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That Cena promo was one of his best ever. I can't think of many segments in history that were being so shat upon, only to be saved so spectacularly. Glorious work from John and a fantastic brawl at the end.


But yeah, shame about the three hours that preceded it.

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That Cena promo was one of his best ever. I can't think of many segments in history that were being so shat upon, only to be saved so spectacularly. Glorious work from John and a fantastic brawl at the end.


But yeah, shame about the three hours that preceded it.

That's pretty much my opinion of the show as well. Such a fantastic ending, but a crap show prior.

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We'll wait and see, but it's a mighty tease for what they've got planned for 'Mania. Potentially that's HBK v Bryan / Triple H v Punk/Orton / Cena v Ziggler.


How did you get that out of the closing punch up?not a chance that's happening at Mania, or any other PPV in the near future.


Cena did mention Ziggler in his promo, but he was complimenting him. Certainly nothing seemed to happen to tease a possible rivalry, unless I missed them clashing in the brawl?


One can only imagine how Bret really felt about reading out a Triple H match as a nominee for Match of The Year.


I totally agree that Cena's promo was one of his best ever.

When will they realise that he always gets praise for serious promos stressing the importance of his matches and it's only when they give him comedy stuff that the crowd and viewers shit all over it?

Extra credit for how he reacted to the Daniel Bryan chants, I doubt the part where he spoke to Bryan was pre-planned.


I loved how in one brawl that lasted less than 2 minutes there were numerous small seeds planted for possible upcoming matches all of which would be great.


Not forgetting Punk's reactions in the background to Stephanie's speech. Great stuff.

Edited by dopper
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I don't think I was being totally serious when I mentioned John Cena would be facing a scrub like Ziggler at 'Mania. Ziggler is rotten and even when Cena talked him up he looked like a tosser.


I've watched the final segment a couple of times since yesterday morning, which I don't think I've done for a wrestling angle since Henry showed up Sir Laurence Olivier. It's biggest triumph, for me, is that I'm now into the product once more.

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Cena was great and that's pretty much it for me.


Well other than Stephanie selling Orton's slight bump like she was hit by a truck which was superb, not quite up there with the slap she gave Linda back in the day but still pretty funny and probably the least shit thing she has done since returning as an on screen character.

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Fitting that Bret was presenting match of the year, seeing as he had a late contender 5* classic with an envelope.


Presuming he lives that long, he's going to follow his dad's example by looking like a confused eighty-year-old for the last 30 years of his life.


It was nice to see him dragged up for once - instead of looking like someone who lives in a bin and forages on the riverbank for sustenance, he looked like someone who lives in a bin, forages on the riverbank for sustenance, and found a suit on a corpse.

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The way they presented the Slammy awards was terrible. It's also insane that they would not bother to use the awards to advance a single storyline.


Hunico is awful as Sin Cara.


They sort of did with Roman Reigns showing dismay at The Shield when Ambrose interrupted him. It was subtle but it was there.

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Clunky way of presenting the Slammys aside (seriously, who thought it was a good idea to have wrestlers awkwardly waiting in the ring while awards were being read out?), I thought it was an enjoyable show. The Slammys concept gave a show a sense of purpose and importance, and it also didn't seem to drag as long. That said, I did watch Raw on a torrent days later instead of slogging through it live with ad breaks- makes it much easier to keep my attention.


Bryan/Fandango and Punk/Ambrose were nice TV matches to bookend the show. The big surprise for me was the Wyatts/Usos tag match, that was really, really fun, the two teams meshed very well.


It's disappointing that Brodus ran through Xavier Woods so easily. Pretty much kills any potential feud between them, and also makes Xavier look really shit. I'd like to see Brodus get a good run as a monster heel- it worked well in the NXT days- but I worrry his repeated claims of being a "main event playa" have him destined for the interchangeable midcard.


HBK was more involved in the show than I expected, far more than Foley or Hart... perhaps he is getting the itch to return?


Cena was great, first time in a fair while a promo has given me chills, prior to that it was the Rhodes' Battleground promo and Henry's retirement. Orton does a really good job of acting pissed- probably because he was to a degree, they threw a lot of home truths into Cena's promo. I will say, bringing up Orton's "behaviour issues" backstage was very awkward- no fan gives a fuck about that.


I love the Daniel Bryan stuff- I can't recall a time where the fans rebelled so strongly against what WWE are presenting. I think it'll prompt a change in direction soon. You never heard the fans chanting "Tito Santana" while Hogan and Warrior were out there, or "Val Venis" while Austin and Rock were out there. Daniel Bryan may be at a higher level than those guys, but it's clear they don't want him in main events- he was a quick fix until they got Cena back, and instead of giving him redemption they quietly shifted him to a feud with the Wyatts. The fact that Bryan is starting to refer to getting the title back after a couple of months of ignoring it makes it seem like these reactions are forcing WWE's hand.

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  • Paid Members
The way they presented the Slammy awards was terrible. It's also insane that they would not bother to use the awards to advance a single storyline.


Hunico is awful as Sin Cara.


They sort of did with Roman Reigns showing dismay at The Shield when Ambrose interrupted him. It was subtle but it was there.

They've been doing that in virtually every Shield promo for weeks. It's not particularly subtle anymore.

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