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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Vinny Mac looked about a billion years old. Didn't deliver his promo with his usual confidence either. I'd stick to pre-recorded appearances in dark rooms for him in future! Not sure about that stipulation. Doesn't feel at all necessary. They are rushing to add an angle to the match at SS but The Authority don't have a particular enemy really. Not with Bryan out and Reigns injured. Dolph expressing his desire to see them gone was another part of it. He's had no dealings with them until last week.


Triple H and Orton were awesome on the show. Trips cut two ace promos opposite Dolph and Orton and then was killer in the ending segment. Orton has his working boots on and that angle did a good job of cementing the face turn. HHH better be the final member o Team Authority. I'm guessing at this point it's Trips, Rollins, Kane, Henry & Rusev vs. Cena, Orton, Sheamus, Ziggler and Show.


Where the fuck was Cena by the way? They barely mentioned him (unless it was explained during the matches I fast forward!). They're missing an opportunity to sell a shitload of "Team Cena" T-Shirts here!


Not sure I'd have Ryback selling for Titus O'Neil at this point. Crowd wasn't particularly hot anyway but that killed this segment for them. I like O'Neil and they could do way more with him but given his standing, Ryback should have murdered him.


Henry-Show was a decent match once it got going. The start was just shit though. If your best friend has just betrayed you, what's the first thing you'll do when you get your hands on him? Some gentle sumo chops? Show should have met Henry on the outside and had a brawl around the ring. Because the match picked up nicely from that point. Wasn't a big fan of Show's promo either. That was all over the place.


Cannot fucking stand The Miz. I just do not want to watch him at all. Sandow is quite funny but he's wasted on this pile of shit. So are the Usos.


Enjoyed Ambrose vs. Cesaro on Smackdown. Did not need to see it again already.


Sheamus and Rusev was a good match which just lacked heat until the really closing stages. In front of a hot crowd, it would have been brilliant. Unfortunately I couldn't find it on Youtube without seeing spoilers. Bastards. Having both guys work a squash match to fill time was an "interesting" way to build up to a "major" title match.


They need to keep that belt. No renaming it or whatever. The heat is in Rusev carrying that title. Maybe he could wear it upside down. Or celebrate victories by spitting on it Sheiky-style.


Enjoyable show. Usual caveats.

Edited by tiger_rick
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Raw was ok. As Rick said the HHH segments were really good, particularly the end one. the rest of the show was fairly pants though - I watched it last night and can't really remember anything else that happened so not great.


I'm not sure I'd put Rusev & Sheamus in the Cena vs Authority match.  I can't see Rusev surviving the match even if the Authority win so why put him in a position where he has to 'lose'? He could take a DQ or count out but again, what's the point?  Wouldn't be surprised to see Ryback on Team Cena if he keeps squashing people for the next couple of weeks.

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Hey, it's that Raw show again!

I Duggan'd the entire first segment because some jerk told me it was all about the network, and I don't care about the network. I barely have time to watch 7 hours of wrestling a week, and I can't imagine wanting more than that, even if it is free! BUT! Vince McMahon said some other stuff, out of nowhere like an RKO, that if the Authority lose against Team Cena at Survivor Series they will have to disband. That gave it fresh impetus, although it's a bit one-sided. HHH and Stephanie did a great job of being unconcerned to Vince's face and panicking when he'd left.

Hey, it's Dean Ambrose! He's fighting Cesaro again because *shrug*. It was a little sloppy early on, but not bad as it went. It helps that these two are mostly new to each other, I guess. The lights went out and when they came back on Bray Wyatt was sat in his rocking chair, with some awesome facials. Cesaro bled hardway and the ref grabbed some rubber gloves. Ambrose did not. They went to a commercial and his head was a bit better, so they must have done some off-screen magic or something. Ambrose won with the double-arm DDT. A Good Match.

Ambrose went to attack Wyatt up on the ramp after the match but the lights went out again, and Wyatt was gone. His chair was still rocking, though, and instead of this being eerie it just made me look for the fishing wire. I am a bad fan.

HHH is either an optimist or stupid. He called Randy Orton to be on their team for Survivor Series. He has been watching lately, hasn't he?

Hey, it's Mizdow! And three other blokes. Miz fought Jimmy Uso, as if you care. The only thing of note was a babyface, Jay Uso, superkicking a heel, Mizdow, and the crowd LOUDLY BOOING. Good job, crowd.

