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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Sting was by far once again the best part of Raw, you can certainly tell he is fucking loving being out there with a chance to have full freedom on what he does.


But fuck that ending, jeez. They should have had a brawl and then haved to be seperated by lots of wrestlers etc, like in the Cena/Lesnar brawl before Extreme Rules.


Ending was complete shit.


Oh Lesnar's reaction when Heyman was talking about his family lol:



Edited by zep81
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I was really pleased when Sting came out and clarified that he isn't here to fight for WCW, adding that it would be 'ridiculous to do so at this point in time'. Thought it was great to put that shite to bed so that they could move forward and get some heat on the real issue before Sunday. Then Stephanie came out and spoke about WCW for five minutes. Boggled my mind.


Sting has got the upper hand on Triple H every single time so far. I'm fully expecting him to lose at WrestleMania now, but that makes me believe that this isn't 'one and done' for him. We'll get a rematch down the road and we might see Sting work a few matches up to and including next year's WrestleMania.


I'm also going to be stunned if Cena doesn't beat Rusev. 

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I watched the whole of this Raw, first time I've done that in ages. I actually thought it was structured as well as a 3hour plus show could be.


The ending was just bizarre, I don't even get what they were trying to do with that tug of war? Was it a massive troll job just for the hell of it? I mean Heyman did say there's nothing he could say to make people buy Wrestlemania, so maybe they thought whatever happened wouldn't make a difference and instead just have that ending.


That Raw made me care about the I.C match as, for at least one night, it seems like that title means something.

The Sting vs Trips match, which feels big now. Though I think it's more down to the fact I've never seen a full Sting match so excited to see what it's like, for me it really does feel like WCW vs WWE, even if they say it isn't.

And finally Cena vs Rusev, I hope Cena goes over because that's a Mania moment to make people happy (well me and the kids). Having him spend a year as a patriotic hero would be great.


I would be excited for the main event if I knew Rollins is cashing in (and I'm certain he is, after a loss to Orton).


All in all a pretty fun Raw which set the table, could have been better but it's okay.


I did love Simmons' on commentary (he has Hogan on his podcast today), it was so forced when they kept asking him questions. The highlight was when he said how his son loves JBL because he put over Cena.


Oh and for the wrestling isn't wrestling fans, Max Landis was there as well, his Twitter is full of the events of the night.

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Loved the Sting promo at the start and him telling Steph that she's had everything handed to her.

Also loved the Wyatt promo, best he's done in ages. I honestly don't know which way they'll go with Taker/Wyatt. I don't think they'll have Taker lose two on the bounce but I'd love for Bray to get a Wrestlemania win which I still think should have happened last year. I don't mean that in a 'CENA SUX' way, but Bray had a lot more to gain from getting that win than Cena did. The feud was a bit sideways throughout

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Not only is the tug of war thing lame in itself, but has there ever been a Wrestlemania main event where the participants did not touch each other once?

Michaels vs Hart at Mania 12?


I don't believe that Steve Austin and The Rock had any physical contact in the build up to WrestleMania XV.

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Was it just my eyes, or was Tiny 'Zeus' Lister sat behind Cole? If it was him, he seemed to try to get his face on camera right at the beginning of the show. Rick Rubin looked uncomfortable infront of the camera until Kid Ink(?) was shown.

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You dont see Zeus without it being Zeus. The man looks unlike anyone on earth. It was definitely him. Amazing that, he drew 500,000 buys for a SummerSlam at one point in time. Zeus did better business than most of the Raw most ever will. You'd think he'd have a bit of name value to stick a graphic onscreen for the Human Wrecking Machine. It wasn't to long ago they re-released No Holds Barred as well. Such disrespected to the great man.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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