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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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 I'm not arsed about Taker V Lesnar again but they did do an awesome job with the old trying to keep them apart shit last night, it actually gave it a big fight feel moment. The match itself come SummerSlam will probably be a let down though.  I also have no interest in a Rollins V Cena title match either.

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It made no sense why Lana looked pissed off about this considering she's been doing the same with Ziggler for weeks.

It makes perfect sense, that kind of shit jealousy happens in real life ALL the time.

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"Last night was my real resurrection" seemed like a bit of a swipe at the booking of Taker at Mania this year.


I thought Undertaker looked shite again and his promo was the shits. He doesn't seem to be making any effort with his appearance for this run, which is a shame for a smoke and mirrors gimmick guy like him. He was pulling mad eccy faces during the pull-apart as well. I thought the whole thing fell a bit flat but apparently I was the only one.

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Taker is always a poor promo these days. He's always the worst part of his recent feuds, in regards to the build.


Anyway, the Heyman/Taker/Lesnar stuff felt like a big deal and worked. While I'm not a Taker fan, he's at least believable as a big bugger that can give Lesnar a few lumps. Best angle on Raw all year, and by quite a distance.

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Two big hosses throwing hands like they meant it was best bit of raw in ages. Had me thinking wrestling all day for first time in years, and trying to think up a raw full of super heavyweights. Not many going sadly.

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