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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I wonder how long they can keep it up?


If they ment it they would walk out, Instead we will get "cm punk" chants over Big Dave and Cena. Probably followed by "we are awesome" chants


I dont like your product im really mad......but i will come anyway and pay you some money........but i am mad!

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Wrestling is a very strange hobby.


I hate Dem Wans, but I'm looking forward to this Raw more than any in ages to see what they get up to, and particularly whether Batista can get his own back on them somehow.


Which kind of makes them the top heels in the biz.


Wrestling is a very strange hobby.

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What has me confused is the fact this bunch are caning WWE and HHH on Twitter for burying NXT stars etc etc, yet The Shield and The Wyatts were given center stage to have a wonderful match on Sunday night, and it's those exact clowns who are going to chant - and have done so - Husky Harris at Bray Wyatt on Raw, essentially burying an NXT alumnus themselves.

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The adult male fans being the obvious heels to Cena's ultimate good guy who'll always rebel to their cynicism and stay true to his beliefs is part of what made him a great hero really, aside his obvious talent. He became a stronger hero too when you accepted that was the state of things. Part of that was his refusal to lower himself to their cynicism and tell them to bugger off, which obviously Batista has now done. Although it's a different scenario there anyway as you always felt part of the cynicism towards Cena was his more traditional hero character and the fans were just too cynical to buy it. Batista is hated because he's not fast or something. It seems odd to me that people cheered The Rock who made less of a commitment, went over the top face in the company despite barely even being a part timer and mocked the hardest working wrestler in the world and in turn the product even when he wasn't in the building but now boo Batista despite the fact that he hasn't done anything to Bryan. It's difficult to have it both ways, hypocritical even. Which the fans have every right to be. And that's why they're the bad guys in the traditional wrestling sense. Although that might make the authority the good guys since they're opinion that the live fans neither know what they want or what is good for business is probably a fair cop.


Wrestling fans just aren't smart enough to get the show anymore. They seemingly don't understand that in wrestling people change characters, that Punk isn't really telling the truth in his promos, that storylines don't happen in a night, that good guys need to face adversity, etc. It's a shame really. The company spent years after the attitude rubbish trying to restore normalcy, go back to basics and teach fans to accept a more traditional wrestling product. And for the most part the company managed to get rid of its bad habits and the fans bad habits, the fans cynicism to Cena aside but then he's Hero act came at a time when there weren't many conventional heroes about really, even superheroes have to be all dark and boring nowadays. But then they put over a horrible crowd to try and save face and the crowd, quite fairly, have forgotten that they're there to watch a show and not be the show. That's not completely related to why Bryan is over as much as he is that's because he's charismatic, even if he's seemingly not perceived as a mega star, but it is why fans request refunds when the good guy gets screwed even when it's obvious that was the next step and why they chant husky Harris. It also makes the company's job insanely difficult.

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That shit is hilarious.. you forget people like that exist sometimes. Mentals. Makes you glad this forum is not like some of the other online nerd repositories.


The NeoGaf wrestling threads are full of the most dickiest dickheads imaginable

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I assumed it was "them ones".

Yep. But with the accent of a black or Irish mammy.


Would Pitcos consider these particular idiots as 'Dem Wans'? I'm not sure of the exact definition.

You know 'em. The ones that do be crying about Triple H and Stephanie burying people or being clueless and Daniel Bryan not winning and not pushing the cruisers and not letting them wrestle and no gimmicks necessary and Cena's five moves and why did they fire Chris Hero because look at Bray Wyatt's physique but at least now he can go back on the indies where he's allowed to wrestle and The Rock should only be allowed a title match if he earns it by starting in NXT or dark matches like the career mode on the old games and Punk vs Bryan in an iron man match should be main eventing WrestleMania. Etc etc.


You can kind of apply it to the "PG SUX BRING BACK ATTITUDE ERA" idiots as well, but we can just call them C-Rocks.


