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Ive said it time and time again.


Reigns coming down ala the Shield is so so so stupid, first they fire up the fake spotlights!!! where is he coming from!!! o there with the same outfit and music.....he trundles down looking like Scott Steiner when he refused to accept that MEM was  over. 


So what are they trying to say? Reigns comes to the arena alone? That he does not go to the back? Or as it now proves he gets to the back gets changed then deliberately walks up to the crowd to then walk back to ring. 

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Ive said it time and time again.


Reigns coming down ala the Shield is so so so stupid, first they fire up the fake spotlights!!! where is he coming from!!! o there with the same outfit and music.....he trundles down looking like Scott Steiner when he refused to accept that MEM was  over. 


So what are they trying to say? Reigns comes to the arena alone? That he does not go to the back? Or as it now proves he gets to the back gets changed then deliberately walks up to the crowd to then walk back to ring. 


I agree that its all the same as the Shield. But I thought it was meant to be like a Roman Coliseum where the competitior would walk down the stadium steps into the arena/stage (or ring in this instance). Like a gladiator?

Edited by Briefcase
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Reigns is their second biggest seller after Cena in terms of merchandise, but Cena's merch has fallen a lot since the losses, midcarding and injuries. And Reigns isn't making up the shortfall. Although their Internet merchandise sales keep growing every year so perhaps it's arena merchandise that's suffering?


I think their issue with Reigns is that they can't embrace the Cena factor because he's not at Cena's level. Cena has been trolling the mom's basement fans to varying degrees since about 2006, but he was already solidly placed by then. Normals were already paying up. And the commentators and editing still fought it for ages, pretending nobody hates him.And those Cena years have created the "don't tell me who to like, Vince! I only like wrestlers you can't build a global wrestling promotion around" generation that'll hamstring anyone new in that spot.


I suspect Vince thought that fucking over Reigns last year would convince the Internet they've buried him and thus give him enough Internet points to carry him through until he's properly established with the normals. He thought it'd be 2017 before anyone clocked on that Evil Vince and Evil Dunn still like Roman really. But that didn't happen and it looks like they're still shitting themselves that TV boos too early will scupper his chances with the normals. If you're drawing Cena money, boos are fine, but if you're not, boos might stop you from getting to drawing Cena money level. Though if TV crowd reactions did have a substantial revenue effect, Daniel Bryan wouldn't have drawn so poorly.


Either way, they're set on Roman Reigns being the man on the quilt covers and lunchboxes, probably rightfully so, and he's never getting enough Internet points for the TV crowds. So they have to embrace the haters at some point or it will just keep being weird. I feel like they change their minds on whether to do it as well, the HHH beat down seemed like they were gonna go for it but it feels like they've decided not to again.

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They should buy the rights to Enter Sandman and get him a 12 pack of beers to come through the crowd with. Then he'd be over. :thumbsup:

Ha. I think I'd start liking Reigns if they just blatantly ripped off every gimmick that got a positive reaction over the last 30+ years. Proper 10 year old making a CAW stuff with him coming out with an American flag, Rock eye brow, a bird, Sable and cutting a promo about being a Canadian hero in while in Canada.
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I think he needs to turn after Mania, with Rollins, Orton and Cena all no doubt coming back as faces there 3 feuds lined up right there, there's also the rematch with Brock to fit in and even a possible showdown with The Undertaker at some point.


That's all before you even get to the inevitable match with Ambrose, if at all possible I would try and keep them apart untill next years Mania, I think it would be cool to still have them as mates even with Reigns as heel, with it all blowing up towards the end of the year or something.


I suppose they could still do all of the above with him as a face, but it would be a bit shit.

Edited by The King of Old School
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Surely the reason for Cena's merch being down is that every Cena fan already has 1 or more Cena shirts? Surely there's only so many people can buy and their always the same-ish design just different colour.

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It's true that it feels like they flip flopped on how they'll approach this mania match. After the classic crowd pleasing HHH beat down I was certain there'd be a double turn at Mania but then the next week HHH was back to being a straight up cunt and it appears HHH was just doing his super cool pop grabbing heel last week.


It's mad that they're using Reigns mate to heat up HHH just in hope that the crowd will cheer Reigns when he inevitably makes a save.

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I can't help thinking that they are wasting time with Roman as "top Guy". As least with the path they have been on.


There's no doubt that (much like everyone) his booking has been all over place, but he hasn't done much himself to help his cause. He's more than capable of a great match - but then so is much of the roster in the right circumstances. His faults are apparent in all the other stuff. He often comes across as lame when he's supposed to be threatening, his "sad face" when he gets screwed over makes people laugh and that "concerned friend" promo he had to cut after Dean was taken to the hospital was laugh out loud funny. He's not nearly as confident or charismatic as he looked to be in his Shield days.


Whatever you think of Cena, he's more than capable of turning a crowd around with an outstanding match or a gripping promo when he has to. Roman has none of that. Bryan was able to get through the shit booking and stay over because when he spoke, people believed him and cared about it all. Roman has none of that connection with the fans. He's booked like an anti-establishment outsider, despite the fact that he looks like a Vince McMahon wet-dream of a Champion. Makes no sense. He's not ever going to be a new combo of Cena and The Rock. You need to do something else entirely.


He'd be best off doing a Sting. Get screwed once again at Mania and just fuck off in a huff for 8 months. Storm back in with a new look, new music and a take-no-prisoners attitude and just see where the fans decide to sit. If they boo the fuck out of him, he's your new killer heel, if they pop like fuck, then he might actually stay over. Got to be worth a try.



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Is it possible Reigns is the next Randy Orton? Becomes the popular one of the heel stable, they turn him into a crappy face who bombs, then turn him back heel, during which time he becomes pretty damn awesome (not counting the boring stretch afterwards)?

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Moving away from Reigns, slightly, what if Shane cuts a promo over the next week or two about how he's going to give new guys a go and the man to take his place inside the cell is a returning Cesaro.


Cesaro, beating Taker at WrestleMania in the Hell in a Cell match, would instantly catapult him up the card to a position most think he deserves to be. He can then dethrone Reigns as champ.

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