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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Rollins saps my motivation to watch the shows more than anything else in 15 years of watching. I've probably seen fewer Raws this year than any other since I was 12 years old.


It's not been a consistent drop in interest either. In my own head the wrestling's been in a bit of a boom period since 2011, at least creatively. It felt like it was in a bad rut for a year or two before that, but since then they've consistently delivered 4 or 5 really high peak moments per year.


That's gone this year. Mania was loads of fun and Undertaker's return has been a nice surprise, but Rollins has just killed my enthusiasm for anything else. Until the belt's off him I can't see myself arsing with the weekly show, and it appears I'm not the only one feeling that way. Each time I think to download this week's Raw I just see his fucking shit lanky head and hear his shite voice and fuck the idea off.


This has been one of the worst title reigns they've ever booked, and it's nothing to do with him being booked 'weak'. In principle a proper chicken shit heel at the top of the card should have been a refreshing change of pace from the last couple of years. But he's just insufferable. Get him oot.

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Rollins is still probably my favourite when I tune in (which admittedly is very rarely these days).  However, I can't possibly imagine watching him do the same thing week-in-week-out.  I wouldn't necessarily say that's anything against him though, because everybody seems to do the same thing week-in-week-out.

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Rollins is still probably my favourite when I tune in (which admittedly is very rarely these days).  However, I can't possibly imagine watching him do the same thing week-in-week-out.  I wouldn't necessarily say that's anything against him though, because everybody seems to do the same thing week-in-week-out.

yeah, it's the formatting of the show I think. Fair do's if guys do similar stuff most weeks, but when one guy has to fill double/triple the time, the shit he's doing seems so convoluted so much of the time. Hating his face and voice is a good heel quality tbh, most of the time they just can't back it up with anything particularly engaging to compliment it. So much untapped heat with him I think, all people have to go off with him STILL, is "U Sold Out" and even worse.. "Justin Bieber!"

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Rollins is a victim of the times in some ways. WWE's "workrate, rematch, another rematch, repeat" philosophy of the last few years hasn't prompted the new boom of casual fans that they must have thought it would. Instead, the audience keeps dwindling, and as a result will see a higher concentration of hardcore fans. Dey don't want to boo Rollins -- at least unless he's wrestling a babyface who has got more internet points than him. And he's an indie guy, but he's also not buried (although he is a bit buried because he isn't booked as a dominant monster like Brock Lesnar, and because he lost to Cena), so he's in a bit of a no man's land. And Rollins himself wants to have his cake and eat it, so you have him wrestling like a flashy underdog babyface for the forums and Meltzer, then turning into a baddie for the finish.


There's also a thing about us being cynical wankers, because every "manipulative evil mastermind" in wrestling has basically just been someone who gets their mates to help them win. But when he does it, we whinge.


Plus, his title reign was unplanned and only came about because they shat themselves at the last minute. They've probably been scrambling around for the last six months still not having figured out what exactly he's meant to be, just knowing he'll be fighting Triple H at some point.


But if it weren't for the modern wrestling problems, he wouldn't be champion anyway. Swings and roundabouts.

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Going back to 2 hours for Raw would go a long way to improve things. Everyone is overexposed and matches are happening over and over again it's so repetitive.


NXT and Lucha Underground are working because they leave you wanting more. Raw & Smackdown are mind numbing and exhausting. It's frustrating because the roster is currently so talented.

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To be fair, you could argue NXT and Lucha Underground arent really working. NXT is supposed to be a developmental league and Lucha Underground is the biggest money loser in wrestling for years. Writing for Raw is a totally different game altogether. Without Raw, there is no NXT.

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I was going to ask this in another thread but figured I may as well do it here with the way the convo's been going - does anybody reckon there are any true, viable big-money dream matches left in WWE anymore?

Sting seems done so him vs Undertaker looks to be a no-go.

Only one I could really think of is Rock v Batista - Movie Star v Movie Star match.

Cena v Undertaker could draw I guess, but without the streak Undertaker's matches at Mania are no longer must-see in my opinion.

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You're supposed to make dream matches. Angle and Lesnar was a dream match in 2003, and Lesnar was only on the roster 8 months. Evolution vs The Shield was a dream match as well at the time. You have to get the characters over to want the people to see them fight. Cant see much at the minute.


Lesnar vs Austin for me is the biggest dream match you could do, because Lesnar is the hardest man alive and Austin is the man. But saying that, I'd rather see Kane vs Lesnar at WrestleMania than see Austin take one of those german suplexes. On one hand I'd love to see Austin back, but on the other he's dodged a bullet to not be in agony at this stage of his life.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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If we're not considering Rock or Batista finished, either against Brock works for me. I know people will bleat that Rocky has wrestled Lesnar before, but it's a completely different proposition today than 2002.

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only real dream match for me atm is Lesnar v Bryan

Reigns v Ambrose would be shit-hot if they went that way (with Reigns heel obviously). You can have Rollins in there and make it for the title, though that's a bit similar to this year's Payback


old megastars turning up is cool and that but with Sting and Taker collapsing all over the place on the latest PPVs, I worry about calling for anything in particular. Not that it's that much safer to stick Bryan with Lesnar but y'know


only other "dream" I have is that I want Tyler Breeze & The Miz to tag.

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I do wonder if they might try to swap Reigns and Rollins somewhere down the road. When they had the mystery partner the other week I though they might go down the road of having them be defeated with a new partner each time whilst building a face turn for Rollins with him eventually becoming the mystery partner that gets the job done. I just can't see how they'll time it though with Rollins showing no signs of babyfacing any time soon. 


They could have Reigns interfere with Rollins match with Trips though and have him become the new Authority bitch.

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I thought about Rollins ending up as a mystery partner at one point as well, but that ship sailed for me when he retained the title at Summerslam. The way I saw it, once Rollins lost the title the Authority abandoned him and he was constantly getting ganged up on. Meanwhile the Wyatts are continually getting the better of Reigns and Ambrose. They can't beat them no matter who their third man is... But Rollins reckons if he teamed up with them they'd be unstoppable again (and he'd have protection). Obviously the other two don't trust him so you can play an 'is he going to turn on them' angle, and then it got really deep into fantasy booking land with a Shield reunion, a Shield vs Lesnar thing, Rollins inevitably turning on them again and eventually, the triple threat at WrestleMania.


But that's neither here nor there since he never lost to Cena in August!

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NXT TV is rubbish. The Takeover shows make it worthwhile as a fan and it appears to be working as a development territory but as a weekly wrestling show it's boring as fuck. After every Takeover show, I get excited and give it another go and it's interminable. It's like a late 70s/early 80s studio television show and despite what nostalgia tells us, aside from Memphis, they were dull as shit too save the odd big angle.

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