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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Not watched Raw for months and I did fast forward a fair chunk but Lesnar is fucking great. I quite like the part time champion thing, feels like it gives the belt a bit more prestige because it's not over exposed and it's on a genuinely exciting superstar.


Big E is the least convincing stereotypical black guy ever. Pure Carlton Banks.


Where the fuck does Jericho get off wearing that ridiculously poncey scarf and expecting me to not want to see him get beaten to a pulp?


I'm totally fine with the part time champ thing. It means other guys  - Wyatt, Ambrose and Rollins namely - have been able to main event PPVs recently. Surely that is only a good thing?


It also means that when someone eventually wins the title off Lesnar, it really means something. You're not only getting the rub from an absolute monster, you're getting the rub from Lesnar defeating the Undertaker's streak. I really hope they dont fuck up the booking of this.


I've never been a Big E fan. He's shite. They should be booking him like Mark Henry when he'd come in and destory people but instead he's clapping his hands and sweating his fat tits off.


Re: Jericho, he's got zero luster anymore. When he turns up it's not special.

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I thought Roman Reigns got the reaction of a proper star and looked like the sort of bloke you want to be. People seem down on him, but he got the reaction Tom Jones got whenever he walked out on a stage in '68. I'm not sure I've ever heard so many women yelp as a wrestler stands there looking cool as fuck.

I don't know if "people" are down on him. Apart from Malbrangue who is obviously just compensating for the way Reigns makes him question his sexuality! ;)


I think folks are just in a hurry to predict doom so that they can tell us all how right they were. That's been the way for months. His entrance, his gear, his moves, even that fucking gorgeous hair. All likely to be his downfall. All nonsense of course. Being booked like shit will kill him, or the writers shitting their pants when he gets some boos.


He will get boos. Maybe even in Philadelphia at the Rumble. But that isn't an indication of anything other than a crowd full of wankers. There's no point shitting themselves at that point. listen to the people every night. If it's 80-90% positive overall then you're doing fine.


They also need to remember that the biggest draw and the best babyface in da bizness gets booed by a portion of the crown in 90% of the cities they visit. And it's not stopped him selling tickets or merch one bit.

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Okay, this didn't sit well with me. I realise from some people's tweets that I may be in the minority with this. I do not like a part-time champion. It demeans the product if your champion can't be fucked to turn up to your TV shows, or even your PPVs.

There may be times when the particular absentee champion could warrant that treatment but I don't buy Lesnar as a big enough star for that. Again, I know I'm probably not in the majority when it comes to that.


To be fair, Brock doing all that shit on TV is an improvement on Hulk Hogan's title run in 1993, which consisted of a few vignettes from the set of Thunder in Paradise and dropping it to Yokozuna at King of the Ring.



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I thought Roman Reigns got the reaction of a proper star and looked like the sort of bloke you want to be. People seem down on him, but he got the reaction Tom Jones got whenever he walked out on a stage in '68. I'm not sure I've ever heard so many women yelp as a wrestler stands there looking cool as fuck.

I don't know if "people" are down on him. Apart from Malbrangue who is obviously just compensating for the way Reigns makes him question his sexuality! ;)


I think folks are just in a hurry to predict doom so that they can tell us all how right they were. That's been the way for months. His entrance, his gear, his moves, even that fucking gorgeous hair. All likely to be his downfall. All nonsense of course. Being booked like shit will kill him, or the writers shitting their pants when he gets some boos.


He will get boos. Maybe even in Philadelphia at the Rumble. But that isn't an indication of anything other than a crowd full of wankers. There's no point shitting themselves at that point. listen to the people every night. If it's 80-90% positive overall then you're doing fine.


They also need to remember that the biggest draw and the best babyface in da bizness gets booed by a portion of the crown in 90% of the cities they visit. And it's not stopped him selling tickets or merch one bit.


Fair points and that is sort of what I was getting at (second paragraph). Folk on the old internet are going on about how he's failing to connect and that, but I've never really seen much evidence whenever I've seen him on the telly. Raw, for example, he looked like something special.


WWE are doing everything in their power to make sure Reigns doesn't turn into Cena (with the mixed reaction stuff), though. Part of the trouble with Cena is WWE sort of made it his thing, so the "Lets go Cena" "Cena sucks" reaction is as much part of his gimmick as his jorts and Never Give Up speeches.

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I think with Reigns it's a bit of "please don't fuck this up" from people around here.  We all want the WWE to find a big new face, and he does seem like the best fit.  He's just a bit... green still, particularly when it comes to promos.


And with the modern WWE audience, which can be quite "I won't like what you want me to like" at times, if the WWE are too obvious with positioning him, they might engender a backlash from the same section of the audience who boo Cena.  I bet they don't even remember WHY they boo him any more either!


