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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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It was a pretty nothing Raw in front of a dead crowd, but I enjoyed the two triple threat matches and the Zayn/Foley segment was really good. Can see New Day holding the gold until Mania now, fantasy-booking I'd have them drop the belts to The Revival but it'll probably be Enzo and Cass who gets that spot.


How much longer are WWE going to continue these Cruiserweight matches to absolute silence before they get fed up and consign them solely to 205 Live? It only seems to be Gallagher and occasionally Kendrick and Swann who get any reaction at all. 


Excited for Roadblock though, the buildup had been lacklustre but Zayn/Strowman is interesting and I reckon Reigns/Owens will deliver on the night. 

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Cedric Alexander's also gotten decent reactions. He's one I think could conceivably climb to a higher division in future. I don't think this thing with Alicia Fox will be helpful to anybody though. Seems they've done the WWE thing and put 2 people together Because Black. which, y'know, has worked fine on plenty of occasions and everything, but I can't see Cedric and Foxy proper taking off as a double act, can you?

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I reckon Jack Gallagher is going to be the next person to get really over, before WWE cock it up by over exposing him doing the same thing every week. I think by this time next year everyone will be wanting him to go away


That's his act though, it's got no shelf life at all. So far he's had almost the same match every time we've seen him since he debuted in that cruiserweight tournament. It's easy to accuse WWE of overexposing him, but he's set himself up for that by being a gimmick. That's not really a knock on him either, he's made himself stand out so far, but it's just that fans tend to love this sort of thing for five minutes then lose interest when it's clear there's nothing else going on.

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I don't see what the fuss is all about with Gallagher. Granted, I didn't watch a single bit of the CWC, so it's very early days for my viewing of him, but I already find him annoying. This whole cruiserweight division is a total bust though. A lot of extra salaries for bugger all benefit.

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Is the Fox thing so they can try and create another feud for the women's division to stick Bayley on the show for when this Sasha/Charlotte thing is put to bed so she can transition into a crack at the gold for Bayley? Although if this iron person match is supposed to be the final time this happens what happens if Charlotte wins? Does Sasha call in her rematch clause yet again?

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Why can't somebody just retain to bring the feud to a logical conclusion rather than it looking like Charlotte can't be arsed making the effort on Raw or that Sasha is a PPV bottler?

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Just got round to watching this last night, it was a decent show. My favourite part was by far Jack Gallagher declaring his intention to interfere in a match - absolutely brilliant way to portray his gimmick.


I still have a problem with WWE TV in general though even though I enjoyed this show and I realised last night what it was. I can miss any RAW or SmackDown and yet not really miss anything at the same time. I guess that's the way WWE probably want it to be as they want new viewers to be able to jump in and understand what is going on but other than Goldberg recently and the draft, I struggle to remember any "can't miss" episodes of RAW or SmackDown this year.

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I'm secretly hoping Charlotte wins, sees Sasha off then right after she says "There's nobody can challenge me" Asuka strolls out and kicks her head clean off her shoulders.

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I've got a horrible feeling they might do what they did with Brodus Clay to Emma.


Remember when all the vignettes for his upcoming arrival suggested he would be the angry heel monster he was in NXT?


They then swerved us by bringing him out dancing as a goofy babyface.


I reckon they might do this again with Emma coming back doing the dancing gimmick which was good in NXT but sunk immediately on RAW because there was no backstory.

Hopefully not though.  :unsure:

Edited by dopper
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