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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I know Mick Foley gets slated a lot on here, but I really enjoyed his appearance on the show- besides the Santa get-up, but hell, he even used that to put over the dangers of the Cell. Enjoyed how Mick mentioned Noelle and Rollins gave a kind of seedy smile. He's definitely hit that.


Very good Raw, really. A lot of it was the re-building of Randy Orton- in one night, they've established him as a threat and hinted towards an Orton vs. Lesnar title match (which I've wanted for a long time). I read a rumour that they're looking to do Cena vs. Lesnar at the Rumble, which would be just asinine- they pay Brock all this money for the majority of his matches to be either against Cena or HHH? Hopefully WWE see something in Orton through this Vine craze and see it through to Survivor Series or the Rumble. I'd like to see this title match at Survivor Series, but the ambiguity of "future" makes me think the next time we see Brock will indeed be the Rumble. I'm guessing they're looking to try and sell the next few PPVs on their gimmicks (HIAC, elimination match, TLC).


Street fight main event and they went with traditional tag rules for most of it. Fucking stupid. But that's my only complaint of a fairly enjoyable 3 hour show.

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Well that was shit. I've so little interest in a match that I was salivating to see three months ago that it's almost beyond belief. And despite the stipulation and the attempt to make Orton & Cena into "Hogan and Piper" or "Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels" - I couldn't give a toss about that either. Oddly for WWE, Orton kept pointing out that they've even had a cell match before - so there's not even any intrigue there.


I thought Foley did a good job once I'd gotten over the shock of how awful he looked at that size with the very obvious limp. He can still talk a good game though. It was a good promo but it suffered because the stuff before it with the mannequin was fucking dreadful and what this feud needed was a killer angle.


Why they chose to end the show with Rollins turning on Orton, I don't know. Unless they are turning Orton and he's going to win on Sunday. Even then, I think this could wait.


Orton's RKO on Heyman was cool. Nothing else was. The cheap heat segments just sucked the life out of it.


Do I need to see the show on Sunday? Absolutely not. Been given no reason to.

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Considering they're supposed to be trying to appeal to markets all over the world, why do a pro USA storyline like they're doing with Rusev and Show/Henry?


Wouldn't be that bad if it was even being booked half decent but last week was ridiculous with the 2 babyfaces only getting the better of the heel once they outnumbered him and this week wasn't much cop either


Plus if you look at it objectively, who would you be rooting for? two blokes who cry all the time or the submission machine with the white hot valet?

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Foley looked awful.


His limp his weight, i just felt bad for ever cheering a cactus jack match. That said he got the cell over huge.


WTF a street fight where they stick to the tag in and out rule? 


The whole big show segment was awful. Brave solider kicked in head by evil Russian..1980 called. I more pissed than when show ripped down the russian flag the sold it as the greatest thing ever, until they had to say sorry




So what do they do tease the shit outa rusev doing it! while JBL screams about how awful it is. 

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Considering they're supposed to be trying to appeal to markets all over the world, why do a pro USA storyline like they're doing with Rusev and Show/Henry?


Because in Russia the commentary is putting Rusev over as the glorious hero standing up for Mother Russia.

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Considering they're supposed to be trying to appeal to markets all over the world, why do a pro USA storyline like they're doing with Rusev and Show/Henry?


Because in Russia the commentary is putting Rusev over as the glorious hero standing up for Mother Russia.


Is that true? at least it'd explain last weeks segment

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I'm guessing it isn't that easy to exercise when you're in fucking agony, though. And, understanding the pull of sweet tooth myself, if I was a former star whose now fat, crippled and in pain I'd struggle to resist a slice of cake too.

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Fair play to Foley, he looked like a bag of shit but he can still cut a hell of a promo.


It still wasn't enough to really push this Ambrose vs. Rollins match over the edge though, which is a shame. I should be exploding with excitement for that match, but I'm not. For the first time in what feels like years and years they've actually got a feud that is naturally culminating at exactly the right time for a Hell In A Cell match, but they spent so much time messing around with that dumb Ambrose/Cena/Rollins dynamic that it's cooled off massively.


What this show really needed was one of those awesome video packages, detailing the entire Ambrose vs. Rollins feud from beginning to end. Something similar to the Cena vs. Wyatt "Legacy" promo video. If nothing else it would have been more productive at selling the show than that shit with the mannequin. I love Ambrose more than anyone but even someone with his promo ability is going to struggle with this most recent material.


I also enjoyed Randy Orton having a tantrum over that table on the outside. Always a good laugh when Randy has a hissy fit.

Edited by Supremo
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I also enjoyed Randy Orton having a tantrum over that table on the outside. Always a good laugh when Randy has a hissy fit.

Yeah that was great stuff, with the commentators trying to cover for him swearing and then Orton shouting "Move!" at the table as her tried to get it out of the way.

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