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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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They are repeating the same damn mistakes with the split, it's so frustrating. JBL On smackdown last night on the tag match to earn the right to compete at survivor series..."they are competing to represent smackdown live and what better is there than that, its US VS THEM". Erm how about winning the world tag titles and proving yourself the best team in the company. Liam and the team did a podcast pre split about what to do and what not to do, i think a number of people said don't turn it into that red vs blue bollocks, Wrestling isn't a team sport in that sense, it just isn't. As if people like Baron Corbin or Braun Strowman should goive a flying fuck about anyone else on the same roster as them or about anything except what there character would chase, ass kickings and titles.

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Lesnar and Goldberg both have a big ego so if the crowd at Survivor Series manage to piss both of them off I reckon it could turn into another "what do you wanna do" and end up a total fuck up once again. At least Survivor Series as Cole would say has a big fight feel this year.

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If I might compliment this show for a moment, I absolutely love Strowman vs Zayn as a feud. Zayn will almost certainly bring out the best of the big man it's been played well so far. Strowman came across really well on Austin's podcast recently and I really want to see him do well.


Kendrick's booking has been ropey but the backstage skits have been pretty good. Cracking bit of business with him looking desperate and asking TJ to let him win. Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm not sure I've ever seen that done in WWE before?


Both angles feel like real basic stuff but have kept at least me invested in how they play out. Why the hell are they incapable of doing this with the rest of the roster??

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Actually really loving Kendrick.

I know there was uproar by Meltzer and others going 'Why is the No.1 contender losing before his match!?' but it made perfect sense story line wise.


Kendrick is desperate. He's questioning himself. He sees what he could have but squandered. He's seeing younger guys coming up through the ranks who are beating him.

His 'You're young, you can win the belt again, this is my last chance!' and then asking TJ to throw the match was a unique spin to put on things and the history between the two has been documented well I think.


I can see Kendrick emotionally toying with TJ in their match before going full on desperate psycho and beating him.


I think it has been quite a good, underplayed little angle.



Kevin Nash has commented on the Lesnar/Goldberg feud:


Always have the heel return to his home town to castrate the baby face. Welcome back WCW guy 101. Guess 12 years was to soon. Ladder match?

Edited by Snitsky's back acne
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Nash may not be too wide of the mark. I can't believe anyone laid that out and thought the segment would be any good, unless it was their objective to show up dear old Bill. The only other explanation is they truly are out of step with their audience.



They are repeating the same damn mistakes with the split, it's so frustrating.

They were doing that before the split to be fair.


They probably always will too. It comes down to their rampant laziness, which is usually always due to the silly amount of content they need to fill and do so with some right nonsense. Edited by ColinBollocks
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RAW really is the pits right now. And given the talent at their disposal it really shouldn't be.


Jericho, Owens and Rollins arguing over a list. And just because she has to be involved, let's throw Steph out there as well. It had potential to turn into something more substantial with Rollins claiming Steph and Owens were on the list but alas it turned back to sillyness. It had potential to turn into something more substantial with Jericho being threatened to be suspended but alas it turned back into nothing. Jericho, has been the greatest thing on WWE recently, but taking him off telly for a few weeks with a "suspension" might have done them the world of good. It also might have let Owens branch out a bit more on his todd. Oh and the eventual triple threat main event was extremely missable.


Enzo and Cass remain as over as they've ever been. Doing their introduction with the mic was great, of course WWE will now do that every week to the point of it being predictable and losing it's shine. Gallows and Anderson need to fuck off to SmackDown and rejoin AJ Styles as quickly as humanly possible.


I really didn't understand why Cesaro and Sheamus are fighting New Day, less than a week away from them fighting each other again on pay-per-view. If you needed Cesaro and Sheamus to get a win and show some unity, then have them go over Golden Truth (who have one of the best entrances with the Goldust face bouncing over R-Truth's words) or some other irrelevant tag team. We're not going to suddenly forget that Cesaro and Sheamus are feuding with New Day over the Tag Titles just because they're not in the same ring throughout the entirety of the feud.


Bayley and Dana was something different at least. And both of them played their roles well. Dana was a bitch, Bayley was a great babyface.


I rather enjoyed Dallas beating Axel more than I should have. I just hope this goes somewhere for at least one of them. Bo has been getting the push for a while so it's got to eventually turn into something of note, Axel really should be put in that Mr Imperfect gimmick somebody suggested on here the other day.


Who's arsed by Golden Truth (with Mark Henry) against the Shining Stars (with Titus)? Golden Truth could have been thrown against Cesaro and Sheamus. Shining Stars could have got murdered by Reigns to make him look dominant going into Hell in a Cell rather than those shit pre-recorded bollocks he and Rusev "delivered". And is Titus done with Darren Young? Is he great again yet?


