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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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To be fair Heyman's not had much to work with since Mania but its hard to disagree Stephanie has been the best non wrestler going for a while now


As far as putting Vickie over when she was leaving, not everything has to be about elevating talent, maybe she just fancied doing some fun, entertaining tv which the live crowd lapped up too and gave a nice send off to a long term employee


I'm sure she'll end up doing something similar for Brie in a few months

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II don't know why they've not got Heyman doing not much for Cesaro to be honest, unless it's to lay groundwork for Ceasro leaving Heyman for a programme with Lesnar down the road. I mean the whole "My client..." stuff is entertaining but it's not achieving much.

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Can't argue with Butcher at all. Heyman does a great job of keeping Lesnar's name on TV and he's ensuring that he's still over enough to be on Brock's level but the whole "Paul Heyman Guy" thing hasn't done anything for anyone other than an already genuine main eventer in CM Punk.


In fairness, Ryback and Axel were already established as way below him and weren't given wins, or even competitive losses, with anyone decent. Also Cesaro is really fucking boring and they've got no ideas for him as a heel.


Steph has been great though. She's definitely a big reason why Bryan got over to the extent he did.

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She had a bit of a ropey spell when she had her kids and only made the occasional TV appearance (which is understandable), but as she's reaching 40 she's been looking better than in her 20s. I turned into a randy bugger when she did that filthy English accent during the London Raw. Woof!


I agree that she's helped Bryan immeasurably during their segments. His lines can be rotten, but she's too unlikeable for that to matter as much.

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I love Eric Rowan, the big mad oaf. Massive improvement from him this year. Funny how Bray's turned into my least favourite Wyatt. HHH, RVD and fucking Seth Rollins jousting on the mic is stuff from nightmares. The Dolph/Barrett match was fun and perfect use of Ziggler. Barrett possibly being out is a massive blow.


Stephanie and Dean Ambrose are the only reasons I continue to tune in at this point. Steph's the greatest heel on Earth and it's not even close. Guerrero's send off was pitch perfect. Loved that.

Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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This lad wasnt shy was he?



It's things like that that make me wish I was disabled


Totally agree with the earlier points about Steph's hotness. She is like a fine wine and seems to be getting older with age which is unusual for those in the wrestling business. Not ashamed to admit she gets me more hot on the collar in her 40s than she used to in her 20s.

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She is like a fine wine and seems to be getting older with age which is unusual for those in the wrestling business.


It's not unusual for anyone.

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Totally agree with the earlier points about Steph's hotness. She is like a fine wine and seems to be getting older with age which is unusual for those in the wrestling business. Not ashamed to admit she gets me more hot on the collar in her 40s than she used to in her 20s.


She's only 37.

Edited by The Dart
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She is like a fine wine and seems to be getting older with age which is unusual for those in the wrestling business.


It's not unusual for anyone.

I think every single person on the planet gets older with age, nevermind just the people in the wrestling business.

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