WWF Title without showing signs of it being too heavy for him.



Maybe it's time to go back to proper professional wrestling and not this Cirque Du Soleil circus it's become.

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They are the video game generation. They grew up playing video games and wanting to emulate the moves they saw on their computer games when they were kids and that's why they work the way they do. That's why they get hurt. That's why they can't protect each other.



That's also why the biggest stars in the business, the multi millionaires, the ones that live in mansions and never have to work for the rest of their lives never went to the top rope, never dove through the middle rope and worked with both feet on the ground. They weren't marks for the business but they treated the business like a business like any smart wrestler would do.




And that's why Seth is hurt, that's why more people will continue to get hurt and the only thing that will change it is someone breaking their neck. When someone breaks their neck the WWE will say ok, we have to protect the wrestlers from themselves now and draw back on all the high spots. It doesn't even look like wrestling. Wrestlers talking to each other in the corners for the irish whips, referees holding their fingers every time they hit the mat, constantly talk to each other as they move around the ring stumbling around trying to figure out what to do. It's meant to be wrestling not Cirque Du Soleil. Just kills any atmosphere. The kind of thing where if a regular TV viewer was flicking through the channels they would shake their head and keep on pressing the button. The small fat guy that can hardly move beating up the tall skinny guy who's trying his best to act hurt while the middle aged guy outside stands and tries to do his angry face. Right up there with the Big Show falling around the ring while Zack Gowen beat him up or Rey Mysterio trying his best to hold the WWF Title without showing signs of it being too heavy for him.



Maybe it's time to go back to proper professional wrestling and not this Cirque Du Soleil circus it's become.

Yep, multi millionaire mansion owner Shawn Michaels who earned several million dollars per year for just the last four or five of his years in WWE certainly never went to the top rope...

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scotswizard's post

You post some utter garbage more often than not, but there might be a slight bit of truth in what you have posted here, IMO.


Here's my thoughts. I watched the Rumble. I enjoyed the show. Maybe I'm getting old though, but most of the matches were so full-on, fast and hard. It was a bit overkill for me. All were decent or better matches, but the stunt after stunt, near fall after near fall; it's all a bit dangerous and repetitive. There were several matches where a spot happened and I thought, "that should have ended that match." But after that you get five/ten other spots that were thrilling but overkill nonetheless.


I remember someone saying years ago on this forum, "near falls=good match." Despite that being very simplistic I half agreed with it at the time. But you get so many near falls in every big match, even when there is a big convoluted stunt you usually know there will be a kick out. I'd like to see some matches finish earlier, with a big bump meaning a bit more. That way you'll maybe have less risks per show, and maybe less injuries.

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