The last person who really got over big time (and I mean BIG) as a traditional face was Batista, and that really felt like it happened organically, that he and the audience began connecting, almost behind HHH's back, and so when he split from Evolution, we were ready, and he was ready as well.

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When Reigns does backstage promos he needs to stop making it look like he's reading from an autocue.  And then you have Seth this guy is a fucking all rounder. His mic skills are fantastic and we all know what he can do in the ring. I'm a real big Rollins fan at the moment. He's been awesome these past few months.

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When Reigns does backstage promos he needs to stop making it look like he's reading from an autocue.  And then you have Seth this guy is a fucking all rounder. His mic skills are fantastic and we all know what he can do in the ring. I'm a real big Rollins fan at the moment. He's been awesome these past few months.

Seth Rollins? That guy? Good on promos? Wow, it's an opinion game!

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When Reigns does backstage promos he needs to stop making it look like he's reading from an autocue.  And then you have Seth this guy is a fucking all rounder. His mic skills are fantastic and we all know what he can do in the ring. I'm a real big Rollins fan at the moment. He's been awesome these past few months.

Seth Rollins? That guy? Good on promos? Wow, it's an opinion game!


He was great this week because whiney heel is his forte. His voice is too weak to take seriously but it fits in with his character which is a massive pussy. His ring work is good. He's got absolutely no potential to be the #1 babyface in the company though. So Reigns has nothing to worry about from him.
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Does everyone still think this way?


you're getting the rub from Lesnar defeating the Undertaker's streak.



I can't see it. WWE couldn't even keep Lesnar's momentum from the big Summerslam win past Night of Champions. Any heat from ending the streak died a long time ago. It's not going to come back and magically transfer over to who ever beats Lesnar. It's nothing but a line in a Paul Heyman promo now.

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Does everyone still think this way?


you're getting the rub from Lesnar defeating the Undertaker's streak.



I can't see it. WWE couldn't even keep Lesnar's momentum from the big Summerslam win past Night of Champions. Any heat from ending the streak died a long time ago. It's not going to come back and magically transfer over to who ever beats Lesnar. It's nothing but a line in a Paul Heyman promo now.

Agreed. The biggest mistake ever made in wrestling, that. Vince McMahon takes a nearly all the blame, but Undertaker was so busy being a yes man that he failed to see how it completely killed him. Or maybe he isn't bothered.

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Agreed. The biggest mistake ever made in wrestling, that. Vince McMahon takes a nearly all the blame, but Undertaker was so busy being a yes man that he failed to see how it completely killed him. Or maybe he isn't bothered.


Are you kidding? The streak was always meant to be broken and when it finally did, it was one of the best Wrestlemania moments ever. What was he going to do if he kept it going, defend it for the next 5 years?


They'll get Lesnar's heat back in time for Wrestlemania and the pay off will be 10x better than if he'd been wrestling on Raw every week.

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Does everyone still think this way?

you're getting the rub from Lesnar defeating the Undertaker's streak.

I can't see it. WWE couldn't even keep Lesnar's momentum from the big Summerslam win past Night of Champions. Any heat from ending the streak died a long time ago. It's not going to come back and magically transfer over to who ever beats Lesnar. It's nothing but a line in a Paul Heyman promo now.


Agreed. The biggest mistake ever made in wrestling, that. Vince McMahon takes a nearly all the blame, but Undertaker was so busy being a yes man that he failed to see how it completely killed him. Or maybe he isn't bothered.


Behave. The Undertaker is a fucking great for doing the necessary. Whether Brock was the right guy, only time will tell, but The Streak was no good to anyone without someone breaking it. I don't think it defines The Undertaker either. He's been great for too long for his rich and varied body of work to be forgotten because he lost to Lesnar. when he turns up on Raw again, people will still go apeshit.


In answer to the original point, I still think there's rub to be had from beating Lesnar. So to that end, The Streak and the SummerSlam mauling aren't wasted. It depends on what you do with it. If Cena beats Lesnar at the Rumble, you might as well not have bothered because you've got nothing left to pass on that beating Cena at WM wouldn't have achieved anyway. But if lesnar beats Cena, you've got a guy who ended The Streak and is definitively better than John Cena. If you can't make beating that guy mean something then you've no right to call yourself a promoter.

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It may not define him, but it's the only thing he's had going for him for the better part of 5 or 6 years. Wasted on Brock Lesnar in a shit match. Who's getting the rub from this? John Cena? Because he's the only guy they're letting near Lesnar when he shows up for one of his handful of dates a year.
Come Wrestlemania time when Lesnar is against Reigns or whoever they're grooming, nobody will even remember the streak ending because like someone else said, it's just another line in Heyman's promos now.

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