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What needs to be said about Goldberg has already been said. Just absolutely fantastic. I almost didn't get that far though because I was bloody tempted to switch the show off altogether when Seth Rollins kept calling Jericho "sparkle crotch". Who the fuck are they targeting with stupid shit lines like that?

Edited by Slapnut
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Makes me fucking sad we'll never come close to having wrestlers like him any more. Kevin Owens and company aren't even near his league.



Ryback had the charisma as well as a phenomenal look and in my opinion could have easily became a massive superstar but he was booked staggeringly poorly. They didn't didn't want to go in that direction, you know, the simple and most obvious one.


They just over complicate things to such a point where you now have jaded fans who will look to boo everything.Ā 

Edited by TheLowdown1987
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It raises the question of why couldn't they have presented Goldberg like this in 2003 and make all the money in the world? It was fucking great wasn't it. They had everything. The right music, the walk, the proper pyro. He was so cool he's made me less insecure about my rapidly greying beard.

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What needs to be said about Goldberg has already been said. Just absolutely fantastic. I almost didn't get that far though because I was bloody tempted to switch the show off altogether when Seth Rollins kept calling Jericho "sparkle crotch". Who the fuck are they targeting with stupid shit lines like that?

Vince, probably. He laughed.


Let's not forget how boss Goldberg's jacket is. Want one and I'm willing to sell the house for it.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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What needs to be said about Goldberg has already been said. Just absolutely fantastic. I almost didn't get that far though because I was bloody tempted to switch the show off altogether when Seth Rollins kept calling Jericho "sparkle crotch". Who the fuck are they targeting with stupid shit lines like that?


Wrestling fans who've been lapping up this exact same shit for nearly 20 years?

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Yeah, us wrestling fans aren't known or respected as a whole for our taste in good comedy. They may have a point. Look how many laughed at fucking Kung Pow Bitch? I mean, for fucks sakes.

Edited by PowerButchi
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I was completely proven wrong. Wow, what a segment. The stuff with his kid was genuinely touching. Just real emotion and real words from a genuine star. Wrestling is boss.

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I was completely proven wrong. Wow, what a segment. The stuff with his kid was genuinely touching. Just real emotion and real words from a genuine star. Wrestling is boss.

Haven't WWE booked themselves into a corner again with Lesnar/Goldberg? If Lesnar wins then he has beaten someone who is trying to fight for all the kids in the crowd and trying to be a superhero for them (including his son). If Goldberg wins, then Lesnar looks weak losing to a 50 year old who hasn't been in a ring over over 10 years and any momentum he still has is mostly lost.

They are going to have Goldberg win at Survivor Series and have Lesnar win at Mania aren't they! They are going to start doing 50/50 booking with Lesnar, their only star with any aura or momentum behind him.


On the topic of Goldberg, what was the original plan for who was going to end his streak in WCW? Was it always going to be Nash?

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I was completely proven wrong. Wow, what a segment. The stuff with his kid was genuinely touching. Just real emotion and real words from a genuine star. Wrestling is boss.

Haven't WWE booked themselves into a corner again with Lesnar/Goldberg? If Lesnar wins then he has beaten someone who is trying to fight for all the kids in the crowd and trying to be a superhero for them (including his son). If Goldberg wins, then Lesnar looks weak losing to a 50 year old who hasn't been in a ring over over 10 years and any momentum he still has is mostly lost.

They are going to have Goldberg win at Survivor Series and have Lesnar win at Mania aren't they! They are going to start doing 50/50 booking with Lesnar, their only star with any aura or momentum behind him.


On the topic of Goldberg, what was the original plan for who was going to end his streak in WCW? Was it always going to be Nash?

They'll not 50/50 this. Lesnar wins. The end game is Goldberg, unable to see, due to salt to the eyes, tagging in Shane McMahon at the end of the show to defeat Lesnar. . .


But yeah they have booked themselves into an awkward corner but I'm just happy to see the big man back and that it delivered. That segment was the best thing in bloody years. I got up at half four to see it before work and am going to go home and watch it again when I finish.

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Goldberg looked incredible on Raw. Hope its not going to be a Batista style return where they suddenly hate him next week because he isnt under 6 foot.


For a guy who supposedly "doesnt like the business", he didnt half love being in there didnt he?

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I can't imagineĀ doing a run like Goldberg had and not falling in love with the buzz of it. I always assumed it was bitter WCW vets andĀ undercard guys that perpetuated the myth that he didn't love the business. They had about 800 people on the roster when he was being pushed to the moon. That's a lot of heads to be jumping over. He had no interest in staying in WWE when they had nothing for him. Cool. He didn't live off peanut butter and shoe polish in a car made of matchsticks for a decade to break in. Cool. Preaching to the choir here but he probably still loves the business.

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Someone made a good point on the F4Wonline forums. Everything that made Goldberg's promo great was all the old school stuff that they instruct guys not to do.


He played to the crowd, he showed genuine emotion, he spoke directly into the camera, he didn't use any stupid buzzwords or phrases.


Never was it clearer that WWE have completely lost their way with the promos. A guy shouldn't be able to rock up after twelve years away and put the whole roster to shame.


I want them to pay Ryback however much he wants for the Wrestlemania dream match against Goldberg. Provided Toronto don't fuck this up by being dickheads. If anyone thinks Goldberg "doesn't deserve it," or is, "stealing a spot," then they're retarded.

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