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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Hour one: 4.04 million

Hour two: 3.78 million

Hour three: 3.82 million




Over 4 million for the first hour and a third hour that actually increased (marginally). To put that into context, it's an average of 3.884 million viewers this week compared to 3.054 and 3.168 the last 2 weeks.

Not only that, but when was the last time they had a rating increase for the third hour? It has normally plummeted by then, hasn't it? People had a reason to watch, clearly.


Reigns was over as fuck too, I honestly couldn't hear any booing aimed at him at all during the show. And it was Philadelphia, where you'd expect him to get booed if anywhere. Good.

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Credit it where it's due, putting the title on Sheamus may have been a master stroke. Give it to a heel so lacking in momentum and people will be crying for Reigns.


I too am thinking Reigns-HHH and Cena-Taker for Mania. Surely they won't put Lesnar in an IC title match? I'm wondering if it'll be Lesnar-Owens?

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In two nights, they've shown how easy it can be to make Reigns a star. It's just funny how long it took them to do it. I like how it all came full circle with him winning the title in the same arena that he got shit on in after winning the Rumble earlier in the year too. Very interested to see where they go from here, and the awful Survivor Series ending may not seem so bad in hindsight if this all ends up working out. 


Really fun show overall, the ECW v Wyatts match was a cracker too and it's always a treat to see Vince. He'll never lose it as an entertaining on screen performer, no matter how much his decisions are often questioned off screen.

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What an amazing ending to Raw, and how magical for it to be the same building. I don't know how long it'll last because wrestling fans are nothing if not fickle, but it seems like in two nights, Roman Reigns has won over everyone but the most bitter and virginal of the haters.


Assuming he'll be rematching Sheamus at the Rumble, I wonder if they'll make it a gimmick match. They have to do something next week to keep the momentum going, because he's not knocking out the McMahon boys again. He could well end up doing a Cena impression again and laughing at Sheamus and we're back to square one. 


Next week being the Slammy awards, do they give Reigns the Superstar of the Year? He's by far the best candidate as he's had more cracking big matches than anyone and he's not had time off like the only other credible choices, Rollins, Lesnar and Cena. Would it invite backlash though? They're in a position now where only the worst ones are determined to keep booing, but it's a fragile situation.


Shouldn't Brock Lesnar, or at least Paul Heyman, been on to hype up Lesnar vs Del Rio at the house show? Or am I mistaken thinking they've done that with his other ones?

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Shouldn't Brock Lesnar, or at least Paul Heyman, been on to hype up Lesnar vs Del Rio at the house show? Or am I mistaken thinking they've done that with his other ones?


That house show isn't being shown on the network, so anything bar local advertisements would be a waste of time. He's been added because they hadn't even sold 5,000 tickets and had to make up for Cena not being on the card.

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Opening segment was rotten with Roman mentioning his kid and standing there letting Steph slap him again and again. Way to get a bad ass over! Fair play though, getting Vince involved made it feel big time and the crowd reacted accordingly.


Challenge now is to keep it up, which I have no faith in them doing.

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