Hey, it's another match! I'm declaring Raw "match night" tonight, because there are matches. Sheamus took on Tyson Kidd, and as always it's a non-title match. Sigh. Ehhh, it was alright. Kidd got the win by countout when both men were brawling outside and Kidd pulled his wife in front of him when Sheamus was about to hit him. This allowed him to scramble in the ring for the count-out win. I think we're supposed to hate Kidd for this but if wives can't be used as human shields, then what use are they? Sheamus kicked Kidd after the bell because babyfaces.

Oh, and they announced that Sheamus would defend his title against Rusev AFTER Raw. Lucky Network people.

And another match! It's Dolph Ziggler versus... who? The whole Authority came out and offered Ziggler a slot on their team for Survivor Series. They told him he could have anything he wanted (I'd suggest a haircut) and he said he wanted them gone, so I guess he turned them down. Stephanie, who was very booby tonight, asked Dolph where Cena was. Good question. If I had a team to recruit, I'd be turning up for work.

Aaaaanyway, the match will be Ziggler versus Rollins, for the Intercontinental Title. This was Okay. It wasn't so much a match as a series of MOVES but most people don't seem to care about that, it seems. After some shenanigans from Noble & Mercury, Seth was on the verge of a win, but TEAM PLAYA Randy Orton appeared and RKO'd him for the DQ. If I didn't already like Randy Orton he'd be right on the Good Boy list for his actions here. I am a mark.

Backstage, HHH & Stephanie are shocked and angered. Orton is told that he will get Rollins tonight and once it's over it's over and they can be friends again.

There was a Luke Harper bit which was a bit weird. News.

Titus O'Neil was in the ring, so I hope he's done stinking up my NXT show. He said some stuff and Ryback came out. Yeah, Titus is next. Titus got some offence early on, which is too early to be giving anyone anything against Ryback, but *shrug*. Ryback won. The Authority were backstage watching and looked impressed.

The Big Show was talking to Renee Young backstage. He said some stuff and marched off to fight Mark Henry.

Mark Henry beat the Big Show in the latest match on Match Night. You've all seen this match before - the last time I saw it Show was wearing a Union Jack leotard and top hat, and Henry was wearing a smock and had a a beard and was white and Scottish. It sucked. The Authority were again impressed with Haystacks.

Up to now, two hours and fifteen minutes in, this had been a Good Show because no women. Idiots ruined that, didn't they?

Backstage, Renee spoke to Brie and Nikki got mad. Then Erick Rowan sexually harassed Renee, the dirty rapist.

Christ, it's a women's match. It's Emma, who didn't even get to do her stupid intro on TV, versus Nikki. It was passable. I don't know if that's because the women are getting better or because I'm numbed to the pain. Nikki won. Oh, AJ was doing commentary to absolutely no benefit to anyone.

James Brown is coming to the WWE. I think. James Brown with a magic cloak of Parkinson's, by the look of it. If you saw it, that will make sense. If not, ENJOY!

Hey, it's Zack Ryder! No, me either. He's a Tweeter, apparently. He was killed by Rusev, because apparently everyone is working twice tonight. Now here's a thing: Rusev has had heat put on him by quite a few people. Ryback, since his return, hasn't. So why not switch their opponents tonight if Titus had to have some offense? Or am I thinking too much?

The Authority had been watching Rusev and Stephanie asked Lana if he'd be on their team. Lana, the filthy minx, told her she'd get back to her.

Sigh, it's Los Matadores. It's Fernando, like anyone cares which one it is, against Stardust, because reasons. Miz & Mizdow were on commentary and got involved in the match, and it's leading to Miz & Dow versus the Dust Brothers. MORE TAG TEAMS PLEASE.

Haha, after the break, they announced that the Dust Brothers, who just saw off the Usos at the last PPV and have been feuding with Los Matadores, and now Miz & Dow, will face... the Usos! On Smackdown! In a steel cage for no good reason! FFS!

Hey, it's the main event!

It's Randy versus Rollins, and they have a decent enough match. It's sloppy early on, and full of MOVES, but better than Rollins's earlier match. HHH did a great job of looking like a disappointed father watching his two boys fight here. It ended in a clean win for the lesser talent who'd already had one match. Weird. Anyway, Randy was not happy but looked conflicted. He asked HHH what he should do (WWHHHD?) and HHH told him to suck it up and move on. He shook hands with all the Authority - even Rollins, who was being disingenuous in his humility. RKO for that!

