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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Not surprised by the lack of comments this week. Wasn't a bad show but just a nothing happening sort of show. For filler, it was good action but just not that interesting.


Heyman promo was superb. Rollins did some great work on the mic. Piper tribute video was excellent - as per usual. Liked the empty chair thing but if they'd ended the show my clearing the ring, setting that up under a spotlight and playing his music to close, that would have been a greater tribute.


I really want to see them do something with the guys who are doing nowt below the top at the moment. I'd go for the two stars teaming up to win the tag titles. Maybe switch them to Harper and Wyatt and then have Ambrose and Reigns (or Reigns and Orton to be different) chasing and winning the belts.

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Yeah, not a whole lot to be commented on. Loved the start. The start with the El Torito tease was class and the Neville near-falls were awesome. Went from relatively unengaged to "did he just win the title!?" and knocking over my ashtray in a very short space of time. Fair play.

Miz TV segment was pretty decent. Cesaro looked so sharp.

Actually bored by the Heyman promo, just got annoying the louder he got. And he gets loud.

Everything else was just there. I was less engaged than usual by the main event so can't say I thought it was a particularly good episode.

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Some thoughts on the 'divas revolution' (what a delightfully contradictory phrase that is too) now that the dust has settled

It will be a struggle for Becky to get over at all, though she was one of my favs think by no means was she beyond developmental stage yet. Weird she's up before Balor, they both need about exactly the same amount of character work but Balor has more obviously marketable traits. Charlotte obviously needs to get over somehow without her Dad, or if not, use it it's absolute fullest potential. I think she's very capable of doing that.


Team B.A.D sucks, it's the right type of gimmick for Sasha to play, but I don't buy Naomi in that role and it just seems the most crowbarred-in aspect of the whole thing. if Tamina is supposed to be the 'muscle' of the group, infact she is the only female on either WWE or NXT roster I think that could be described as 'muscle' - they couldn't find a  more engaging personality than her? Pure nepotism. Sucks being someone who calls/wishes for an end to the complete double standards for what 'having the look' is for both a male and a female performer and then there's Tamina's stinking up the place


So overall though I adored the first segment (while it aired, anyway) I'm not so bowled away yet. It really doesn't help that I found nothing engaging in the Paige/Naomi/Bellas storyline previously, including all the individuals involved in it, so hopefully it's just more of a beginning to a fresh era for the division rather than "check it out, we made women's wrestling good now"

Edited by sj5522
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Not surprised by the lack of comments this week. Wasn't a bad show but just a nothing happening sort of show. For filler, it was good action but just not that interesting.


I think the key thing is that Raw should never end with a babyface team winning a meaningless six-man. The thing the show had going for it (other than tits, blood and swearing) when we still liked wrestling was that it usually ended on a solid cliffhanger. Now, Roman Reigns, Randy Orton and Dean Ambrose just had a match against the blokes they're wrestling at SummerSlam... And it furthered nothing, resolved nothing, meant nothing. Every interaction between PPV opponents should be done to increase anticipation for the PPV, not just fill time on Raw. That's WWE's crucial failing these days. "OMG Roman Reigns pinned Bray Wyatt, I can't wait to see how this unfolds next week" said no fucker, ever.


Everything else can be competent, paint-by-numbers blandness as long as the closing bit is something people are talking about the next day. This is especially true a couple of weeks away from the second biggest show of the year.

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i usually use how busy this thread is as indication as whether to bother watching my recording of Raw.


I assume therefore it probably isn't worth the time this week


Same as last week. Not bad, some really good matches, next to no storyline progression of any interest.


SummerSlam is going to be four hours but there is nothing outside of Taker/Lesnar that I feel like I have to see.


Dunno if just me who finds this "Diva revolution" fucking tedious. And PCB is a terrible name for a "faction".


The Sheamus "cash-in" was hilarious. Instead of having Orton RKO him while the ref climbs out of the ring and explains the situation to the ring announcer, they have Sheamus trying to explain the very simple cash-in concept over and over to the referee who must have been an actual retard.

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I was drifting in and out of sleep when Sheamus was trying to explain the concept of a briefcase to the ref, so I wasn't sure if I was dreaming how fucking stupid it was.


Raw is at least in a better groove than the usual "nothing happens, it's almost all shite, and I watch it out of habit" rut — it's more "nothing happens, but there are some ace performers involved in that nothing, and I watch it for fun despite Orton" situation.

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I just take RAW as a glorified advertisement for PPV matches with some good wrestling in between now really. It's a show of little significance for the most part nowadays but if you only expect it to be that, it's entertaining enough most of the time.


I don't particularly care massively about most of the matches at Summerslam but it is looking a decent card on paper. Most of the matches have at least been built up for a few weeks anyway.

Edited by AndyUK
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Daniel Bryan is still over like a motherfucker...he couldnt look less starstruck with the look on the face when everyone is going mental for him though, always looks like a kid making a guest appearance or something.


Really hope he can come back one day, reaction will be mental if he returns and actually starts wrestling.

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The Divas Revolution is pretty shite, better than the usual unbearable shite though.


Hope they never let Paige anywhere near the commentators desk again. Fucking rotten.


Good triple threat match but I stopped giving a shit about the rest of the show as soon it came to an end and just skipped through the rest of the show at that point with everything other than Rusev's flag being as bland as Randy Orton who as already pointed out is a fucking idiot.


Reigns & Ambrose  Vs.  Wyatt & Harper at SummerSlam may as well come with the headline "We have fuck all to do with these goons so we are just lumping them back together again" complete regression for everyone involved in that match.


First Raw in a while and it felt like I hadn't missed a thing since I last watched.


Oh yeah Big E danced which was ace.

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