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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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12 years is a long time. Most fans probably didnt even watch when Goldberg was around and I'm talking about his original WCW run.


Bit weird to have Brock's response in his hometown though and WWE not to expect the crowd to cheer him on. And then possibly book the match in Brock's new home country.


The way things are going I hope they hold the match off till Wrestlemania. There will be alot of noise made for both, it will give Goldberg time to get into Goldberg In ring shape plus its the best way to go out win, lose or draw. Plus that final walk out to the ring would look epic at the citrus bowl

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What a weird show, That Lesnar and Heyman retort to Goldberg was an utter shambles, who is planning this stuff to get to a point where we have Lesnar who they are clearly trying to position as a heel, responding to a challenge in his home state in which last time he was there we had one of these standing ovation deals that went on forever, who thought that would work. To me there is one word for it, arrogance, the same arrogance and ignorance that is seeing Vince persevere with Reigns as a babyface for the last 2 years when it is clear, clear as day that it isn't working, ever.


The main event was a right royal fuck up, nobody gives a shite about Rollins, he has no backing and has done nothing to establish himself as a favourite to any demographic of the audience, the kids cheer Reigns and New Day, the Adults cheer Rollins opponents Jericho and Owens, it's so arse backwards that I'm sat watching it in utter shock. Here is the new babyface getting the 2 on 1 treatment and the fans are chanting "Y2J" because he is the most entertaining guy with his list and that. I'm not sure I have been less invested in the Raw main event program since the last and 43rd Cena/Orton feud, weird bastard booking.


The only thing I liked was the Strowman/Zayn segment - Zayn showed more personality in about 3 minutes than his 6 month main roster run.


Good god Perkins is bland.

Edited by Ambulance Chaser
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The way things are going I hope they hold the match off till Wrestlemania. There will be alot of noise made for both, it will give Goldberg time to get into Goldberg In ring shape plus its the best way to go out win, lose or draw. Plus that final walk out to the ring would look epic at the citrus bowl

I wouldn't be suprised if Goldberg hasn't been working on getting into 'ring shape' since that first game trailer came out in June.

I'm not expecting him to be the same Goldberg sized guy from nearly 20 years ago, but I'm sure he hasn't been sat on his arse eating Nik-Naks either.

Plus, part-timers don't get tested do they, so...you know

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Ah, Raw is so frustrating. The fans are aren't helping things but you almost can't blame them sometimes. A Lesnar vs Goldberg doesn't come around very often and yet they don't put any thought into it whatsoever. Vince can lose his temper all he wants but something needs to give. It's just not connecting anymore. Never has there been so much programming with such little substance. It looked like they'd got their arse in gear when they did the re-brand and draft but even that's lost its steam already.

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Are today's fans the worst ever or what? Ruin a guy's last match in the only time his kid ever sees him? Wow. I really hope not.

Why should fans care about any of that?

Because they're so belligerently desperate to pull back the curtain and make sure everyone knows they "get it" these days that they will shout "YOU DESERVE IT" when the biggest onscreen prick in the company who abuses them every week wins the title. They all care infinitely more about making sure they recognise the skill of the actor rather than the actions of his character. It's going to be a struggle, not because they disapprove of one wrestler's actions towards another, but because they probably can't figure out if Goldberg gave enough of his heart and soul to them to deserve a good send off or if he was pushed too hard and took from the business more than Brock did.

Fans are not trained to react to quality stories. The story of Goldberg's return is a good one, but how often do we see that? WWE have trained their fans to not care about the character and just care about putting on endless PPV quality matches on TV every week.


If they want fans to care about characters then they should present a show made up of quality characters. No ones heel and no one is face anymore. It's cheer who you want based on how many good matches they participate in.

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Both the show and the fans were abysmal. Stuff like the arm-wrestling segment is what I want to see more of, yet the crowd chants 'boring'. Did that crowd really want to see another Bayley vs Dana match one week after already getting one? Yet later on, the Cruiser division which is pretty much catering for the 'work-rate, no gimmicks needed' crowd was met with silence. 


Seth Rollins face turn may be the worst in history too, and he doesn't have the mic skills to pull the crowd onto his side. There is so little interest in this Owens/Rollins feud. It's up there with Rollins/Kane last year as one of the worst title feuds in a while. 


'Goldberg sucks' chants at this point are so disheartening after one of the best returns in an age last week. If it was just a one-off due to being in Brock's hometown then fair enough - I guess we'll see next week if it carries over to other cities.


Rolled my eyes at yet another intense Foley 'the cell ruins careers' promo. 


I'm still looking forwards to HIAC, Reigns vs Rusev will be boss (and should be the main event feud really) and New Day vs Cesaro/Sheamus should be decent too, even if we have already seen it. 


Also, I'd let Dana Brooke do unspeakable things to me.

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The Lesnar segment felt like another stunning example of how out of sync WWE are with their fanbase. They, for some reason, assumed fans think Lesnar is a heel now because he did some Lesnar stuff at Summer Slam, which was months ago.


