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Be interesting to see what Goldberg looks like next week too. Looked okay in the 2K17 video, but it was a bit shadowy. Does he Just For Men the beard or go all Bad Santa with it?

I know this has been discussed before, but that is the likely end game with Lesnar? I assume that he beats Goldberg then fights Shane at the Rumble or Mania. Surely they are not stupid enough to have Shane beat him. Are we looking at Lesnar/Reigns again at Mania? Are we going to get Joe or Nakamura promoted to the main roster and get a rocket attached to them by beating Lesnar? Would WWE then be able to maintain the momentum a Nakamura or a Joe would have if they beat Lesnar (or would they just be back to 50/50 booking soon after)?


Nah, Lesnar loses at Mania to the returning Finn Balor with the tagline Beast versus Demon

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Be interesting to see what Goldberg looks like next week too. Looked okay in the 2K17 video, but it was a bit shadowy. Does he Just For Men the beard or go all Bad Santa with it?

I know this has been discussed before, but that is the likely end game with Lesnar? I assume that he beats Goldberg then fights Shane at the Rumble or Mania. Surely they are not stupid enough to have Shane beat him. Are we looking at Lesnar/Reigns again at Mania? Are we going to get Joe or Nakamura promoted to the main roster and get a rocket attached to them by beating Lesnar? Would WWE then be able to maintain the momentum a Nakamura or a Joe would have if they beat Lesnar (or would they just be back to 50/50 booking soon after)?

Nah, Lesnar loses at Mania to the returning Finn Balor with the tagline Beast versus Demon

Sounds absolutely ridiculous.

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Would love it if they went full Randy Couture/Dan Henderson with Goldberg - not hiding the fact that he's aging, greying and past his best, but he's still a tough old bastard, hard as nails, coming back for what he knows is one last run to see what he's got.

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German german german german german german german F5 kickout spear jackhammer? That's all that match could conceivably be? How bad is it that Rusev threatens to beat down women and Reigns still can't get the whole crowd to pop for him. Join us next week when Rusev grows a huge moustache then ties Bayley to a railway line and stands twirling it as Reigns still gets booed out of the building. Failing that Kevin Dunn is currently looking for stray kittens and puppies he can put in a sack for Rusev to threaten to throw over a bridge. That US title celebration in virtual silence at Clash of Champions was the hilarious icing on the cake. He has the tools and has improved massively, but has suffered from a case of too much too soon.

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I'm kinda hoping Goldie/Brock have a big ass brawl TBH, like they should have had at WM20. Not a few german suplexes and an F5. Knowing them they'll get Bill to say "I'm taking him to Jackhammer-ville", next week.

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I think the whole world was just looking forward to it being two big hosses slapping the tar out of each other at 'Mania 20, but they suddenly both decided they could put on a clinic and it failed miserably. The build was fantastic for that match, and it ended in such a disappointing match.

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I think the whole world was just looking forward to it being two big hosses slapping the tar out of each other at 'Mania 20, but they suddenly both decided they could put on a clinic and it failed miserably. The build was fantastic for that match, and it ended in such a disappointing match.


Absolutely, I was really looking forward to them knocking seven bells of shit out of each other. But when they both realised they were off, they no doubt thought 'fuck it, what's the point'. I don't even think they decided to put on a clinic, they just...nothing. They did nothing. They had an hour long staredown for a start. But, this match DOES have the potential to be a quality brawl. Let's hope we get that.


Either way, even if it turns out to be shit, I'm interested. Bringing back Goldberg interests me much, MUCH more than having a main event from the current crop. I like the guys at the top, but they aren't interesting to me at the moment. Nothing is built to intrigue. I mean, if Rollins VS Triple H at Mania is an end game to the Raw storylines at the moment, who really gives a shit about that?

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I find it interesting that Meltzer is reporting that they aren't saving it for Wrestlemania because they already have plans for Brock at Wrestlemania. What opponent could they possibly have in mind that's bigger than Goldberg? Samoa Joe, maybe? Nakamura? Who am I kidding, it'll probably be Roman, won't it?

I reckon Rock vs Brock will go down at Mania. Especially being in Florida. 


Goldberg vs Brock to end in a no contest at Survivor Series and a rematch going down at the Royal Rumble, they have to fill the Astrodome somehow. 

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