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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I like that still only one match is officially announced so far for the PPV. Speculation is a good thing. IIRC, they filled up the cards of most of the recent ones almost straight away, made a lot of those lead-in Raws a drag

Edited by sj5522
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Really enjoyed Raw this week. Seemed a lot more fresh and purposeful and to the point without any real pointless or repetitive matches that we usually see. 


Main Event was quality and we saw Seth deliver a good in ring performance has maybe been missing during his title run.


Summerslam could be a good event if the build up is anything to go by. 

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Pretty average this week, but good main event. Cena took a really nasty knee to the snozz. Also hints that it won't just be Rollins v Cena at Summerslam. Still hoping when they set up the match Kevin Owens and Cesaro crash the party and make it a 4-way. optimistic seeing as it's Cesaro and he'd obviously never win, but I think WWE are finally starting to realise what they have with him and it's quite a promising time.

The whole rest of the episode rather passed me by, but Wyatt cut a promo with a little (just a little) more substance, which was quite fun. He is so infinitely helped by Harper's presence. PTP again really funny on commentary and even though not a whole lot happens in their matches, I love the PTP-New Day rivalry.

I also laughed at 'Dog Ziggler' and hope that's a recurring gimmick every week forever.

What do you think Cesaro has? Other than being good in the ring? Which was never mattered when drawing the big bucks and making a difference. I'm not trolling. I think Cesaro is great. I just can't see him ever being a star. Ever.

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Pretty average this week, but good main event. Cena took a really nasty knee to the snozz. Also hints that it won't just be Rollins v Cena at Summerslam. Still hoping when they set up the match Kevin Owens and Cesaro crash the party and make it a 4-way. optimistic seeing as it's Cesaro and he'd obviously never win, but I think WWE are finally starting to realise what they have with him and it's quite a promising time.
The whole rest of the episode rather passed me by, but Wyatt cut a promo with a little (just a little) more substance, which was quite fun. He is so infinitely helped by Harper's presence. PTP again really funny on commentary and even though not a whole lot happens in their matches, I love the PTP-New Day rivalry.
I also laughed at 'Dog Ziggler' and hope that's a recurring gimmick every week forever.

What do you think Cesaro has? Other than being good in the ring? Which was never mattered when drawing the big bucks and making a difference. I'm not trolling. I think Cesaro is great. I just can't see him ever being a star. Ever.


There's room at and around the top for guys who are a bit crap on the mic. Benoit was essentially nothing but the in-ring package. Bret Hart had more of a silent aura about him but he was pretty crap on the mic a lot of the time


I was actually thinking the other day about how Cesaro could appear more charismatic. It could be the simplest thing, he's not had too many chances to show aggressiveness in a promo or anything like that. He's obviously a proper pro so he's gonna want to improve in every way he can, maybe work on a different style behind the scenes then bust it out on a Raw. And even if he stays a bit of a charisma vacuum in that regard, I wouldn't say he can't have a bloody good career, and if the decision makers weren't behind him then he wouldn't have worked such a long match out of Cena/got a pin on Rusev. People who watch Raw every week notice him and enjoy him, that's really all it takes for him to rise up the card. He can certainly be a cog in a great 4-way co-main event anyway.

Edited by sj5522
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There's room for a laconic babyface, not saying much but letting his actions speak. And then you make sure when he DOES speak, it matters. Cesaro would be perfect in that role.

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There's room for a laconic babyface, not saying much but letting his actions speak. And then you make sure when he DOES speak, it matters. Cesaro would be perfect in that role.


just have him dominating everyone physically (like he could do) and go through pretty much all of the roster which would then build to a massive match vs Brock and he would get the biggest pop for putting Lesnar in that spinner move.

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Im really starting to hate Dean Ambrose, the guy's absolutely incapable of selling and firing up at the same time.
Just look at his facial expressions during his comebacks after being absolute decimated, the way he moves, it's exactly the same way he treats the beginning of a match, its like he's erased the past 10 minutes of being beaten down. He does sell, but only when he's not doing anything else, its so stop-start. The ladder match a couple of months back was amongst the most infuriating as he he sold it like he could barely stand.....right up until the moment where he needs to run the ropes, then he's like a fresh man.
He was doing it all the way through his match with Big Show this week, and the story of the match, while perfectly tailored for his character just served to highlight his flaws as a worker. It's infuriating as he's such a watchable and interesting character, and he can put on some great top level matches when they're structured in certain ways, but at the same time he's missing such a fundamental skill for the type of wrestler he is. There's so many moments where he's throwing away bucketloads of sympathy heat and a deeper connection with the crowd when all he needs to do is sell, make it look like he's struggling to fight back, rather than just going straight from playing dead to 'seeing an opening and suddenly being completely fit and lucid'.
I'd really love to see him do a short run with Brock where he takes the 'Homer Simpson' approach of being the only man capable of taking a beating to the point that Brock eventually tires and starts to make Ambrose look like somewhat of a threat to him, but after seeing him play around with that a little with Big Show if I were WWE I'd be keeping him as far away from Brock as possible until he's got this issue ironed out, because while it's only wasting potential heat for Ambrose it really does shit on his opponents.

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John Cena is an absolute warrior, that must have been unbelievably painful. It's no wonder he's the top guy, just every single thing about him is why he's the star. I can't believe if ever gets questioned.


On a side note, it really annoys me that they put over the NXT Women's Title so much but yet the champ doesn't think it's important enough to carry about with her.

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Kofi and Big E have really been a revelation in A New Day - theyve never shown so much personality.

Before his spell in New day I never thought Kofi would work as a heel. I really enjoy the new day

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Er, was it my imagination or did Seth and Cena use that shitty top rope rolling superplex spot from that ROH match a few years ago? Admittedly it wasn't quite as stupid as i think Seth rolled through and carried on instead of them swapping the momentum completely to roll over the ropes a la Richards and Edwards, but it still definitely looked daft. At least Cena finally wrenched the STF properly.

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The story about Cena breaking his nose and carrying on the match seems to have gone fairly viral, which seems to suggest that the Hogan debacle hasn't done that much damage WWE's current public image or the media's likelyhood of reporting on them. A more cynical man might suggest that suggest that the timing of all this is all very coincidental, but I don't believe for a second that anyone in WWE is creative enough to put that together and carry it off :p

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Er, was it my imagination or did Seth and Cena use that shitty top rope rolling superplex spot from that ROH match a few years ago? Admittedly it wasn't quite as stupid as i think Seth rolled through and carried on instead of them swapping the momentum completely to roll over the ropes a la Richards and Edwards, but it still definitely looked daft. 


That's why it wasn't nearly as stupid — Seth used the implied momentum from the superplex to follow through, not... whatever... Richie Edwards thought they were doing.

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