Even on paper, that sort of segment was only ever going to be good if they wanted to show Goldberg up and cut his nuts off, which I assume wasn't the aim.


Also, Seth Rollins is possibly the worst main eventer they've ever had (IMO). I found Del Rio a more dynamic and realistic top line performer. Seth Rollins is just pure apathy when he shows up. I found it interesting during the Austin podcast with Jesse Ventura that Ventura and Austin were agreeing that the most important aspect of being a money player in wrestling is promo first and foremost, because Rollins was the first name to pop into my head as an example of some wrestlers being backwards with this approach. Even then, unlike say a Nakamura, he's murder at telling a story in the ring too, which means any promo short comings are in no way helped by his ring work. Without question, Seth Rollins is the worst thing on WWE telly and has been for sometime. I initially assumed he was just woefully miscast as a heel, because his ring work was all flashy babyface stuff. Then he went and turned babyface and he's the still an overpushed, overreaching performer. Plus he has a cock Keith Chegwin wouldn't whip out on the road to a blackout.


Aye, anyway, Raw was poison.

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Nakamura hardly speaks English and he is a better promo than Rollins. He only says a little, but you a drawn to the screen when he talks, everything is said with conviction and you it always moves the story along. He says more in one minute than Seth does in 20

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I don't think they have. Ambrose has been shite for months but I remember back to the reactions he was getting 2 years ago and I still think he's salvageable if they can tap into that again. And I'll always defend Reigns as he is a wonderful, wonderful pro wrestler and one day he will make a superb heel. 


Rollins, though. He's got so much stink on him from the past eighteen months that I don't think any amount of rehabbing could make me interested in him again. 

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Raw was weird. The Sasha/Charlotte segment felt like it should have been done weeks ago to start the build up to HIAC. Why have a contract signing weeks after you first promoted the match.


The Reigns Rusev stuff also felt out of place, surely last weeks Raw segment with those two was the go home.


It was so bad last night that at one point I thought we were going to get a list on a pole match

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Wow that was a show full of bad promos.


Foley SHOUTING AT THE TOP OF HIS VOICE about the danger awaiting the women was so over the top. Just don't go on top of the cell and you'll be fine, girls.


It doesn't help that Charlotte and Sasha aren't good on the mic. You just get the sense that they're friends playing a game of pretend to cut a promo. When they're talking, you don't sense the other is really listening, more like thinking about their next line. Charlotte was doing too much shouting too and it just comes across as awkward and not genuine. I don't really feel these two hate eachother. I don't feel any wrestler hates any other wrestler these days.


I felt Bret truly Austin and Bret hated Shawn. I miss those days.


Baley and Dane Brook - I agree that the show needs more non wrestling stuff. I don't want to see them wrestle and I don't want to see them arm wrestle. It's lazy.


Rusev and Regins doing their boring pre tape promos. The only interesting thing was watching Rusev's eyes moving side to side as he was reading his lines.


Remember the Austin V Rock fued where they were both interviewed backstage with JR sat between them? It felt real and I don't know why they haven't done that kind of thing since (if they have, I don't remember it)


Heyman and Brock was a total waste of time. They waste Brock so much. When he's in the arena, why don't they have him do something?! Standing next to Heyman, occasionally laughing...boring. They could even just have him bump into someone backstage to set up stuff for the future. Brawn Strowman coming out of his locker room and Brock walking into him and just looking before walking off would be better than nothing.


Heyman having to suddenly try and turn Lesner is so stupid. Why are fans supposed to hate Lesner now? Ripping on the fans for chanting Suplex City when you've encouraged it for 2 years? It's so panto to do the "I hate it when you chant Gooooldberrrg" and then leave a gap hoping that they'll chant Goldberg. It felt like WWE just thought "fuck it" and played Lesner's music to end the promo early since it wasn't going anywhere and had no point to it at all. As someone else wrote, it's poor planning to do this kind of thing in someone's home town.


Jericho is entertaining and funny but the show has too much comedy and sthick. He needs to revert to his "do anything to get booed" approach.


Rollins was really damaged by coming back from injury to a big pop and then turning heel again. Now he's a face because....the authority turned on him? How does that make him a good guy? In real life if there's 2 bullies and one bully stops being mates with the other, that doesn't make one of them admirable. They're both still dicks.


TJ Perkins is boring and just looks too plain to be a star. Kendrick talking about this being his last chance doesn't really seem based in reality. No one is looking at him like he's some old timer with maybe one run left in him. He's 2 years younger than AJ Styles!

Edited by Metallica
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They need to drastically change the way they book Brock. The whole 'have him stand in the ring not doing anything with Paul Heyman spouting the same rubbish' act has been done to death for 4 1/2 years now. 4 1/2 years! That's more than twice as long as his original WWE run.


Basically, we need to see this Brock:



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It was so bad last night that at one point I thought we were going to get a list on a pole match

I would rather have watched that than have to sit thorough fast forward through Dallas/Axel and Golden Truth/Primo & Epico.

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