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2 hours ago, W35ty said:

He could snap the ring ropes so they are laying on the floor then lift the ring at an angle and they all fall over and roll out.

Technically they would have gone over the top rope as it's laying on the ring floor.

Had to read this twice because I genuinely thought it was in response to Strowman/ Bliss sexy times conundrum.

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Very strange seeing Impact footage on Raw. It was an excellent decision to purchase that stuff to get this Hardy thing going properly.

Looking forward to the return of Vanguard-1!

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3 minutes ago, Philjax said:

Very strange seeing Impact footage on Raw. It was an excellent decision to purchase that stuff to get this Hardy thing going properly.

Looking forward to the return of Vanguard-1!

It wasn’t footage from Impact, it was new stuff his missus made. 

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Better late than never, but I've noticed the Sky series link for Raw tonight isn't working...again. Bloody useless. Presumably because it's moved channels tonight again, no doubt due to the earlier starting time. 

Edited by PunkStep
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"AAAMMM GOING TO WRESTLEMANIA!!!!" then launching Karl Anderson over the top rope is another fine addition to the "Braun is the best" collection. It may not be a Universal title shot, but Braun being the tag team champion is pretty bad ass.

Again, the Bliss/Asuka/Jax story is the best story going in to WrestleMania. While I'd rather they keep the three together until after 'Mania, we are at least getting another week from them. It's such a simple story, but all three a have such clearly defined, different characters, and are all very good at them. Sack Kevin Dunn though. He even made Coach call Bo "Rhino".

Cena's promo was everything it needed to be. Although him going on about Undertaker sulking and hiding would have been better if we didn't see the Deadman a few weeks back.

I appreciate they're trying something different with Reigns/Lesnar to get Reigns the cheers, but it's not nearly as captivating as they probably think or hope. Maybe it's because I'm thinking Lesnar is the Don for getting time off work again, while that dweeb Reigns is there every week for less coin. Having Reigns go after Vince is a good move, but I'm not sure fans will buy it, seeing as Vince has been forcing Reigns down our throats for a few years now.

A lot of weird backstage shooty bollocks on this show, some good and some 'meh'. Overall, it was a good show with them at least trying with most of the feuds.

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You know the more I think about it I think we might get some version of the American Bad Ass rather than the deadman. With him leaving his gear in the ring last year and everything. Plus Kid Rock is going in the HOF he could sing him to the ring. Would be more interesting than the deadman again certainly. 

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I bet Cena feels a right dickhead. Weeks of him crying about not being on Mania, when all Strowman had to do was enter a Battle Royale. 

I saw a Tweet after Raw finished that summed it up perfectly. It went something along the lines of, “Imagine if at Wrestlemania 14 you had Shawn Michaels  defending the title against Ahmed Johnson, whilst Stone Cold Steve Austin was facing the New Age Outlaws for the tag titles.” That’s spot on. Strowman is the guy. No amount of shooting~! with Roman will change this. Even if Roman pins Brock clean, they’ve still bet on the wrong horse.

Speaking of shooting~! I really could’ve done without it in Cena’s promo. John’s delivery was spectacular, but all this, “I’m saying what I shouldn’t be saying!!!” bollocks does my head in. If there’s any feud that doesn’t need that shit it’s Cena vs. Undertaker. Two of the biggest stars of all time having a dream match before both ride off into the sunset. There’s no need to go Vince Russo with it.

Good idea giving Ronda a week off. It stops her from becoming overexposed. Plus, that recap video was incredible. This angle is a home run so far.

Nia and Alexa Bliss continue to deliver, too. It’s going to be great when Nia kills her. 

Shane sitting backstage at Raw was pretty dumb. I know their thinking, they think it’ll help sell the reality of the angle, but it doesn’t. It just makes the Brand Split seem even more pointless. 

The Miz is the best dickhead in the business. 

I suspect Braun will be going into the tag title match at Wrestlemania alone, which is a shame. I think they could make an excellent show-long storyline on a Raw between now and then where he auditions for partners. Maybe he gets them to tip over trucks. Or see who can throw Michael Cole the furthest. Stuff like that. Also, I think Elias and Strowman would make a brilliant tag team double act. The skits alone would be great.

How many fucking matches are there going to be at Wrestlemania? Are the going to somehow do a show longer than the last two?!?

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