The Authority then tried a beatdown but they're such a bunch of goons. They did, eventually, get on top, but only after Orton had nailed HHH, and Rollins kerb stomped Orton on the table. Orton bled. If it was hardway, then that's two in one night. If not, then I like this new, old direction.

Stephanie was upset with Orton, HHH was conflicted. She told him to do what's right for business, which apparently means killing an employee. Who are they, Richard Branson? (I'm not sorry).

Now the HHH of ten years ago would have been the one to finish it, and I was convinced it would be a pedigree that would do the job, but he told Rollins to finish it and walked off, looking so sad. Rollins kerb stomped Orton on the steel steps and the show ended.

A Good Show but the lack of a babyface save for Orton rankled, especially given Ambrose was so mad at Rollins only 8 days ago.

After, Rusev beat Sheamus for the US title because we're fucking hotshotting everything now.

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I'm not sure I'd put Rusev & Sheamus in the Cena vs Authority match. I can't see Rusev surviving the match even if the Authority win so why put him in a position where he has to 'lose'? He could take a DQ or count out but again, what's the point? Wouldn't be surprised to see Ryback on Team Cena if he keeps squashing people for the next couple of weeks.

Or Rusev is the sole survivor? I'm imaging some kind of interference based finish similar to the big match at SS2003, allowing Rusev to beat Cena (pinball of course as Cena doesn't submit)

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I'm not sure I'd put Rusev & Sheamus in the Cena vs Authority match. I can't see Rusev surviving the match even if the Authority win so why put him in a position where he has to 'lose'? He could take a DQ or count out but again, what's the point? Wouldn't be surprised to see Ryback on Team Cena if he keeps squashing people for the next couple of weeks.

Or Rusev is the sole survivor? I'm imaging some kind of interference based finish similar to the big match at SS2003, allowing Rusev to beat Cena (pinball of course as Cena doesn't submit)



I wondered that but if 'Team Authority' win surely the survivor should be someone from The Authority? Probably Seth.


They could've gone with Rusev surviving and Seth getting jealous when they make a big thing of it on Raw the next night but that's too similar to the Orton story.  


If he's in the match I'd expect him to get DQ'd, maybe counted out (perhaps a double C/O brawling off with Sheamus somewhere, or Ryback if he's moved on from Sheamus by then) but would be less surprised to see him in a US Title match,


Team Authority: HHH, Seth, Kane, Henry, and Lesnar (dont know if he's scheduled or not but I'd like to see it and it's more of a draw than Rusev)

Team Cena: Cena, Ziggler, Orton, Big Show, Ryback or Sheamus (with the other one losing to Rusev in the US title match)

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Sorry for the double post but probably one of the highlights of Raw last night for me:





It's good in GIF form, but it's not quite complete without the pathetic "wuuuh" noise he makes on the way down:




I had a shit day yesterday, but that properly cheered me up. Watched it countless times, still pissing myself.


I reckon Luke Harper's gonna end up on on Team Cena. He's coming back as a face, dressed pretty much exactly like Bruiser Brody. Probably.

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I think it's fucking bullshit to put a big main event match like Rusev vs Sheamus on after the show goes off the air, especially with a finish. Not to mention that they only started the feud on last week's SmackDown. They could have built this one up nicely to Survivor Series, there's more mileage in it than Rusev's past three feuds. I know they are really desperate for Network subscriptions but I hope this does not become a regular feature.

Edited by Arch Stanton
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I imagine there's loads of frantic editing going on in the production truck right now. Tonight's Raw was filled with the expected "where's our Network" chants, quite a few "boring" chants, loads of booing when security were confiscating stuff from the crowd (which happened often), and absolute silence during some of the matches. Keeping things spoiler-free until everyone's seen it, I'll just say it was a really awful show. Probably one of the worst I've been to since I started going to the wrestling in about 1991. I was a bit gutted about being in work tomorrow night and not being able to go to Smackdown, but now I think I'd be better off in work. Just horrible!

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It's little surprise the show is poor when the roster is already thin and then half of it is at a house show.


I also understand Cena uses the word "wanker" - America doesn't really get how un-PG that word is here do they?

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