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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Raw is already thin on gripping ideas/segments (I think there was about 3 last year). The thought of them having to spread their supposedly good ideas across to Smackdown is terrifying. There is only so many times Vince can take a bump at his old age.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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I'd love to be a fly on the wall for a week in the creative department, just to see how exactly they end up having so little content on the show. Is it to avoid alienating foreign language territories? Is it Vince/HHH not being happy with anything and throwing everything out five minutes before the show starts? Is it that the writers don't write stuff in the first place? It just defies belief, they're spending millions on writer salaries and not having them write anything.

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I'd love to be a fly on the wall for a week in the creative department, just to see how exactly they end up having so little content on the show. Is it to avoid alienating foreign language territories? Is it Vince/HHH not being happy with anything and throwing everything out five minutes before the show starts? Is it that the writers don't write stuff in the first place? It just defies belief, they're spending millions on writer salaries and not having them write anything.


A warts and all documentary on the writing process for WWE would be fucking fascinating. The entire thing seems to be a complete and utter waste of time and an example of how to do as little as possible.


Vince does seem to be a very very odd man.

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I haven't watched RAW in some time barring the occasional match here and there. I caught the Reigns/Sheamus finish on RAW and have to admit I was shocked at how terrible Vince looked. Not only should he not be wearing skin tight referee shirts but he was stumbling all over the place, flexing and looked hunched and haggard. 


I seriously question whether he should be on TV anymore or whether he is even in the right frame of mind to book because the product is (by various accounts) the shits

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You know the funny thing about this entire mess was summed up by a brain fade of the highest order, and that was when Vince didn't count the Sheamus pin. I don't know what the hell happened there. Either Armstrong missed his cue or Vince lost his train of thought on his positioning for the pin. Too late or too soon? Just messy and horrible the whole thing. If that's the best that Vince can give us out there, deary me it's comical for the wrong reasons!


Once again, how on earth does a company still not know to this day in stone what card Wrestlemania will be in front of an inflated crowd in numbers again. A thin roster maybe, but why have they not already created genuine stars from the mid card and hung them all out to dry. It didn't have to be this way so why do they mess things up so bloody much. Jesus

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Raw is up against some sort of NCAA football this week, so ratings expected to be low(er)

It's a biggie, the national championship game.
I know which one of the two I'm staying up to watch... Edited by Statto
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Another really run of the mill show was lifted by Kalisto's shocking US Title win and Lesnar throwing some people around.


The "one vs. all" main event that was essentially Reigns vs. Owens was ridiculous. As was the fact that when it came time for "all" to attack Roman, several people just vanished!


The opening segment was a mess again. Vince is done. Put the bullet in his head.

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