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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Jericho's first big wwe debt is terribly over rated in my view from the general opinion out on the net.

I don't think he's had many good ones to be honest, that one where he wailed on about strapping in as he was making raw fun again as he stood in a waistcoat was painful to watch.


What makes it worse is he seems to believe he really is amazing and he's just not.

He was a great midcard face and comedy heel and he had that great run punching Mrs Michaels, but who wouldn't have great matches with Shawn.

His run with Rey was good as well to be fair, but for such a long run in the top 2 it's not up to what seems to be his own self perception.

I honestly don't want to see him on my tv in 2016.


He's more Tito than Rock and he doesn't have any nostalgia left in him either as he burnt that out.

Edited by Tommy!
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I think with Jericho is that he has always been a solid hand but barring a couple of great matches with top talent he hasn't achieved all that much for someone who thinks he is one of the all time greats. His title reigns were often a little flat, especially his first in 2001/2. He had some blistering matches with Mysterio and Michaels as cited previously and he had a few good clashes with the Rock and Benoit too but then who hasn't? 


He was probably at his best in terms of character in 2000 when he was relatively fresh but still well established in the WWF. I've never seen him as a 'worker' or a 'great' but maybe I have missed the point. 

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In fairness, I've heard/read Jericho talk about how he thinks his WWF debut and the WWE re-debut could be better. I forget the show (good chance it was Jericho's decent WWE documentary), but he admitted he was shite and hammy during his exchange with The Rock.


I've not seen 2016 Jericho yet, but I can only assume it's as bad as his last run on the telly. What's daft is in his last book he wrote he realised the old 2000-04 Jericho schtick was naff in 2008 and was wanting to change it up as soon as the nostalgia thing wore off (and it wore off super quick). Roll to 2016 and he's doing the shite he realised was well off 8 years ago. Similar to 2008, the more time spends doing the 2000 stuff the more it seems to diminish his star power - a heel run would well freshen him up.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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A heel run would just get sour faced big word super cereal Jericho. While good we have seen it and I don't know if re hashing that is what will get me back watching and I can't see it getting any one who would over either.

Edited by Tommy!
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I was astonished that the commentary team (Cole?) said that Jericho was the favourite to win the rumble. Are they really that serious or think people would actually think he would win? 


Brock throwing everyone about was good fun, it also made me realise that by him throwing Owen around like a fat nobody that the rumoured mania match should never ever happen, leagues apart. Did love the Sheamus exchanges though. 


I was half expecting all the faces to run down to the ring and start fighting the heels (Ambrose, Ryback, Uso's etc) but I'm guessing that will happen on the go home raw before the rumble. 

Edited by Briefcase
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A heel run would just get sour faced big word super cereal Jericho. While good we have seen it and I don't know if re hashing that is what will get me back watching and I can't see it getting any one who would over either.

All well and good, but I just want rid of annoying tit Jericho. He's the best version of himself as a heel, even if the sour faced thing was a bit played out by the end.

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A heel run would just get sour faced big word super cereal Jericho. While good we have seen it and I don't know if re hashing that is what will get me back watching and I can't see it getting any one who would over either.

All well and good, but I just want rid of annoying tit Jericho. He's the best version of himself as a heel, even if the sour faced thing was a bit played out by the end.



That's another thing, his tits are creepy since what ever he had done with them.

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Stephanie never used to really bother me, but lately she is actually starting to get on my fucking nerves. She really thinks the sun shines out of her father's arse. It's cringe the way she keeps putting him over every chance she gets in promos and backstage skits.

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That's what he wanted. Him and Kofi have had the same thing. Looks terrible.

What can you do with these doctor?


Well, we can remove some excesses tissue and augment the fat to give greater definition and a firmer pectoral. We can also redesign the areola to create a more aesthetic appearance after surgery.


Sounds good but I tell you what, can you just fuck 'em up, make it look like I've had that weird head from total recall removed from my chest by the Swedish chef from the Muppets?


Sure thing sir, just lie back and we'll get started.





Chris, start the reactor.

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I was astonished that the commentary team (Cole?) said that Jericho was the favourite to win the rumble. Are they really that serious or think people would actually think he would win?



To be fair, this year the result is a bit less predictable than most years, because it isn't for a WrestleMania main event. A Jericho type could win the belt and lose it to someone good at Fastlane. He won't, but it's more feasible him losing the title back to Roman Reigns in February 2016 than it would be if the Rumble winner had to headline WrestleMania 32.




It's cringe


It's cringe to use cringe as an adjective.

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