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I really hope Brock's opponent is Orton, and the reason for the announcement being on Thursday is that UFC 200 is ending with an RKO run-in seconds into Lesnar's fight.

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I'd be quite happy if they put Orton against Lesnar. If anything, it means Randy will have to actually do something in the match other than head and chin locks. He's not going to be able to switch on the autopilot and half arse it against Lesnar and it's a fresh match for both guys

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What's the reason behind them announcing it on this Smackdown? Is it to begrudgingly promote his UFC fight, or is it laying the groundwork in case he backs out of SummerSlam once he's had his fight? Orton/Reigns/Rusev/whoever can do the "Lesnar was too scared to fight me" thing if the match gets pulled.

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What's the reason behind them announcing it on this Smackdown?

I imagine it's a belated attempt to convince viewers "important things happen on SmackDown too" ahead of the roster split and their next doomed/half-arsed attempt at presenting the two shows as equals.

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What's the reason behind them announcing it on this Smackdown?

I imagine it's a belated attempt to convince viewers "important things happen on SmackDown too" ahead of the roster split and their next doomed/half-arsed attempt at presenting the two shows as equals.

I think this attempt upcoming is genuine and they will really go for it to be honest.

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Announcing Lesnar's Summerslam opponent this early felt like one of those weird Vince McMahon things, where it's some warped, bizarre, passive aggressive attempt to act like the UFC fight isn't happening or something. Or maybe to make it clear that he's still a WWE employee despite the millions he's about to make for one of their competitors.


The way in which there's been no promotion of UFC 200 on WWE TV certainly suggests they're not entirely comfortable with the idea of him fighting his weekend. I also highly doubt they were pleased with Brock saying he didn't care about what Stephanie says on that conference call, after being asked about her comments regarding them "not necessarily supporting," his fight. I can just imagine Stephanie and Vince going apeshit listening to Brock say that. They're such control freaks, I imagine this whole thing is driving them crazy.


Everything about it is so weird. I can't figure out how it ever happened. The WWE surely had to sign off on it, and yet the way they've acted since it was announced makes it seem like they didn't want it to happen at all and can't wait for it to be over. has it even mentioned once on WWE TV?!


Regardless of what happens at UFC 200 though, I think they should bring Mark Hunt in for the rematch at SummerSlam. Hunt has more charisma and character than almost anyone on their roster. Orton included. Randy's been gone for months and months and I haven't missed him at all. He's boing as fuck.

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I wish people would get past the UFC and WWE being competitors nonsense. None of them consider each other competitors. WWE considers entertainment shows as competitors and UFC considers boxing as a competitor.


If WWE considered UFC as a competitor they wouldn't build Brock up by mentioning him being a former champion as an achievement. And if UFC considered WWE a competitor, it wouldn't be taken seriously trying to compete with fake fighting.

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I wish people would get past the UFC and WWE being competitors nonsense. None of them consider each other competitors. WWE considers entertainment shows as competitors and UFC considers boxing as a competitor.


If WWE considered UFC as a competitor they wouldn't build Brock up by mentioning him being a former champion as an achievement. And if UFC considered WWE a competitor, it wouldn't be taken seriously trying to compete with fake fighting.

Just because they don't consider each other competition doesn't make that the reality. And just because they don't say it publically doesn't mean they don't think it behind closed doors. And just because they've somehow managed to work together on this Brock deal doesn't stop them from being competitors in the grand scheme of things, either.


They're the exact same business model, selling pay per views, TV contracts and a streaming service based off star-driven rivalries and hype. They're both entertainment. One just happens to be fake.


Plus, there's been numerous clear examples of WWE pay per views being directly affected by being on the same weekend as big UFC shows. Look at the buyrate for WrestleMania 26. They used to blatantly counter program against each other when UFC were on Spike, too. Vince even tried to steal their commentator to undermine them.


I don't think it's nonsense at all to say they're competitors. Them being competitors is the very reason I think WWE have been so fucking weird about this whole deal, acting like it's not happening and taking subtle digs.

Edited by Supremo
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