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Banging on about Owens again...


This isn't necessarily his fault. Why did he bail from Cena? He beat him clean the night before. I'm not feeling the 'I'm a tough bastard but I'm a chickenshit heel' thing. Him battering Zayn and then being scared of Joe when he comes out I understand, but this one I didn't.

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In his mind, he's a prizefighter. There's no value to him fighting Cena the night after he beat him in the biggest match of his career. He's proven himself and he doesn't fight for free, he fights for the money... "for his family". There's plenty to criticise Owens about but I don't think that's something.

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Exactly. It should come across as scared. He's a heel, that's what heels do. Talk a good game then chicken out or cheat. The match at Payback aside, when has Owens ever squared up to Cena for a fair go? It's been sneak attacks and verbal putdowns. If Owens had stood up and fought on Monday night then he would be a face.

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It was only the other week I, along with everyone else, was picking apart Kevin Owens' look and making excuses for why he'd likely never make it to the main roster. And yet here he is, shit hair, gut and all, absolutely nailing it week in and week out.


Fair play to him. He's so good on the microphone, and seems so confident and natural doing promos in front of the live crowd, that it's no wonder they fast-tracked him up. You can forgive the look when he talks like this. I thought the Owens/Cena promo was probably promo of the year. Both guys were absolutely phenomenal.


That English isn't even Kevin Owens' first language is absolutely mind blowing. He already looks like he'd have no problem doing one of those thirty minute opening promos at the start of RAW. After Cena, he's arguably the best promo guy in the company already. After what feels like years of guys coming in from NXT and floundering, Owens looks set to become a superstar. Awesome.

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He won't be. After he loses his rematch with Cena, i predict by Survivor Series he'll be trading wins and losses with Ziggler.


That's the danger. As with anyone who feuds with Cena (or feuded with any top babyface ever), the aftermath involves them moving down to lesser opponents. The onus is on WWE to recognise what they have in Owens and not just go "ehhh, him and Ziggler, two segments, count-out finish." He's not like Bray Wyatt, who is essentially shit when left to his own devices and needs creative to make him interesting yet still gets to talk all the time. Owens can actually build fights, so if they're programming him against Ziggler in November, they can trust him with mic time. Owens vs Ziggler should be built up by 3x Owen promos, not 3x Ziggler vs Owens prematches.


Chances are, the momentum behind Owens now will be lost somewhat when the novelty wears off. But it doesn't have to be the same way that it went with Barrett, Sheamus etc. I fear that Rusev will end up in their category, but he's been absolutely incredible lately. The Cena Open Challenge hurt Rusev a lot, since it made him/their feud an afterthought, but the big man has been on fire with his performances in the Lana breakup.

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Do you think that WWE will ever allow someone to totally rip apart the three words Cena stands for?


I mean Loyalty with an ex-wife could be a cracking little angle into Cena's 'safety blanket' and 'family man' Owens could pull at that thread quite well I feel.


Cena and Owens could easily be one of my fave feuds if it keeps going at this momentum, it all depends on the rematch and now Cena seems to be enjoying this new batch of talent I just wonder if he and Vince see more money in Owens going over or a DQ finish to keep this going somewhat.

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WWE's Instagram is showing pictures of Dean Ambrose walking the streets of New Orleans with the belt, hanging out with fans. It's the exact type of skit I want to see them do on RAW. Seth is shown throughout the show, searching for Dean, getting up to a bunch of misadventures with J&J Security, then they eventually have a big brawl with Ambrose in a pub or something.


Anything other than a Roman/Dean vs. Seth/Kane tag team main event.

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Sounds a bit odd..


Kane said everyone competing in the Money in the Bank match will be in singles matches tonight. R-Truth showed up and started to do a promo, but Kane reminded him that he wasn't in the match. R-Truth said this one was on me and simply left. What the hell? Reigns and Ziggler started laughing.
Edited by bAzTNM#1
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His music played before he came out so it was all part of the show, also seeing Reigns doubled over with laughter when it wasn't that hilarious was a bit of a giveaway. Kane was good in that bit, though.


I was concerned at one point they were rehashing the storyline from a few weeks ago when they pretended everyone was turning on Rollins...and then didn't in a HUGE swerve. But they actually went through with it this time, and it all made sense. Although the title feels slightly undervalued with all these shenanigans.


They've got to be turning Regins heel now, surely. The MITB win/cash-in on Ambrose combo, please. And thinking about it, that could all play into the Authority turning on Seth, lifting Lesnar's suspension and serving up Rollins to him. Although that sort of makes the authority the babyfaces so it's probably bollocks.

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WWE's Instagram is showing pictures of Dean Ambrose walking the streets of New Orleans with the belt, hanging out with fans. It's the exact type of skit I want to see them do on RAW. Seth is shown throughout the show, searching for Dean, getting up to a bunch of misadventures with J&J Security, then they eventually have a big brawl with Ambrose in a pub or something.

That was exactly what I was thinking watching the show. The pictures were good and added some colour but skits would have been awesome. I literally had that same idea of J&J looking for Ambrose.


I've wondered for a while now if WWE doesn't bother with this stuff because they just assume that we all follow the wrestlers on FB, Twitter and Instagram and therefore we all "know" the characters from that. So why bother filming stuff for Raw? It's lazy but it makes sense form a cost POV.


Usual Raw, I thought. Decent matches that don't matter that much and not enough development to make me feel like I must see the PPV. Highlight was the strong opening segment and the R-Truth bit. They played that well.


Rusev is god.

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That was the 3-D that Harper and Rowan used, wasn't it? Looked a hell of a lot like it if not.

Yeah it was. And as a result people online are jumping to the conclusion that a Dudley Boys return and feud with Harper & Rowan is imminent

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