Contract signing was the usual shite as well. Foley telling us all about the danger of Hell in a Cell. We know Mick, you've told us for the last decade and then some. And neither Sasha or Charlotte are interesting enough for me to care what they have to say.


The poor old cruiserweights eh? Have the best wrestling show in WWE a couple of months back, move to the main roster and nobody cares any more. Perkins was great in the Cruiserweight Classic, now he just comes across like everybody else. Kendrick still has some entertainment value, while Swann is great. But there's no buzz around the entire division. Dead in the water.


Zayn standing up to Strowman was the best thing on the show. It's a simple David v Goliath story, they don't even have to write anything good for this. The contrast in the two wrestlers is the story in itself. They can't possibly fuck it up - so, naturally, I'm expecting them to.


The Lesnar/Heyman promo was laughable for all the wrong reasons.


Overall, a pretty shit RAW.

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There's no problem with arguing over the list. The list is over. But from Jericho's opening promo it should have been a show long search ending with Rollins revealing he took it and launching it off a bridge or something (less of a complete rip off). What cool babyface just walks out hiding the cunting thing behind their back like a 5 year old trying not to show his Mum the birthday card he drew her at play time?

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I didn't watch the Cruiserweight Classic so I haven't brought that investment in the guys with me, from that show, onto Raw. I'm sort of glad I didn't now in a way as it feels dead as a Dodo already. What's it been? A month? Jesus.

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Not sure I've seen a wrestling show decline so quickly since Nitro in 1999. And that's saying something.

Really? This feels like a slow death over 15 years. Occasionally there's a shot of chemotherapy but it's temporary respite. Edited by tiger_rick
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Not sure I've seen a wrestling show decline so quickly since Nitro in 1999. And that's saying something.

Really? This feels like a slow death over 15 years. Occasionally there's a shot of chemotherapy but it's temporary respite.

Yes really. Raw was nowhere near this bad before the brand split. Now some of the top guys have left (Ambrose, Styles, Cena and Orton plus others) and we're left with three hours of boring crap most Monday nights. Some kind of overhaul is needed. And cut the show down to two hours. WWE won't because of the extra advertising revenue that's earned but I'd rather WWE concentrated more on quality rather than quantity. And so do most other people judging by their falling ratings.

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The split hasn't helped Raw one bit but this has been a long time coming. The ratings have been dropping further for the last year and this is the year we endured the worst "Road to WrestleMania" period since it became a thing. Years of poor decisions are coming home to roost.

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The split hasn't helped Raw one bit but this has been a long time coming. The ratings have been dropping further for the last year and this is the year we endured the worst "Road to WrestleMania" period since it became a thing. Years of poor decisions are coming home to roost.


I disagree about this year being the worst ''Road to Wrestlemania'' period, 2015 was far worse though as that was just last year It does add to the claim that the problems spread a lot further back then just since the Brand Split


I think everyone is in agreement that 3 Hours is one of the main problems that is hampering them right now, It will probably still be much of the same if it was 2 hours but at least it will be easier to watch and everything on the show wont feel so dragged out all the time.  

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The split hasn't helped Raw one bit but this has been a long time coming. The ratings have been dropping further for the last year and this is the year we endured the worst "Road to WrestleMania" period since it became a thing. Years of poor decisions are coming home to roost.

That's the real dread filler. Ordinarily you'd count on things to start looking a bit perky again in the new year but there's probably the worst chances of a guarantee of that this year. Even with all the injuries last year the potential for the roster at hand still looked better than it does now. People thought last year we were one Ambrose Got A Gun away from a wee little upsurge, now even the people that are around are dead in the water. Even shows-his-arse Cena will probably just have the po faced "I'm so excited for this match because I still run the pl- fuck, I got beat, time to have a think!" program.


Actually since you said 'became a thing' it's made me realise that the more official the road to WrestleMania became a thing the shorter it's actually bloody been. It'll sound off with big angles around the 'Rumble and a lot of stuff will be left to the following month to really take shape. Before it was so self consciously a thing seeds were firmly planted by Survivor Series whereas the only example I can think of off the top of my head in the last few years is 'Taker/HBK 2.


Survivor Series 94 - Diesel/HBK? On it's way to happening.

95 - Having this one too. Shawn's about to be set up as a huge face, Bret gets the belt back.

96 - Nah.

97 - 'Ring the fucking bell'. Bret's out. Austin/HBK is pegged on.

98 - Doesn't need explaining.

99 - Rock/Triple H you'd reckon. Austin even got injured on the night! It got bogged down though.

00 - Austin's already back. Will clearly take care of his Triple H problem by WrestleMania X-Seven.

01 - Not too sure about this one.


You get the point. The thing would die somewhat throughout the noughties.

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