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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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It seems like they are fucking dangling Sting on a string and saying "Stick around and you may, may, get that Taker match you really want"


Does Sting actually want that match? It’s forumers and Internet fans that have clamoured for the two to face off for the past 20 years.

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Glad that Sheamus is back as a heel, his look has been needing freshened up for a long time too but I'm not initially sold on the mohawk and braided beard. It's a change at least. I'd love to see him and Brock leather the fuck outta each other sometime.


I was actually really impressed with Neville's main roster debut. He looked in great shape, his ring gear was cool and his music is very high energy and suits him perfectly. Not entirely sure where he fits on this roster but his matches will at least be very entertaining.


The crowd treatment Reigns got last night was woeful. He's improved a lot since the Rumble and should be forgiven for the horrendous way he was booked all of last year. 


Rollins is tremendous though and deserving of the title just now. So athletic it's unbelievable and he's playing his current character very well.

Edited by Winston
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Pair of indy wankers. Guys like Cena, Orton and Reigns bring out incredible stuff from Bryan.

Do you actually believe this or are you just trying to wind up the type of fans that Pitcos complains about? You know, the type of fans that don't even post on here?

The best matches I've seen Bryan in, and I was a big fan of his early RoH stuff, are his matches against Cena, Triple H, Sheamus and even Reigns last month.

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I completely agree with you, but I just think it's a massive disservice to Bryan to say only the likes of Cena and Reigns (!!) can bring out the best in him. He brings out the best in everyone he faces and could have a great match with the likes of Mr. Anderson if given the chance. Calling him an indy wanker is exactly the type of thing tiger_rick gets angry at when people don't give Cena enough credit. Bryan is a million times better in WWE than he ever was on the indies and is just as much of a WWE guy as Cena, Reigns and Orton.

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Neville raided Bo & Blakes wardrobe. Did he wear that in NXT?

I didn't mind the Bryan/Ziggler match really. Headbutts are awful but except for that thought he moved along nicely.

Actually thought the Cena/Ambrose match was awkward as fuck in large parts but ended up being enjoyable. 

Fucking hell Sheamus... 1 minging looking individual. 

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"Indy wankers" refers to the mentality of the match. Ziggler wasn't big on the indy scene before WWE was he? He's as manufactured as anyone.


I like Bryan as much as the next guy. I'd keep him miles away from Ziggles. put him in with Sheamus, Barrett and Harper and watch him deliver.

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Not always do two good workers make a good match IMO, Iook at the Mr Perfect-HBK Summerslam 1993 match it wasn't terrible for the quality of both of them I felt it should of been a lot better. 


I feel Ziggler and Bryan are in the same boat.

Edited by thegamehhh
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"Indy wankers" refers to the mentality of the match. Ziggler wasn't big on the indy scene before WWE was he? He's as manufactured as anyone.


I like Bryan as much as the next guy. I'd keep him miles away from Ziggles. put him in with Sheamus, Barrett and Harper and watch him deliver.

The same Harper who's 6' 6" and does topés and superkicks?

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"Indy wankers" refers to the mentality of the match. Ziggler wasn't big on the indy scene before WWE was he? He's as manufactured as anyone.I like Bryan as much as the next guy. I'd keep him miles away from Ziggles. put him in with Sheamus, Barrett and Harper and watch him deliver.

To be honest, I'd keep every fucker away from Ziggler at the moment. I like him, but he's completely stale from seemingly facing everybody on the roster a million times over. Bryan vs Barrett could really be the making of BNB if done correctly and not just having the same match on Raw every single week. Barrett is due a really great match after delivering on the stick for so long.


Sheamus though.... I'm really going to struggle to take him seriously with that ridiculous barnett. He needs to start growing that shit out immediately.

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"Indy wankers" refers to the mentality of the match. Ziggler wasn't big on the indy scene before WWE was he? He's as manufactured as anyone.


I like Bryan as much as the next guy. I'd keep him miles away from Ziggles. put him in with Sheamus, Barrett and Harper and watch him deliver.

The same Harper who's 6' 6" and does topés and superkicks?


That's him. The fella who was tremendous fun throwing Ziggler around like a rag doll a few months ago.
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I can't see why people are still fighting Ambrose's corner, to be honest. I find him so terrible. I know being a good wrestler on its own isn't enough, but for me he's as big a let down in the ring as Cesaro is on the mic. Bigger, in fact. I would rather watch a bland Cesaro promo than see Ambrose doing that awful, awful clothesline off the rope bit again. There's just nothing in his in-ring repertoire that does him any favours. Quite honestly I'd love to see the guy take a long break and come back retooled and refreshed.

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The Lesnar stuff was some of the best telly they've done in months and months. That's how you get your babyfaces and heels over. Lesnar the bad ass, just looking to rip heads off, and The Authority trying their hardest to avoid such a thing. Everybody involved deserves praise for how they performed during all of that; people crap on Stephanie but I think that's two nights of her doing some great heel work - I don't like her, which is a good heels job (she's not scared to be utterly awful on telly).  A "Suplex City" t-shirt will make them all a lot of money, you imagine.

My only problem with Raw is it was rather clear that, until the saintly BUH-ROCK LESNAR comes back, we're getting months of the same personnel and content that I haven't enjoyed much of. I can see me losing interest again.


Positively, Cena v Ambrose and Bryan v Ziggler were very good TV matches. Cena and Bryan are ace, I'd die a happy man if those two created a dream team down the road.

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I can't stand Ziggler. He looks, talks and wrestles like an idiot. Hate seeing Bryan share screen time with him, as it only re-enforces Ziggler's daft belief that himself and Bryan are on the same level.


Good Raw other than that. Pity Brock's fucked off again, but at least they can't ruin his aura if he's not on TV each week.

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I enjoyed RAW, crowd was its usual mad self, but i could not make out most of the chants, could someone post the ones during the divas match and the main event please?




I believe there were chants of 'You suck Cena' to Nikki Bella, 'You suck Bryan' to Brie Bella, 'You suck Jimmy' to Naomi and 'You suck TJ' to Natalya, surprisingly AJ got away with any Punk related chants and well no one really knows the guy Paige is dating to chant anything. Don't know about the main event chants

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