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Reigns and cena could have at least rushed to help ambrose.


I was thinking the same thing. It went on for ages and i kept thinking there gonna show up in abit but they didnt. Couldnt make sense of that

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A lot of things seem to be clicking with the crowd, at the minute. The fans have been into all sorts, which makes the product feel a bit more relevant than it is.


This Rusev v Real Americans storyline is an absolutely belting jingoistic wrestling story. Of course, Lana and Rusev are perfect, but the addition of Zeb Colter and that music is wonderful. Not so much a fan of Swagger, but they sort of keep him out of it until things need to get physical. Can't wait until Lana and Rusev get to mix it up with the main eventers. They must be well chuffed with how all that went.


Can't do justice to how excited I got during that Sting clip. Such a great job they did with that. The reaction to it was funny too, with people losing their mind when they realised it was Sting, only to boo as soon as they saw it was for the video game.


Stardust and Goldust is bloody mental.

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Jericho was great. People expected lame comedy insults at Wyatt, but instead, he treated him as a serious threat. I liked the promo where he went through his history of seen it all / done it all only to say he has never seen anybody like Wyatt. This is where the likes of Jericho and RVD can be used to perfection, by putting arising talent over on the big stage. It's no different to how Jimmy Snuka was used in the early 90's.

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Reigns and cena could have at least rushed to help ambrose.


Was thinking this at the time, it went on forever and it never even showed you Reigns or Cena again.


I absolutely love Stardust, I hope this ends up a long term gimmick change as opposed to using it as a way to split the team up.

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They could have him undefeated until Bryan comes back. Bo in the ring talking about by how he's undefeated and you can be to if you BOlieve etc then Daniel Bryan comes back and beats him.


I'd rather Bo get to 21-Bo, then get destroyed by Brock Lesnar, leaving Bo at 21-1


"My client Brock Lesnar beat Bo Dallas' undefeated streak".


If this doesn't happen I'll be pissed off!

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I thought it was a lame show after a couple of great weeks. Did nothing to make the PPV anymore interesting and didn't deliver the six man tag I said would be great last week.


Two positives. Dean Ambrose was fucking ace in that beat down segment. "Is that all you guys have got?" after a massive arse kicking was super cool. Agree on Cena & Reigns though, I was sat wondering why they weren't at least trying to find them.


Rusev/Swagger exchange was superb. Can't remember enjoying many of these staged things but this one was great. Lana did a grand job of setting the stage and then Zeb responded like only he can. The little scuffle was worked well and this was the one match on the PPV that was enhanced on the show. Swagger's commitment to "We the people" is always great.


Not too many mid-card feuds feel consequential these days so hopefully Rusev cheats to win on Sunday and then they have a gimmick re-match at SummerSlam. Maybe in a cage.


Bo Dalls was fun again, Miz's new gimmick is catching with me and Paul Heyman's short appearance whet the appetite for Lesnar. Otherwise the show was dreary with too many matches chucked out there between Battle Royal entrants with nothing riding on them. The last two weeks have been well paced. This was a good one hour show in three hours.


Openly begging people to sample the Network for free for one hour was odd wasn't it?

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Is it right they aired a CM Punk promo vid?


Between that and chucking the belt straight back on the wife, anyone would think they were trying to woo him back.

I read they've now put Punk in the Alumni section on WWE.com


Can't imagine he'll be back on tv anytime soon

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Does anyone else think that they've stumbled onto something with this Swagger face turn? I know it's designed to give someone to feed to Rusev, but the crowd were explosively into the whole thing, and all the participants are playing it so well that Swagger's starting to feel important.


How you book the rest of this feud to make them BOTH come out bigger, I don't know but it feels like a bit of a shame to sacrifice what could potentially be the best use of Swagger ever. The Patriot lock suddenly looks like a main event finisher again.

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Does anyone else think that they've stumbled onto something with this Swagger face turn? I know it's designed to give someone to feed to Rusev, but the crowd were explosively into the whole thing, and all the participants are playing it so well that Swagger's starting to feel important.


How you book the rest of this feud to make them BOTH come out bigger, I don't know but it feels like a bit of a shame to sacrifice what could potentially be the best use of Swagger ever. The Patriot lock suddenly looks like a main event finisher again.

I'd have him travel across America in a bus kissing babies demanding a title shot at SummerSlam.

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