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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I completely forgot how badly he needed to beat Punk in the Cell match. He was this close to becoming one of the top faces of the company and they crushed him on every PPV for months in a row instead. WWE really are shit when it comes to keeping people over. I imagine Big E Langston will face the same wrath.

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Didn't he debut in TNA with Truth? Also rumors that Mysterio limped backstage after his appearance last night. Be shit if he was injured again already


The quicker they sack the useless money black hole that is Rey Mysterio the better, but they never will because he's a merch machine and the only over hispanic act they have. If it was anyone else they'd have been long gone.

what an utterly stupid comment, you're saying that like being a merch machine is a bad thing. They are running a business. You also referred to him not being a draw anymore, no one in WWE is, WWE is the draw. The wrestlers they have are all meant to be merch machines with the brand itself putting asses in seats.

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I think the biggest "what the fuck?" booking moment of the last year is Ryback losing to Henry at Wrestlemania. At the time it made no sense...looking back it makes even less sense. WWE can chuck as much money into performances centers as they want but in the past year they've fucked up the booking of two rising stars when it mattered most. They seem to have completely forgotten how to make stars.



The moment that mattered most for Ryback was at Hell in a Cell. Its as simple as that. Not only did he not win when he should have done, but the whole match seemed designed to make him look shit. They had an unstoppable monster who got the homeless looking guy in a cell and got beaten about from pillar to post before jobbing to a ref who gave him a low blow. It was shit. After that moment Ryback was the unstoppable monster who'd been stopped.


Edit: I actually kinda misread what you wrote. But yeah, yadda yadda.

Edited by Vamp
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Wrestlemania was a moment that could have redeemed Ryback from the HIAC fiasco though. The Shellshock could have been a Wrestlemania moment, but instead it was a really weird post-match attack that made little sense. Funnily enough, earlier this year I thought we might have gotten Ryback vs. Big Show at Wrestlemania for the World's Largest Shellshock, boy, was I wrong.


I'm very happy to see Rey back, despite his injuries that he's clearly not totally recovered from, he's still one of my favourites. Crazy to think his WWE debut was 11 years ago- one of the first times I've felt old as a wrestling fan.

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Didn't he debut in TNA with Truth? Also rumors that Mysterio limped backstage after his appearance last night. Be shit if he was injured again already


The quicker they sack the useless money black hole that is Rey Mysterio the better, but they never will because he's a merch machine and the only over hispanic act they have. If it was anyone else they'd have been long gone.

what an utterly stupid comment, you're saying that like being a merch machine is a bad thing. They are running a business. You also referred to him not being a draw anymore, no one in WWE is, WWE is the draw. The wrestlers they have are all meant to be merch machines with the brand itself putting asses in seats.


John Cena is a draw, and to some CM Punk or Daniel Bryan are draws. They might not draw huge, but people go to see them. Rey is there maybe two or three times a year lately, mostly unannounced. Nobody is going to specifically see Rey Mysterio.


The quicker they sack the useless money black hole that is Rey Mysterio the better, but they never will because he's a merch machine and the only over hispanic act they have.

Do they give his merch out for free, aye?



No but having him on the payroll won't be cheap, I'd love to know how much they're spending to have him sit about at home 51 weeks a year. He's not The Undertaker where he can do one or two matches a year because Undertaker is a huge draw for 'Mania.

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That's a bit harsh. I reckon he should be kept on salary until the day he dies for the way he's killed his body for them. The reason he is always injured is because they always needed him and always rushed him back because they cant get new acts over to a level where they could use him sparingly. If they'd have taken care of him better, he'd not be in the condition he currently is.


Its a sad state of affairs that he's still more over that most of the roster, some 11 years after his debut.


And yet they absolutely cannot use him in any context other than a spotfest. Promos? not done any in years. Have him wrestle matches slightly different than his usual flowchart fare? if they'd done that 5 years ago he'd have been WWE champion at least once more, but that boat's sailed. Get him angry and tease a heel turn (that would never happen) to show how desperate he is to stay [kayfabe] 'relevant?' plausible, but they won't do that. Rub anyone? who is there to rub? he's more over than most of the roster but the only people close to his style aren't trusted with anything other than matches or have had even more horrendous luck. Everyone else is more likely to be an opponent for Rey, and a favourable one at that with no chance of putting Rey over without compromising themselves.


It is LARGELY WWE's fault. But as the guys have had various amounts of influence on the booking over the last decade, is it that implausible that Rey hasn't pushed for any other ways to use him?


Now I'll shut up about Rey, I've had enough rants.

Edited by seph
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I'd love to see Big E hold that belt for-fucking-ever, beating everyone that isn't a main eventer, until they decide HE is ready to be a main eventer. Then he'll make someone else look fucking brilliant when they beat him, and he'll look better in the aftermath when he starts having competitive matches with the big guns. Lather, rinse, repeat.


Meanwhile do the same with Roman and the US belt, unless they're getting unified any time soon.

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Only caught the first half or so of Raw, but I'm enjoying it.


- Loved Maddox getting a couple of shots in on Orton and teasing the upset. It just made Orton beating the piss out of him with the microphone afterwards even better. Angry-heel Orton is the best Orton as far as I'm concerned.


- Speaking of heels, good to see The Miz return to his cocky, smarmy heel stuff. He was brutally bad as a babyface IMO. His face after dropping from the ring apron was brilliant. It's just a face you'd pay money to fucking smack. Hopefully it turns round his fortunes a bit for him. I hope they stick down the cocky route, and don't turn him into the miserable bastard who they tried to bill as "dangerous" because that was just odd. Case in point, when he did a skull-crushing-finale on the stage to someone (R-Truth?) and then stared forward with those odd, rapey eyes. Miz is a natural irritant, and it's about time he went back to that.


- Big E is a joy to watch. So far they haven't turned him into this idiotic, happy-clappy, USA Mom and Apple Pie babyface yet and he's basically doing his own thing, which I hope they keep up. There's little hints here and there, like little stares into the crowd, but it's subtle and effective.


Might be my audio playing up but the crowd sounded great throughout the bits I've watched. I like ho they joined in with Zeb's "We the people" bit. Speaking of which, I'm actually digging the Real Americans as a team, two good in-ring workers and a gimmick like that to give people a reason to care is a fine recipe.



P.S Not a fan of this pop-country genre of music. Just find it incredibly cheesy.

Edited by Fatty Facesitter
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He needs to be out the title picture asap, but then what does he do? Is there anyone on the roster that anyone wants to see him wrestle? Because for me there isn't.

The same is true of most of the roster. Nearly everyone in WWE would be well-served by spending a couple of months not wrestling (other than a couple of squash matches) but being on the show every week. Obviously, that can't happen with everyone at the same time, but there should be at least a few guys at a time being used that way.

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