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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Means to an end show this week, setting up Fast Lane.


Disappointed they went to Joe/Reigns right away. Mainly because Joe was actually over as a heel. Put him in with Reigns and he's getting cheered by the end.


Loved Neville's bit of heel work going for the big dive over the ropes and then abandoning it to shout at the crowd. Clever.


Not much else stood out. Joe and Goldberg with some decent mic work.


Please take that belt off that fat boring bastard at Fast Lane. Please, please, please.

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I think Owens will drop the belt to Goldberg. Goldberg/Brock doesn't need the belt, but the belt needs them. It lacks legitimacy, especially with only several months history behind it. Plus, you can't have Kevin Owens as a world champion at WrestleMania. You just can't.


I watched the first half hour before going to bed last night and Joe looked superb. Excellent promo. I got excited when Reigns came down, a Samoan battle sounds great to me so I'll look forward to that little match tonight. That's a potential PPV show-stealer down the line, though. Joe needs to smash Sami Zayn up as soon as Jericho drops the US title to him next. That'll get some boos for him.

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When Owens called himself the greatest ever Universal Champion and Bill replied "You're only the greatest Universal Champion..." I finished it with "...because there's only been fucking two". Sadly Bill didn't say that.


Do WWE realise how small time they look when they thank proper websites for "breaking" their news stories?

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I thought Joe had a very solid promo, felt legitimate. Not really feeling the alignment with HHH, but if they are going that route then at least from an on screen perspective "He's the only one who opened the door for me" made sense. Didn't agree with putting him in against Reigns though, I know they wanted him to feel big time, but I would have liked to see him smash a proper baby face around for a bit rather than people cheer a heel because he's in with Reigns. Braun looked decent enough though, don't over expose him, need to keep that match hard hitting and simple at the PPV.


Goldberg back to cracking promo form IMO, squashing Owens could be cool. I guess they could have some blown interference spot from Jericho early costing the title, prevents Owens looking too weak and progressive the story for Mania.


Not sure I agree with how quickly Goldberg accepted Brock's challenge, what has he go to prove? Is "I dont back down from a fight" enough of a reason?

They could have gone with Brock costing him the title he wants at FastLane and then Goldberg seeking revenge, guess they want to title on the match though.


Next weeks ceremony of friendship should be cheeseball fun.

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Do WWE realise how small time they look when they thank proper websites for "breaking" their news stories?


If they were thanking PWInsider you might have a point but as long as they're leaking stories to sites like ESPN, Fox Sports, TMZ, etc it definitely doesn't make them look small time. It's absolutely designed to make them appear to be getting mainstream coverage by legit news outlets.

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With the exception of the two tag matches in the middle of the show, I thought Raw was really good this week. Everything was good to great from an in-ring perspective and there was plenty of storyline advancement across the board.


So I reckon Goldy over Owens, Lesnar over Goldy at 'mania ... Joe or Strowman over Lesnar at Summerslam ? or a heel Reigns perhaps ? I'm looking forward to seeing what they do in the next few months.


Jericho was magic yet again, accepting Goldberg's challenge on behalf of Owens was just perfect.

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If Rollins can't make Mania you could do worse than have Joe turn on Trips for patronising him with his whole Creator schtick and beating down Triple H. Trips could do with a face turn, would freshen him up and half the crowd love him for NXT now anyway.

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Why do I get the feeling that Lesnar beats Goldberg only to drop it the next night to Reigns?

Depends on if they've pulled the trigger on a Reigns heel turn by then or not. If he's a babyface they surely know better than giving that a go in front of the post-Mania crowd.


Of course if he's a heel (or that's the heel turn) that may be a different story.

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Why do I get the feeling that Lesnar beats Goldberg only to drop it the next night to Reigns?

Depends on if they've pulled the trigger on a Reigns heel turn by then or not. If he's a babyface they surely know better than giving that a go in front of the post-Mania crowd.


Of course if he's a heel (or that's the heel turn) that may be a different story.


I personally would be 100% on board with a Reigns turn at mania itself, followed by a title win on Raw the next night. Would be even better if it was Goldberg he won it from!

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Why do I get the feeling that Lesnar beats Goldberg only to drop it the next night to Reigns?

Depends on if they've pulled the trigger on a Reigns heel turn by then or not. If he's a babyface they surely know better than giving that a go in front of the post-Mania crowd.


Of course if he's a heel (or that's the heel turn) that may be a different story.


I personally would be 100% on board with a Reigns turn at mania itself, followed by a title win on Raw the next night. Would be even better if it was Goldberg he won it from!


The idea of Reigns turning heel on Undertaker at WrestleMania and beating him, then beating Goldberg/Lesnar on Raw the next night sound the best thing for Reigns at the moment. Not sure who he is defending the belt against after that though. Probably a returning Balor I guess. There really are not enough strong babyfaces on Raw...



I would have liked to see him smash a proper baby face around for a bit rather than people cheer a heel because he's in with Reigns.

What proper babyfaces do Raw (or WWE) have? Zayn will be the first person to come into mind for most, but he is feuding with/was fighting Jericho.



I'm interested in what's happening with the women's title at Mania


Charlotte vs. Bayley vs. Sasha vs. Nia Jax

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