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I think the biggest issue is that when Reigns talks it feels forced and scripted (already mentioned I know). If he spoke naturally it would come across as believable but it just feels so shit and fake. And who can remember that terrible Jack in the Beanstalk promo he did to the Big Show?


But then he did that very good sit interview on the day Raw was cancelled and broadcasted from WWE HQ. 

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Again, Rick nails it. It's the material that's the issue and that's usually the case for people that aren't riddled with insane charisma or are really popular, like The Rock or John Cena - and even they sometimes struggle to make things like "kung pow bitch" acceptable.


Reigns has to take some of the blame for it though. If they hand you shit and you can't make anything of it, go back and tell them. Obviously if you're Fandango or Heath Slater, you haven't got much clout to do that. But Roman Reigns has, and it's in everyone's best interests if he's looking out for his character. He's no stranger to getting stuff changed, either, he did it with the Bray Wyatt feud.

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Is it really that simple though? If you've read Jericho's last book you'll know that Vince will maybe listen to your idea, but it's no guarantee he'll think it's better than what he has got going on in his head, even if it is. Also, WWE/Vince are weird and I suppose the fear is constantly going to Vince and telling him he's a hack, in the midst of a mega push, could potentially lead to them deciding poor Roman is worth the same as a bag of Blackburn air.


I'm out the loop, out of interest, what did he ask to get changed during the Wyatt feud?

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He's not a good promo. He's able to do a very particular type of promo fairly well, but in general, he's crap. It's no good making excuses for him either - if he can't do the type of promo they want him to do, then he just can't promo. You can't hide behind contact lenses, poor script writers, etc - he's just shit at reciting the crappy lines he's given and doesn't have it in him to tell them it's shite or that he's no good at reciting lines. So he can fuck off because until I really believe a word he says, I don't give a shit about him.

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I'm out the loop, out of interest, what did he ask to get changed during the Wyatt feud?



I don't know if you remember there was a week where Bray was using a photo of Reigns playing with his daughter. Then they dropped that whole aspect of the storyline. That was a "that's not gonna work for Roman, brother" moment. So he's happy to tell them when he doesn't want to do something, he just doesn't seem to care enough most of the time. He's still a far better talker than Daniel Bryan, I don't know if Bryan's run has convinced them that you don't have to be a great promo anymore.

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Towards the end of his run Bryan had the advantage in promos because what he spoke about was real. Talking about how long he has wrestled, how hard he worked, how good he was and how much the fans wanted him on top. Even if that wasn't delivered in buckets of charisma it was easy to buy into because it was true

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I'm out the loop, out of interest, what did he ask to get changed during the Wyatt feud?



I don't know if you remember there was a week where Bray was using a photo of Reigns playing with his daughter.


Now thanks to Jake not the creepiest promo Bray has been involved in.

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He's not a good promo. He's able to do a very particular type of promo fairly well, but in general, he's crap. It's no good making excuses for him either - if he can't do the type of promo they want him to do, then he just can't promo. You can't hide behind contact lenses, poor script writers, etc - he's just shit at reciting the crappy lines he's given and doesn't have it in him to tell them it's shite or that he's no good at reciting lines. So he can fuck off because until I really believe a word he says, I don't give a shit about him.


That's complete fucking bollocks. They keep writing Rock promos for him. John Cena can do them but even he's massively hit and miss. I couldn't give a fuck if it's Roman, Sheamus, Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler or whoever. You don't shoehorn people into roles, you write to their strengths. They wouldn't put Brock lesnar in that position so why do it with Roman?


He's not a great promo but he's not fuck awful. He's good in the right circumstances. Like Daniel Bryan. He's not a great promo but if you give him something to get his teeth into and be himself, he's OK.

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I'm sorry if I find him to be a terrible promo, but if what he says isn't compelling or delivered in a remotely believable way, then it is what it is. Even when he was doing short lines as the bad ass of the shield, I thought he was average, but those short promos did hide his weaknesses much more effectively.


Obviously the scripting and characterisation of him is all wrong, but even if they suddenly figured it out, it wouldn't stop him being wooden. At the moment his character is impossible for me to buy into, and clearly it's not "total bollocks" because as the focal point of the show, he's delivered record low ratings, so it's not just me that thinks that.

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I'm sorry if I find him to be a terrible promo, but if what he says isn't compelling or delivered in a remotely believable way, then it is what it is. Even when he was doing short lines as the bad ass of the shield, I thought he was average, but those short promos did hide his weaknesses much more effectively.


Obviously the scripting and characterisation of him is all wrong, but even if they suddenly figured it out, it wouldn't stop him being wooden. At the moment his character is impossible for me to buy into, and clearly it's not "total bollocks" because as the focal point of the show, he's delivered record low ratings, so it's not just me that thinks that.

I completely agree with the above, the guy can not talk at all.
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Towards the end of his run Bryan had the advantage in promos because what he spoke about was real. Talking about how long he has wrestled, how hard he worked, how good he was and how much the fans wanted him on top. Even if that wasn't delivered in buckets of charisma it was easy to buy into because it was true


The first proper WWE promo that Bryan got to test himself on was when he finally lost his rag on NXT (the old, contest-style NXT) and ripped into Cole for shitting on him every week, and it was excellent. I think that evrey time he's been given something to do, he's done a bloody good job; from comedy to serious, main-event stuff.


I'd strongly disagree with anyone who says that Bryan is a poor promo. He was getting tremendous heat from his promo work as the douchebag boyfriend to AJ when he was champ on Smackdown. He was a really condescending jerk with a nasty streak towards the girl who loved him, then he showed a completely different side during Team Hell No, managing to excel at both the goofy comedy stuff and the more serious story of him having to prove that he's not a joke (which was the run that really got him over with the whole crowd).


Then he was the pissed-off, being held back under-dog who had to provoke Triple H into giving him his Wrestlemania moment in one of their best "sell me on a match" segments in ages...



Now obviously he's worlds apart from your Rocks, Austins and Flairs, but by the current standards of cliche scripts and awful segments I honestly think Bryan stands out as one of the better, more believable, more natural promos out there. He at the very least, sounds like a real person, not a bloke reading lines that were put into his hands ten minutes earlier.


That NXT promo on Cole showed more passion than anything i can remember poor Roman doing ever, in fact I struggle to think of a single promo Reigns has done that was memorable for something other than being shit.

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Is Reigns experiencing the 'Diesel' effect?

Diesel got over for being a cool as fuck, bad-ass, ass-kicking machine and then he won the WWF title and Vince turned him into the smiling, baby-kissing, Santa-hat wearing 'nice guy corporate champion'. Not saying Reigns is, or ever will be, as cool as Nash BUT he got over organically in much the same way Nash did and was cheered for it but has been turned into the smiling, playing with his daughter dullard that he is today.

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