I didn't realise until the other day when someone (Malbranque?) pointed it out that C-Rock was a truncation of Chest Rockwell's name. Was that a coincidence or was it given?


the crowd, quite fairly, have forgotten that they're there to watch a show and not be the show. That's not completely related to why Bryan is over as much as he is that's because he's charismatic, even if he's seemingly not perceived as a mega star, but it is why fans request refunds when the good guy gets screwed even when it's obvious that was the next step and why they chant husky Harris. It also makes the company's job insanely difficult.

It is a very unusual phenomenon, that sense of entitlement and brattiness. They've gotten so thick and cynical that they really have forgotten the point of wrestling a bit. There's no feeling from a lot of them that they want a rollercoaster ride and their favourite wrestler to beat the baddie that's been tormenting him. They just want their favourite wrestler to win the belt and never lose, and they don't care whether there's a story to it, it's just Bryan has to win the belt and that's it or it's refund time. Which is weird because it's almost a pure kayfabe reaction, just very broken because they don't care about the on-screen content (outside of the image of Bryan holding the belt every night), they just want big nose shovel cunt to recognise how great the indies are. I've seen people already complaining "even if he wins it, he will only have a 2-3 month reign when he should have a 6+ month reign." Wrestling fans, on the whole, are thick as fuck and worthless human beings. That's why four million wrestling viewers aren't worth nearly as much to advertisers as four million viewers of other genres.


If the TV crowd and house show business are anything to go by, it seems that there are a lot of fans who will buy a ticket to boo John Cena and Batista on the telly, but won't buy one to see Daniel Bryan main-event a house show that Cena and Batista aren't on. Which doesn't say much for Bryan.

Edited by King Pitcos
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I didn't even twig there was an actual C-Rock on here until the other day, after I'd Hood Named our Chest. Sorry about that Chest.


The fans these days kind of remind me of the Simpsons episode Lisa's Rival when after Lisa's daydream about having the number 2 single she asks "Why would they come to our concert just to boo us?"

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All that great and true stuff aside.. they fired Chris Hero? Fantastic news!


Quite a while back, for continuing to look like a condom filled with porridge (that one's for NEWM).

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That shit is hilarious.. you forget people like that exist sometimes. Mentals. Makes you glad this forum is not like some of the other online nerd repositories.


The NeoGaf wrestling threads are full of the most dickiest dickheads imaginable


I think that is an age thing, as most people on there are of a younger age. I guess it's like multiple Dillkids posting all at once. I like the UKFF because it has quite a diverse roster of different posters/opinions, who are quite civilised, unless someone is posting constant rubbish.


I don't like what is happening with wrestling crowds right now. Martin Samuel wrote a great piece about it, he was talking about football fans, but it applies here too. This 'It's all about me' culture, the fan wanting to take the spot light. It's shit. More than half the chants have nothing to do with the in-ring match and come at random, like you're playing one of the old Smackdown games and JR would scream out something completely irrelevant to what just happened.


It's one of the reason's I like watching old wrestlings clips from the 80s etc, none of this crap, if the fans turn theirs usually a legit reason, but now it's just to get yourself over.


WM at this point is surely going to be hijacked and ruined by this bs. Might have to actually wait for WWE edited DVD version to fully enjoy it.

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Do you know what I'm terrified of? Vince bringing CM Sulk back to be the third man in a triple threat match with Batista and Orton. As I understand it, one of Punk's main gripes was that he wasn't main eventing Wrestlemania, so with Bryan taking Punk's spot against Triple H I'd hate for them to insert Punk into the the title match in order to get him to return. Not that I think it will happen, it's just that as we get closer to the Chicago show there's not many other ways I can imagine them re-inserting the scruffy tramp, should he return.

Edited by Supremo
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To be fair that would be fucking hillarious. Punk who has so much love for "the business" that he just went "you know what, bugger it" a few hours before showtime taking what people have decided should be Daniel Bryan's spot. Especially since Punk can't even be bothered to get a decent hair cut these days.

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